CSCI 4273/5273: Network Systems Programming Assignment 2


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Goal: The goal of this assignment is to incorporate security features in the communication
between echo clients and echo server in the Echo system that was provided to you as part of the
socket handout. In the process, you will learn secure network application programming using
SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
Grade: 7% of your final grade is allocated for this assignment.
Recall that the Echo system allows multiple (echo) clients to connect concurrently to an echo
server. After connecting, clients can send messages to the server and the server simply echoes
them back. Your task is to incorporate the following security features in this system:
1. Clients authenticate the echo server before sending/receiving messages
2. Communication between the client and the server is encrypted using a symmetric key
cryptographic algorithm
3. A new symmetric key is generated every time a client connects with the server
4. Both clients and server verify the integrity of the messages they receive
Use OpenSSL to incorporate these security features. The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative
effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit
implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1)
protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. OpenSSL is already
installed on CSEL servers. If you plan to use your own device to work on this assignment, please
install OpenSSL first.
Certificate Authority Setup
SSL uses digital certificates for authentication. The server needs to get a signed public key
certificate from a well-known and trusted Certificate Authority (e.g. VeriSign, GlobalSign,
GoDaddy, etc.) that is trusted by the clients. However for this assignment, you (the student) will
be considered a well-known and trusted authority (only within the domain of this assignment of
course) and will provide a digital certificate for the server. To do this, you will need to generate:
• CA certificate: This is the CA’s public certificate that’s used to validate security
certificates that have been signed by the CA. The file corresponding to this certificate
will be called cacert.pem (in ./demoCA directory)
• CA private key: This is the private key corresponding to the public key in the CA
certificate (in ./demoCA/private directory).
In order to generate these two files, follow these steps:
1. If you haven’t already done so, make sure you install OpenSSL command line. Note that you
may want to reinstall OpenSSL to include the API.
Note: your OpenSSL configuration (see openssl.cnf file in your OpenSSL Library) file will
default your CA directory to ./demoCA
2. Create a temporary directory, cd into it, then type the following:
• mkdir ./demoCA; mkdir ./demoCA/newcerts; mkdir ./demoCA/private
• echo “01” > ./demoCA/serial; touch ./demoCA/index.txt;
• openssl req -new -x509 -keyout ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem -out ./demoCA/cacert.pem
You will be prompted for several pieces of information, such as state, county, your name,
organization, and so on. Feel free to fill them in with whatever you please, but to make more
concrete, I would recommend using real information. You will also be asked to give a
passphrase, which is used whenever you wish to sign a public key certificate. For the sake of this
assignment, please set this to “netsys_2014” (all lower case). If you choose not to use this
passphrase then I cannot help you create/debug signing certificates.
Congratulations! You have now created your CA’s private key (cakey.pem: see in
./demoCA/private directory) and public certificate (cacert.pem: see in ./demoCA directory),
thereby making you a Certified Authority! Both of these files must be included in your
submission in order to verify certificates. Since, the echo clients will authenticate the echo
server, make sure that these files are placed in the same directory as the echoClient.c.
Server Digital Certificate
To get a digital certificate, the server must first create public/private keys and then have you
(CA) create a digital certificate certifying the public key. To generate a public/private key pair
for the server, follow the steps below. The public key will be packed inside what is known as a
“Certificate Signing Request” (CSR), which is a special type of file that is given to the CA to
generate a digital certificate. Once the CA signs it, it becomes a full-blown Security Certificate,
which can be verified using the CA certificate (cacert.pem). In order to generate public/private
key pair, type the following command on your terminal:
openssl req –nodes –new –keyout server_priv.key –out server_cert_req.csr –outform PEM –keyform
No challenge password or optional company name are needed but your location must match the
CA location because we are self-signing the certificates. Enter through these prompts. This
generates a CSR (server_cert_req.csr) and the corresponding private key (server_priv.key).
As a CA, you can now sign the server’s public key with your private key, turning it into a
Security Certificate. To sign the CSR, type the following on the terminal:
openssl ca –in server_cert_req.csr –out server.cert
And there you have it. Sever.crt is the CA signed digital certificate for your server.
You should put these files with the source code of your project so you don’t lose them (you will
be turning them in with your assignment). NOTE: DO NOT COPY OTHER STUDENTS private
keys/security certificates/public keys. This will be considered plagiarism.
If you want to know more about what you just did (or set more configuration options – there is a
lot of information you can attach to a CA certificate), you can look at some of these websites:
Quick OpenSSL command line reference:
Incorporate SSL in Echo
Now that you have generated private keys and certificates including a certificate for the CA, lets
put them to use. After creating your TCP socket all communication should be conducted through
SSL/TLS. Before communication starts you must verify the certificate provided by the remote
host. If verification fails then you should not communicate with that machine. After verification
all communication must pass through the SSL (Secure Socket Layer). The following documents
provided by HP are very extensive. I strongly recommend reviewing them, especially the SSL
Programming Tutorial.
Some Additional Resources —> check the video as
Assignment Submission
1. Submission deadline is Friday, October 17, midnight. No late submissions will be allowed,
unless there is a valid excuse.
2. Submit a single zip file via the submission link on Moodle. Your zip file must contain
echoClient.c, echoServer.c, cacert.pem, cakey.pem, server.cert, server_priv.key, Makefile
and README. Include any other files that are needed for compiling and running your
program. In your Makefile, use the following commands to compile your programs:
gcc –o echoClient echoClient.c –lcrypto –lssl
gcc –o echoServer echoServer.c –lcrypto –lssl
3. DO NOT include any object files in your submission.
4. In the README file, provide the following information: Your name; instructions on how to
compile and run your program; current status of your program: whether it compiles or not,
known bugs/limitations/unusual features, what parts of the program work, etc.; any other
information that will be useful in grading your program.