This lab focuses on three OS system concepts. First, the use of processes to decompose an application and to provide
isolation (i.e. processors can fail independently without impact). Second, the use of interprocess communication (or
IPC) to coordinate and communicate among the processes. Third, the use of “polling” to implement asynchrony in
the absence of threads. To gain experience with these concepts, you will implement a simple ”local” multi-party chat
application using a multi-process architecture. Note that a real chat program would be client/server and span many
machines. In contrast, the chat processes in our solution will all run on a single machine ”locally”. Your chat-service
will have a central chat server, which handles all of the management of the chat, and waits for ”users” to connect to
the server, supporting both private peer-to-peer chatting and group chatting. The chat group will contain all users that
are connected to the server and only one such group will be supported at a time.
In this architecture, isolation via processes is very important as users need to be completely isolated from each.
Users may join and leave the chat, or their chat code may fail unpredictably, but the chat service should keep running
until the chat server decides otherwise. To enable communication, you will use UNIX pipes as we will describe.
2 Description
Our chat service will be provided on single centralized server. When a user wishes to chat, they connect to the central
server. The server process then creates an associated child process the user, through which users will be participating
in the chat. You will design such a multi-process chat application in this assignment, given initial code. Your
chat application will consist of one main parent process (called the SERVER process) and several child processes that
each communicate with their associated user process. There is a unique child process for each connected user. The
SERVER process will have zero or more child processes corresponding to each user currently connected to the chat
2.1 SERVER process
The SERVER process is the main parent process, which will run when the chat server program is started. It is responsible for forking child processes for each user. The SERVER process provides an interface for following administrative
functions listed below.
1. \list : List all of the users currently connected to the server. Print ’
2. \kick
3. \exit : Terminate all user sessions and close the chat server as well.
are connected to the chat. The users will print out the message. admin:
2.2 USER process
The user process is another program that you will write to provide an interface to the server in the chat. When a user
starts a USER process, this will connect to the SERVER and interact with SERVER given a pipe. We will provide the
code for the initial communication between the SERVER and USER processes. The USER process must display
the name of the user as part of the prompt. The USER process will have some commands of its own. All the user
commands are listed below.
Process . . .
Process (MAX_USER = 10)
Figure 1: IPC among various SERVER and USERs processes.
1. \list : Same as in the SERVER process. Output should be printed in the user’s process terminal window.
2. \exit : Disconnect this user. Terminate the USER process and remove them from the chat session.
3. \p2p
Print error if the user is invalid.
3 Forms of IPC
You will implement pipe communication (between processes) for this multi-process chat application. For each pair
of communicating processes, you will have a read pipe and a write pipe as in the knock-knock example in class.
Fig. 1 demonstrates the IPC among the different processes. There are different kinds of messages exchanged
among the various processes, corresponding to various commands described in the previous section. The centralized
SERVER process waits for user connections. When a USER process connects to the SERVER, the SERVER creates
two pipes to communicate with the user and another two pipes to communicate with the associated child process. The
SERVER, then creates this child process that will communicate with the user.
The role of child processes is to forward messages between SERVER and USERS processes. USER processes
do not communicate with the SERVER process directly but only to the associated child process. An exception is the
initial connection from the USERS to the SERVER. We will provide code for this initial communication between a
USER and the SERVER.
For each of the user commands entered from a user, a message will be sent to the corresponding child process
which then sends it to the SERVER. The SERVER will process the command and send the result to the corresponding
child process via pipes. Finally, the result will be sent to USER via pipes written by the associated child process. The
user then outputs the result to the terminal. For instance, if the \p2p command is used, the SERVER will parse the
command string to figure out the destination user and its child process. Then, it sends the message to that user using
the appropriate child process pipe.
4 Program Flow:
This section describes the flow of each of the involved processes.
4.1 SERVER Process:
When you invoke your server, the main() function of your program starts executing. Upon its invocation, the
SERVER process performs the following tasks:
1. Waiting for connections from users :
(a) The SERVER will call setup connection(char * server id). You will need to pass your own
server id to set up the SERVER and your USER will use it to connect to the SERVER.
(b) The SERVER then polls (via non-blocking get connection(char * user id,
int pipe child writing to user[2], int pipe child reading from user[2])) to check
for a new user connection. The get connection() returns −1 if there is no new user connection.
In the get connection function, two pipe arrays are internally created. You need to pass the two pipe
arrays as parameters.
(c) Once the SERVER gets a new connection, the SERVER needs to create two pipes for bidirectional communication with a child process and it creates a child process.
(d) In a child process, the child process will have four pipes in total, i.e., two pipes for bidirectional communication with a user and two pipes for bidirectional communication with the SERVER.
2. Processing server commands :
(a) The SERVER will get input for administrator commands. To this end, the SERVER polls (via non-blocking
read) from stdin (0).
(b) You will need to use fcntl function to make stdin NON BLOCKING:
fcntl(0, F SETFL, fcntl(0, F GETFL) | O NONBLOCK);
(c) The non-blocking read will read data from stdin. If no data is available, the read system call will return
immediately with return value of −1 and errno set to EAGAIN. In that case, simply continue the polling.
(d) If read returns with some data, read the data into a buffer and handle the command. There are four types
of commands that the SERVER process may read from stdin.
i. \list : When this command is received, the SERVER creates a string with the names of all the active
users and prints them. Print ’
ii. \kick
SERVER should terminate the session for this user by killing its child process. This user should be
removed from the user list as well. Care should be taken to clean-up the user’s pipes and any zombie
processes as well.
iii. \exit : The SERVER should cleanup all of the users, terminate all their processes, and cleanup their
pipes and wait for all child processes to terminate. Each child process should cleanup the pipes for a
user and exit.
“Notice:”. All users’ processes should print out this text as is.
3. Processing user commands :
(a) The SERVER then polls (via non-blocking read) on the set of open pipe file descriptors created when
forking the child process, in a loop. There might be no child process at this stage if there is no users. The
termination condition for the loop is when the server’s exit command is used on the SERVER process.
(b) The non-blocking read will read data from the pipe. If no data is available, the read system call will return
immediately with return value of −1 and errno set to EAGAIN. In that case, simply continue with the
polling. To reduce CPU consumption in the loop, you will use usleep between reads. Put this in
your loops ASAP.
(c) If read returns with some data, read the data into a buffer. There are four types of messages that the
SERVER process may read from the child processes pipe.
i. \list : Same as above. The list of active users will be generated and sent to the requester via the
child process’ pipe. The user process should print this list. Print ’
ii. \p2p
user. When this command is received, the SERVER should search for the specified user in its user list,
extract the message from the command string and send it to the addressed user through a pipe write.
An error should be printed in the appropriate window if the username does not exist.
iii. \exit : When this command is used on a user’s process, the SERVER should clean-up that user, remove
it from the user list, terminate the child process associated to the user, and cleanup the corresponding
4.2 Child Process:
1. As explained, the role of the child process is to forward messages between SERVER and USERS processes.
Child process will poll (via non-blocking read) on the pipe for an associated user and the SERVER.
2. If read returns with some data, read the data into a buffer and forward it to SERVER or USERS through the
correct pipes.
4.3 User Process:
1. The user process starts by calling connect to server(char server id, char * user id,
int pipe user reading from server[2], int pipe user writing to server[2]). This function
will return -1, if the connection failed. You need to pass the server id to connect to the SERVER. You
will need to pass the user id (on the command line) to be used for the chat when the user process is started.
Lastly, you need to pass two pipe arrays as parameters to obtain pipes that will be used for communicating with
2. For user commands, a user process polls (via non-blocking read) from stdin (0) as done in the SERVER process
3. If read returns with some data, the process will read the data into a buffer. Then, it will send data to the child
process through pipe user writing to server.
4. The commands that a user can send, are list, p2p, exit, and
5. The user process then polls (via non-blocking read) on pipe from server to read data from an associated child
process. Again, to reduce CPU consumption in the loop, you will use usleep between reads.
6. If read returns with some data from the child process, it will be printed out.
5 Error Handling:
You are expected to check the return value of all system calls that you use in your program to check for error conditions.
If your program encounters an error (for example, if an invalid user name is supplied in the \p2p command), a
useful error message should be printed to the screen. If any error prevents your program from functioning normally,
then it should exit after printing the error message. (The use of the perror() function for printing error messages is
encouraged.) Upon executing the \exit command on the SERVER, the main SERVER process and its child processes
(if exist) must exit properly, cleaning-up all of the users, waiting for all child processes and freeing up any used
6 Extra Credit:
Handle crash failures, e.g. a control-c can be hit in a USER or SERVER window. If this happens, handle it. A crashed
USER should be cleaned up and not disrupt the SERVER. A crashed SERVER should allow every USER to terminate
automaticaly. Think about how you can detect failure via pipes. Be careful to take care of zombie or/and orphaned
processes. Add another command: \seg – create a segmentation fault in the user process by any means (e.g. char *n =
NULL; *n = 1;). The result of this should be that the SERVER cleans up that user and otherwise the chat should run
smoothly. ALL of these must be implemented for extra-credit.
7 Implementation Notes:
Some useful items.
1. Remember that the SERVER and USER processes must be running on the same machine.
2. We will be providing most of the nitty-gritty C/parsing type code.
3. To kill a process, use the kill system call.
4. When you create/get pipes remember to close the ends that the process does not need.
5. Don’t forget to remove a new line (\n) when you read inputs from stdin.
6. Hint: The read will return 0 if the pipe is closed (broken). You will need to check this return value to detect if the
user or server processes are failed (terminated). You must close pipes appropriately (not used for a process)
to detect if the pipe is valid or not.
7. If the the user connects with a name already used, the connection will be closed.
8. Remember to sleep via usleep in all polling loops!
9. This lab can be done with static memory allocation – you do not need to allocate any dynamic memory. For this
reason, memset is a handy call to zero out a buffer for repeated use (something you may want to do).
10. You may need to build up strings for message, use (sprintf) for this.
11. To manipulate strings, functions like strcpy, strncpy, strtok, strlen may be handy. But, remember
to ALLOCATE the memory for any strings you are creating.
8 Suggestions
Some suggestions regarding implementation.
1. Dividing the work among team members:
The project could be divided into segments that may be done by different members. One way is to divide it into
the following:
(a) Writing the server program (creating child processes).
(b) Writing the command handlers in the SERVER program.
(c) Writing the user program.
2. Recommended steps to get going:
(a) Start with writing a SERVER and USER, which prints a prompt, reads any input provided and fills up a
string with that input.
(b) Write a basic SERVER that waits connections from USERS. Try to get the message passing working
between the SERVER and child processes.
(c) Write a basic USER that connects to the SERVER and gets two pipe file descriptors to communicate with
the server.
(d) Get the message passing working between the USER and child process.
(e) Implement all commands, putting all of the above pieces together.
9 Grading Criteria
5% README file. Be explicit about your assumptions for the implementation.
20% Documentation with code, Coding and Style. (Indentations, readability of code, use of defined constants rather
than numbers, modularity, non-usage of global variables etc.)
75% Test cases
1. Correctness: Your submitted program does the following tasks correctly:
(a) Starts the server and get inputs.
(b) Demonstrates correct usage of pipes by transferring different kinds of messages as their intended purpose
– broadcast as well as peer-to-peer.
(c) all exiting is done cleanly.
2. Error handling:
(a) Handling invalid user name specification in the commands.
(b) Exiting the SERVER should close all the other user sessions.
(c) Error code returned by various system/wrapper-library calls.
(d) There should be no ”Broken-Pipe” error when your program executes. Also, appropriate cleanup must
be done whenever any of the child-processes (SERVER, child, and USER processes) terminates. For eg.,
closing the pipe ends.
10 Documentation
You must include a README file which describes your program. It needs to contain the following:
1. The purpose of your program
2. A brief description of who did what on the lab
3. How to compile the program
4. How to use the program from the shell (syntax)
5. What exactly your program does
6. Any explicit assumptions you have made
7. Your strategies for error handling
The README file does not have to be very long, as long as it properly describes the above points. Proper in this
case means that a first-time user will be able to answer the above questions without any confusion.
Within your code you should use one or two sentences to describe each function that you write. You do not need to
comment every line of your code. However, you might want to comment portions of your code to increase readability.
At the top of your README file and main C source file please include the following comment:
/* CSci4061 F2018 Assignment 2
* section: one digit number
* date: mm/dd/yy
* name: full name1, full name2 (for partner)
* id: d for first name, id for second name */
11 Deliverables:
1. Files containing your code
2. A README file (readme and c code should indicate this is assignment 2).
Note: You will need to provide makefile to be used by us to compile your program with the standard make utility.
All files should be submitted on the class canvas site. This is your official submission that we will grade. Please note
that future submissions under the same homework title OVERWRITE previous submissions; we can only grade the
most recent submission. Communicate effectively, work together, share the load, and submit ONE solution
All files should be submitted using the SUBMIT utility. You can find a link to it on the class website. This is your
official submission that we will grade. We will only grade the most recent and on-time submission.