CSCI 3901 Assignment 4 FillInPuzzle


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Problem 1
Work with exploring state space.
Games are a domain in which the player searches through a set of possible local solutions to
find an answer that satisfies all of the puzzle’s constraints.
In this assignment, you will be solving a fill-in puzzle like the ones
at In short, you are given
positions on a grid where a word could fit. The positions for these
words can cross one another; the two words must have a common
letter at the crossing point. You are also given a set of words that
should all fit into the puzzle (Figure 1). Your task is to map the
words to their positions in the final puzzle (Figure 2).
Each word provided will have a place in the solved puzzle and each
word spot in the puzzle will end up with a word in it. No word is
used twice.
Write a class called “FillInPuzzle” that accepts accepts a puzzle
and a set of words and ultimately solves the puzzle.
The class has at least 3 methods:
– Boolean loadPuzzle(BufferedReader stream) – Read a
puzzle in from the given stream of data. Further
description on the puzzle input structure appears below.
Return true if the puzzle is read and ready to be solved. Return false if some other error
– Boolean solve( ) — Do whatever you need to do to find a
solution to the puzzle. The solution is stored within the
class, ready to be retrieved. Return true if you solved the puzzle and false if you could
not solve the puzzle with the given set of words.
Figure 1 Sample puzzle
Figure 2 Solved puzzle
– Void print( PrintWriter outstream ) – print the solution of the puzzle to the output
stream Print the solution as an actual puzzle (like in Figure 2).
– Int choices( ) – return the number of guesses that your program had to make and later
undo while solving the puzzle.
You get to choose how you will represent the puzzle in your program and how you will proceed
to solve the puzzle..
The loadPuzzle( ) method will accept a description of the puzzle as an input stream. The input
stream will have 3 parts to it.
– Part 1: Consists of 3 integers on the same line, separated by spaces. The first integer is
the number of columns in the puzzle grid. The second number is the number of rows in
the puzzle grid. The third integer is the number of words in the puzzle; let’s call that “n”
in this assignment.
– Part2: Consists of n rows, each with 3 integers and one letter. The first two integers in
the line are the column and row number where the word in the puzzle starts. Column
and row numbers start at 0. The bottom left corner is column 0, row 0. The third
integer is the number of letters in the word. The letter at the end tells you if the word
appears horizontally (h) or vertically (v) in the puzzle.
– Part 3: Consists of n rows, each with a single word for the puzzle.
Example: The puzzle in Figure 1 would be represented as the following input:
6 5 4
0 0 5 h
1 2 5 h
1 4 5 v
4 3 4 v
The print( ) method produces output to the given output stream. Empty spaces between words
are filled with spaces. The output will be designed for a fixed-width font. It prints the grid with
column 0, row 0 in the bottom left corner (so prints the maximum row first).
You may assume that
– No word is repeated in the set of input words.
– The puzzle is case invariant.
– The words in the puzzle all fill from left to right or from top to bottom.
• You may use any data structures from the Java Collection Framework.
• You may not use an existing library that already solves this puzzle
• If in doubt for testing, I will be running your program on Correct
operation of your program shouldn’t rely on any packages that aren’t available on that
– Develop a strategy on how you will solve the puzzle before you finalize and start coding
your data structure(s) for the puzzle
– Work incrementally. First write the code to read in a puzzle. Test that. Next, write the
code to print a solution, whatever solution you have. Test that. Then, write your code
to solve the puzzle.
Marking scheme
• Documentation (internal and external), program organization, clarity, modularity, style –
4 marks
• List of test cases for the problem – 3 marks
• Explanation of how you are doing your solution (strategy and algorithm) and what steps
you have taken to provide some degree of efficiency (include in your external
documentation) – 3 marks
• Ability to solve puzzles – 12 marks
• Degree to which you manage to keep the number of choices you have to undo to a small
number – 3 marks