CSCI 247 Computer Systems I Lab 2 : bases and bits


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In this lab you will gain more experience in manipulating different data types in C, you will revisit the
modulus operator (that you have learned in previous CS courses), and you’ll perform a series of bit

You’ll write a main program that prompts the user for inputs, and which then invokes the
functions that you’ll write.

I. Modulus by Brute Force to Convert to a Different Base
The Objectives of this part of the lab are the following:
• Become comfortable with using a char pointer
• Perform modular arithmetic
• Continue to develop skills at writing C functions

As was the case for lab 1, ask the TAs lots of questions. They are there to help. And, you CAN work
with peers in completing the labs. This is a bit tricky when everybody is remote; you may use slack,
email, discord, etc. Up to you. But, in no circumstances should you SHARE code, which involves
emailing code and then submitting it as your own.

Submitting your work
Submit your C program files as the Lab 2 Submission item on Canvas. You must submit your program by
the due date/time specified on Canvas.

Create a C source file, compile it, and link it to get an executable
Use the nano editor (or any editor of you choice, such as emacs) to create a file called lab2Convert.c,
type the following contents and save the file.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {

Compile this file into an executable by issuing the following from the command line, and then run:
$ gcc –o lab2Convert lab2Convert.c
$ ./lab2Convert
This is a skeleton of a program, so it doesn’t do anything (yet).

Implement a Conversion Function
Implement a function with the following signature:
char* itoa(int num, char* str, int base);
where num is an integer that you need to represent as a string in the base specified. The input can be
a negative number. In principle, this is VERY similar to the task for homework 1, but here you are tasked
to write the function for converting to ANY base, and not just binary nor hexadecimal.

For example, assuming char buffer[50]; has been declared,
Invocation Output to screen
printf(“%s”,itoa(4, buffer, 2)); 100
printf(“%s”,itoa(64, buffer, 8)); 100
printf(“%s”,itoa(72, buffer, 8)); 110
printf(“%s”,itoa(675, buffer, 16)); 2A3
printf(“%s”,itoa(456, buffer, 12)); 320

Hint: To specify the alphabet of a base greater than 10, use the ASCII values of letters starting with A,
then B, the C, the D, etc.
A typical approach is the following:
1. Get the least significant digit by finding the modulus of the number and the base
2. Depending on the base, represent this digit in ASCII by either adding it to the ASCII ‘a’ or the
ASCII ‘0’ and store it in a string

3. Divide the number by the base and repeat steps 1-3 until the number is reduced to zero
4. Reverse the string (the char* str), and display using your method of choice.

II. Bit manipulation
The Objectives of this part of the lab are the following:
• Continue to develop your understanding of binary representation of integers
Implement a function with the following signature:
int countSetBits(unsigned int var);

This function should return the number of set bits (1s) in argument. That means, you must convert the
input unsigned int into its binary equivalent, and then count the number of bits. Note: This is in principle
the same as the bitCount function of project 1, but here you ARE allowed to use any operator that you
want. Also, this function’s input is an unsigned int, which is a bit different than the bitCount function in
project 1.

Implement a function with the following signature:
int reverseBits(int var);

This function should return an integer that has all the bits (including the sign bit) of the argument
reversed. These functions that perform bit manipulations are meant to force you to THINK about and
MANIPULATE the bit representations of different data types. For example, there are many learning
points for this task.

First you would need to recall that ints in C are 4 bytes and are SIGNED. Thus,
invoking reverseBits(1) where the 1 is of type int, the 1 would be saved as
00000 … 00001
Reversing all of those gives
10000 … 00000

Which when assigned to an integer (because that is what the function returns), that integer would have
the value
-1(231) + 0 + 0 + …. + 0
Thus printing the value of the output of reverseBits should print -2147483648 to the screen.

Implement a function with the following signature:
bool onlyOneBitSet(int aVar);
This function should return true if only one bit is set in the argument passed in, and should return false

III. The main()
Write a main method that
• Prompts the user to provide two integers
• Invokes itoa using the two inputs
• Invokes countSetBits, reverseBits, and onlyOneBitSet, using the first input integer
• Prints to the screen the output (char*, int, int, bool) of the 4 functions.

Rubric and submission
Please upload your .c file to Canvas.
itoa correctly implemented 3 points
countSetBits correctly implemented 3 points
reverseBits correctly implemented 3 points
onlyOneBitSet correctly implemented 3 points
lab2Convert.c uploaded via Canvas
• Program Compiles
• Main method prompts for user’s input
• The 4 functions are invoked
• Output is nicely formatted
3 points
15 points