You have 8 tasks to finish, please write all codes in a single jupyter-notebook file called
”hw1.ipynb” instead of 8 files 🙂
• Task 1: Define Object
Define a function called ’task1’ to assign items= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as a list object, and print
the list.
• Task 2: File Reading
Create a file called ’’ and type string ’1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10’ in it without
quotation marks, and then write a function to read the file and load the string as two
list-objects items1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], items2 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Print the two lists (items1
and items2). Read more about .data files here:
• Task 3: Data Structure
It is important to be familiar with the functions of a dictionary: items(), keys(), values(),
Write a program to print the dictionary using these functions.
Notes: Dictionary has two ways to initialize
data = dict()
data[’school’] = ’UAlbany’
data[’address’] = ’1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222’
data[’phone’] = ’(518) 442-3300’
data = {’school’: ’UAlbany’, ’address’: ’1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222’,
’phone’: ’(518) 442-3300’}
Print the results as follows by accessing the defined dictionary:
school: UAlbany
address: 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222
phone: (518) 442-3300
• Task 4: Data Serialization
Use json to store the above dictionary in a file and then load the same and print item,
key and values. Read more about json format here:
This task tells how to store a dictionary object to a file and then load the dictionary
object from the file (Hint: dictionary → json string→ string in a file → json string →
dictionary). In python, objects of any type can be mostly saved in json format to a txt file.
You need to be familiar with the following two json functions : json.dumps(object), which
dumps an object to a json format (string), json.loads(a json format string), which loads a
json format string back to the original object. You also need to store and load these
strings from the file. We do not care if the original object is a list, dictionary or any other.
json.dumps() can automatically recognize the type.
Note, json.loads(object) can only load an object, not a file.
• Task 5: Data Serialization
In this task we store a number of different types of objects (e.g., list, dictionary, array) to
a file and then load the objects from the file.
Write a function to dump list object items = [1,2,3,4,5] and above dictionary to a file
called ’’, and then load them from the same file and print.
• Task 6: Data Preprocessing
Read the tweets from the file ”CrimeReport.txt” and print the id for each tweet.
Here are some functions that you will use in the task: open().readlines(), tweet =
json.loads(), print tweet.keys(),
Once you know the keys of the tweet dictionary object, then you can find which key
relates to tweet id, and you can then retrieve the id of this specific tweet.
• Task 7: Data Preprocessing: tweets filtering
INPUT: ”CrimeReport.txt”
OUTPUT: a file ”” that stores the 10 most recent tweets
tweet[‘created − at’] gives the created time of this tweet. Rank tweets based on the time
from the earliest to the most recent. Then we can identify the 10 most recent tweets.
Some example lines that are not directly runnable: [image next page]
Note, when you use the code above, please be careful with the proper indentation and
quotation mark. [Hint: You might need to change some values here and there :)]
• Task 8: File operations
INPUT :CrimeReport.txt: in this file, each line is a raw tweet json format.
output-folder: where new results will be stored
REQUIREMENT: read tweets and separate these tweets into groups based on the
specific hours (Mon-Day-Year-Hour). The tweets related to a specific hour will be stored
in a separate file in the folder ”task8-output” with the file name ”Mon-Day-Year-Hour.txt”
OUTPUT: new files generated and stored in the folder ”task8-output”, in which each file
stores the tweets corresponding to a specific hour.