1. Write a class template List for modeling a list of five elements which will have values from one of four different data types (int, float, char, Distance). This class should support these list manipulation tasks:
• Initialize a list to “zero” values.
• Initialize a list to the values stored in a list of the same type.
• Allow for user input of a list.
• Display a list.
• Sort a list into ascending order.
Then, write a template function demo, that will accept a flag of the type data you would like and then create a list of that type to demonstrate the list class – it will do these tasks:
• Create a list of the selected type and display it, showing the initialized “zero” values it contains.
• Have the user enter values into the list and then display the values.
• Create a second list of the selected type, initializing it to the values stored in the first list, and then display the second list.
• Sort the values in the first list.
• Display the sorted list.
Program Requirements:
• To perform the sorting, use either a selection or bubble sort algorithm. See the document posted with the assignments “sort and search.doc” for details on these algorithms.
• The Distance class is given below:
class Distance //English Distance class
int feet;
float inches;
Distance() : feet(0), inches(0.0) //constructor (no args)
{ }
//constructor (two args)
Distance(int ft, float in) : feet(ft), inches(in)
{ }
Distance( float fltfeet ) //constructor (one arg)
{ //convert float to Distance
feet = int(fltfeet); //feet is integer part
inches = 12*(fltfeet-feet); //inches is what’s left
bool operator < (Distance) const; //compare distances
friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Distance& d);
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, Distance& d);
bool Distance::operator < (Distance d2) const
float bf1 = feet + inches/12;
float bf2 = d2.feet + d2.inches/12;
return (bf1 < bf2) ? true : false;
istream& operator >> (istream& s, Distance& d) //get Distance
{ //from user
cout << "\nEnter feet: "; s >> d.feet; //using
cout << "Enter inches: "; s >> d.inches; //overloaded
return s; //>> operator
ostream& operator << (ostream& s, Distance& d) //display
{ //Distance
s << d.feet << "\'-" << d.inches << '\"'; //using
return s; //overloaded
} //<< operator
Note: A char value can be initialized to zero – when displayed, no output appears.
To test your templates, try using the following main driver:
int main()
int sel;
bool end=false;
int iFlag=0;
float fFlag=0;
char cFlag=0;
Distance dFlag;
cout << "Enter list type (1=int 2=float 3=char 4=Distance 5=exit): ";
cin >> sel;
switch (sel)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
cout << "Bye...\n";
return 0;
Note: To see how this program works, copy S:\Coursework\Liu\a6-1.exe to your own folder to run the program.
Here is a sample run of the program (user input is bold):
Enter list type (1=int 2=float 3=char 4=Distance 5=exit): 1
New blank list created
List values -> 0 0 0 0 0
Enter values into the list
Enter element 1: 5
Enter element 2: 4
Enter element 3: 3
Enter element 4: 2
Enter element 5: 1
List entered -> 5 4 3 2 1
Create a second list initialized to the first
List created -> 5 4 3 2 1
Sort the first list
Sorted list –> 1 2 3 4 5
Enter list type (1=int 2=float 3=char 4=Distance 5=exit): 2
New blank list created
List values -> 0 0 0 0 0
Enter values into the list
Enter element 1: 5.6
Enter element 2: -3.4
Enter element 3: -6.8
Enter element 4: 10.6
Enter element 5: 3.9
List entered -> 5.6 -3.4 -6.8 10.6 3.9
Create a second list initialized to the first
List created -> 5.6 -3.4 -6.8 10.6 3.9
Sort the first list
Sorted list –> -6.8 -3.4 3.9 5.6 10.6
Enter list type (1=int 2=float 3=char 4=Distance 5=exit): 3
New blank list created
List values ->
Enter values into the list
Enter element 1: p
Enter element 2: z
Enter element 3: o
Enter element 4: b
Enter element 5: w
List entered -> p z o b w
Create a second list initialized to the first
List created -> p z o b w
Sort the first list
Sorted list –> b o p w z
Enter list type (1=int 2=float 3=char 4=Distance 5=exit): 4
New blank list created
List values -> 0′-0″ 0′-0″ 0′-0″ 0′-0″ 0′-0″
Enter values into the list
Enter element 1:
Enter feet: 7
Enter inches: 5
Enter element 2:
Enter feet: 2
Enter inches: 11
Enter element 3:
Enter feet: 10
Enter inches: 4
Enter element 4:
Enter feet: 3
Enter inches: 10
Enter element 5:
Enter feet: 8
Enter inches: 9
List entered -> 7′-5″ 2′-11″ 10′-4″ 3′-10″ 8′-9″
Create a second list initialized to the first
List created -> 7′-5″ 2′-11″ 10′-4″ 3′-10″ 8′-9″
Sort the first list
Sorted list –> 2′-11″ 3′-10″ 7′-5″ 8′-9″ 10′-4″
Enter list type (1=int 2=float 3=char 4=Distance 5=exit):
2. Write a class LinkList, which implements a sorted linked list of floats. The class should have member functions that handle the following tasks:
• Initialize a new linked list to being empty.
• Add a float value to the list – this function should add the value to the list so that the list is always in sorted order from smallest to largest value.
• Display the list.
• Find a float value in the list and return the position number of the value in the list (assume position number counting starts with one). If the value is not found, this function should return zero.
• Find the nth link in the list and return the address of the link. If the list does not have an nth link, or if the list is empty, this function should return NULL.
• Delete the nth link in the list. If n is more than the number of links in the list, delete nothing, and give the user an error message.
• Show these list statistics – the total number of values in the list, the mean value, and the median value. Note: If there are an odd number of values in the list, the median is the middle value; otherwise, it is the average of the two middle values.
Note: The structure you create to represent the nodes of your linked list should contain only two member variables: a variable to store a floating-point number and a pointer to the structure.
Note: The LinkList class you create should contain only one member variable: one pointer to the structure for holding the address of the first item in the linked list.
Using your LinkList class, write a C++ program that creates one LinkList object and then repeatedly offers the user these options for working on this linked list:
a) Add a value to the list – the value is added so that the list is sorted from smallest to largest.
b) Search for a value in the list – if found, displays the position number of the value in the list; if not found, displays a message indicating this.
c) Display the nth value in the list – if there is no nth value, display a message indicating this.
d) Delete the nth value in the list – if there is no nth value, display a message indicating this.
e) Display list statistics (count, mean, median).
f) Display the entire list.
g) Exit the program.
Note: To see how this program works, copy S:\Coursework\Liu\a6-2.exe to your own folder to run the program.
Here is a sample run of the program (user input is in bold):
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 1
Enter data value to add: 3.14159
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 6
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 1
Enter data value to add: -3.14159
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 1
Enter data value to add: 7.128
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 1
Enter data value to add: -7.128
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 1
Enter data value to add: 1.14159
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 1
Enter data value to add: 1.73
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 1
Enter data value to add: -1.73
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 6
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 2
Enter data value to search for: 5
5 is not in the list
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 2
Enter data value to search for: 1.73
1.73 is in position 5
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 3
Enter position number to find: 6
Value of position 6 is 3.14159
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 4
Enter item position number to delete: 5
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 6
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
=> 5
Number of items in list = 6
Average = -0.0980683
Median = -0.294205
Make a selection:
1 – Add a value (a decimal number)
2 – Search for a value
3 – Find the nth value
4 – Delete the nth value
5 – Display list statistics (count, mean, median)
6 – Display the list
7 – Exit the program
What you need to turn in:
• Source code listing: A printed copy of the source code for each problem. Remember to include the name of each group member in a comment at the top of your source code. Be sure to follow the “Code Style Guidelines” specified in class.
• Source code files: E-mail me your source code as attachments.
• Working in Groups: Every student will work with two other students in our class on this assignment; all members of the group must contribute to the solution. Turn in only one copy of the solution – clearly identify the name of each member on everything that you turn in.
• Late Assignments: Assignments are due before class on the specified due date (both the paper copies and the e-mail copies). If you wish to turn in the paper copy of an assignment after class, place them under my office door. Assignments turned in late will be assessed a 20% penalty per class day late.