CSCI 151 Homework 1 guessing game


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For this assignment, you will write a number guessing game. In this game, the player has multiple options, which will
be presented in a menu:
• s: start a new game

A game consists of the player guessing numbers and being told whether the guess is too high or too
low until the number is guessed correctly. At the end of a game, the user is told how many guesses it
took for them to guess correctly

• q: quit
When the user quits the program, the average number of guesses made during the games is shown.

• n: set a new range
This allows the player to set a new maximum for the number range. The correct range should be
shown in the following games. The default range is 0 to 9999.

• If an letter other than s, q, or n is entered, the player should get an error message and the menu should
be presented again
In order to create secret numbers for the player to guess, your program will have to use a function called rand, which
returns an integer between 0 and a very large integer (the maximum integer that can be stored on your computer).

value returned by rand will need to be constrained between 0 and the range used in your program. Every time rand is
called, a new random number is returned.
int secret;
secret = rand();

Computers cannot generate truly random numbers; the rand() function uses an algorithm to create numbers that are
called pseudorandom.

The algorithm starts with a number called a seed, and any particular seed produces the same
series of pseudorandom numbers. The rand function starts with a default seed, which means that every time you use
it, you get the same series of numbers.

Luckily, there is a function called srand that allows you to seed the random
number generator.
int seed;
srand( seed );

If your program sets a different seed every time it is run, then each time it will generate a different series of random
numbers. There are various ways to set a new seed every time your program is run. One way is to use the time, which
is always changing.

You may read on your own about how to use the function called time, which is defined in

When the program starts, the player should be welcomed and then presented with the menu. See the example
interaction below.

The player’s entries are shown in red:
WELCOME to the guessing game!
MENU: (s) to start a game, (n) to set a new range, or (q) to quit:

MENU: (s) to start a game, (n) to set a new range, or (q) to quit:
The secret number is BETWEEN 0 AND 9999. Guess:
Too LOW! Guess:
Too LOW! Guess:
Correct: You TOOK 3 guesses!
MENU: (s) to start a game, (n) to set a new range, or (q) to quit:
Enter a new MAXIMUM:
MENU: (s) to start a game, (n) to set a new range, or (q) to quit:
The secret number is BETWEEN 0 AND 999. Guess:
Too HIGH! Guess:
Too HIGH! Guess:
Too HIGH! Guess:
Too HIGH! Guess:

Correct: You TOOK 5 guesses!
MENU: (s) to start a game, (n) to set a new range, or (q) to quit:
Thanks for playing. Your guess count AVERAGE 4.0
(program exits)

Because your program will be tested by another program, it is important that the program uses output messages that
are machine-readable. Your output messages can vary, but they must include the phrases highlighted in bold above,
exactly as shown (in caps, with the same spacing).

The programming assignment must be individual work. Do not discuss it with your classmates. Do not share your
solution with anyone, in person or electronically, until the end of the semester. Do not discuss the assignment online.

If you are having trouble, please ask one of your instructors or TAs.

Your program will be run through an automated plagiarism checker. If you are found to have cheated on any single
programming assignment, you will receive a 0 on ALL the programming assignments, past and future, so consider
this carefully. Late work on this assignment will be accepted, with a penalty of 20% per day.