Propositional Satisfiability Solver (DPLL)
The goal of this assignment is to implement DPLL and to apply it to solving a multi-agent
coordination problem. The objective of this assignment is to see how Boolean satisfiability can
be used as an algorithm to make intelligent decisions, and how this can be accomplished by
finding a model (satisfying propositional truth assignment) using DPLL.
Assembling Teams of Builder Agents
Imagine you work as a dispatcher for a company that sends out teams of robots to work sites to
build or repair things. You have a total of 8 robots available. Each has a different set of
agent capabilities
a painter stapler recharger welder
b cutter sander welder stapler
c cutter painter
d sander welder recharger
e painter stapler welder
f stapler welder joiner recharger
g stapler gluer painter recharger
h cutter gluer
The transport vehicle only has room for 3 agents at a time. Thus, when a request comes in, you
must identify a team of 3 agents or less whose combination of skills covers the task
Your job (as programmer) is to encode this domain as a Boolean Satisfiability problem and solve
it using your implementation of DPLL. This will require translating the constraints of the
problem (and the capabilities of the 8 robots) into sentences in Propositional Logic. You will
also have to convert them to clauses (CNF) for DPLL. Then, for a given set of task requirements,
you will have to add these as facts and use DPLL to determine whether the whole set of clauses
is satisfiable. If a solution can be found, then the truth values in the model should tell you
which team of robots can be dispatched to handle the task.
Here are some examples. Note that I have two command line arguments: an input file with
propositional clauses in the same format as Project 4 (resolution), and a list of job requirements
(to assert as propositional facts).
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> python agent_Jobs.kb “painter sander gluer joiner”
… lots of tracing information showing each step …
… solution!: print out truth assignment for model …
agent team: b f g
> python agent_Jobs.kb “cutter welder painter jointer recharger”
… lots of tracing information showing each step …
… solution!: print out truth assignment for model …
agent team: a b f
You should implement DPLL pretty much as described in Figure 7.17 in the textbook. You can
use any programming language you like. Your program will start by reading a set of input
clauses in the same file format as in Programming Assignment #4 (each clause on a separate
line, given as a list of literals (without the implicit disjunction symbols), and using a minus prefix
to indicate negation). For example, the clauses { A v B v C, B v D} would be written as
A B -C
-B D
DPLL is basically a recursive backtracking procedure that searches the space of truth
assignments (over the propositional symbols mentioned in the clauses). You start with an
empty assignment. Then, with each recursive call, the routine chooses the next unassigned
variable (proposition), tries binding it to True, makes a recursive call to DPLL to extend it, and if
that fails (does not yield a solution), then tries False. DPLL is made more efficient through the
use of two heuristics: Unit Clause and Pure Symbol. You will have to write functions for these
that are called by DPLL and, given a set of clauses and a partial assignment, determines whether
there is a variable/truth-value combination that has the Unit Clause or Pure Symbol property
(remember to ignore clauses that are already satisfied by the partial model).
When you develop your DPLL code, you should test it on a simple problem like the one we did
in class, or the one shown in the transcript below. You should print out the partial assignment
with each call, along with other useful tracking information like which variable/truth-value is
tried at each choice point, when backtracking occurs and why (i.e. which clause was violated),
and which variable/value combination is selected whenever the Unit Clause or Pure Symbol
heuristic is invoked. I recommend you start by developing the DPLL routine without the
heuristics (just comment-out these steps) to get the initial backtracking mechanism working.
Then you can add-in the heuristics. You should see a reduction in the number of nodes of the
state space searched, due to increased search efficiency. For the example KB shown in the
transcript, I initially solved it using only backtracking, and it took 56 step. When I added the
Unit clause heuristic, the number of nodes searched went down to 34. And with both
heuristics, it went down to 16 (and backtracking steps were completely eliminated).
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DPLL mode nodes are searched before a solution is found*
backtracking alone 56
backtracking with Unit Clause heuristic 34
backtracking with Unit and Pure heuristics 16
* Nodes are partial truth assignments checked. You could track this by number of calls to
What to Turn In (via CSNet):
your source code
a short document describing how to compile and run your program
the knowledge base for the builder-agent team assignment problem
a transcript of running your program on the abstract Boolean problem (see below) and
the multi-agent task-assignment problem (for the two queries shown above)
a table of number of nodes searched for each of these problems using a) backtracking
alone, b) backtracking with the Unit clause heuristic, and c) backtracking and both
we will also test your code by running it on another set of propositional clauses
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Example Transcript
Consider the following example KB:
Suppose you want to show that this set of clauses is satisfiable, and to produce a model (i.e.
truth assignment) that satisfies it. First, we represent the clauses in the input file format:
-a -f g
-a -b -h
a c
a -i -l
a -k -j
b d
b g -n
b -f n k
-c k
-c -k -i l
c h n -m
c l
d -k l
d -g l
-g n o
h -o -j n
-i j
-d -l -m
-e m -n
-f h i
Then we run DPLL on this, which finds and prints out a model at the bottom.
201 sun> python example.kb
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
initial clauses:
0: (-a v -f v g)
1: (-a v -b v -h)
2: (a v c)
3: (a v -i v -l)
4: (a v -j v -k)
5: (b v d)
6: (b v g v -n)
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7: (b v -f v k v n)
8: (-c v k)
9: (-c v -i v -k v l)
10: (c v h v -m v n)
11: (c v l)
12: (d v -k v l)
13: (d v -g v l)
14: (-g v n v o)
15: (h v -j v n v -o)
16: (-i v j)
17: (-d v -l v -m)
18: (-e v m v -n)
19: (-f v h v i)
model= {}
pure_symbol on e=False
model= {‘e’: False}
pure_symbol on f=False
model= {‘e’: False, ‘f’: False}
pure_symbol on i=False
model= {‘i’: False, ‘e’: False, ‘f’: False}
pure_symbol on j=False
model= {‘i’: False, ‘j’: False, ‘e’: False, ‘f’: False}
pure_symbol on m=False
model= {‘i’: False, ‘m’: False, ‘j’: False, ‘e’: False, ‘f’: False}
pure_symbol on d=True
model= {‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘f’: False, ‘i’: False, ‘j’: False, ‘m’: False}
pure_symbol on h=False
model= {‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘f’: False, ‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘j’: False, ‘m’:
pure_symbol on a=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘f’: False, ‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘j’:
False, ‘m’: False}
pure_symbol on b=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘f’: False, ‘i’: False, ‘h’:
False, ‘j’: False, ‘m’: False}
pure_symbol on g=False
model= {‘a’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: False, ‘f’: False, ‘i’:
False, ‘h’: False, ‘j’: False, ‘m’: False}
pure_symbol on k=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: False, ‘f’: False, ‘i’:
False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: False, ‘m’: False}
pure_symbol on c=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: False, ‘f’:
False, ‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: False, ‘m’: False}
trying l=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: False, ‘f’:
False, ‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: False, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True}
trying n=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: False, ‘f’:
False, ‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: False, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True, ‘n’:
trying o=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: False, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: False, ‘f’:
False, ‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: False, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True, ‘o’:
True, ‘n’: True}
nodes searched=16
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true props:
It happens that in this case, the Pure Symbol heuristic gets used multiple times, and
backtracking is totally avoided. A model is found after searching 16 partial assignments (states
in the search space). However, if I turn off the Pure Symbol heuristic and use only the Unit
Clause heuristic, more nodes (34) are searched and some backtracking occurs:
202 sun> python example.kb
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
initial clauses:
0: (-a v -f v g)
1: (-a v -b v -h)
2: (a v c)
3: (a v -i v -l)
4: (a v -j v -k)
5: (b v d)
6: (b v g v -n)
7: (b v -f v k v n)
8: (-c v k)
9: (-c v -i v -k v l)
10: (c v h v -m v n)
11: (c v l)
12: (d v -k v l)
13: (d v -g v l)
14: (-g v n v o)
15: (h v -j v n v -o)
16: (-i v j)
17: (-d v -l v -m)
18: (-e v m v -n)
19: (-f v h v i)
model= {}
trying a=T
model= {‘a’: True}
trying b=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘b’: True}
unit_clause on (-a v -b v -h) implies h=False
model= {‘a’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘b’: True}
trying c=T
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model= {‘a’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True}
unit_clause on (-c v k) implies k=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘k’: True}
trying d=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True}
trying e=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True}
trying f=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘f’: True, ‘h’: False,
‘k’: True}
unit_clause on (-a v -f v g) implies g=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: True,
‘h’: False, ‘k’: True}
unit_clause on (-f v h v i) implies i=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: True,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True}
unit_clause on (-c v -i v -k v l) implies l=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: True,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘l’: True}
unit_clause on (-i v j) implies j=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: True,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘l’: True}
unit_clause on (-d v -l v -m) implies m=False
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: True,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True}
unit_clause on (-e v m v -n) implies n=False
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: True,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True, ‘n’: False}
unit_clause on (-g v n v o) implies o=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: True,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True, ‘o’: True, ‘n’:
trying f=F
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘f’: False, ‘h’: False,
‘k’: True}
trying g=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘h’: False, ‘k’: True}
trying i=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True}
unit_clause on (-c v -i v -k v l) implies l=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘l’: True}
unit_clause on (-i v j) implies j=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘l’: True}
unit_clause on (-d v -l v -m) implies m=False
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True}
unit_clause on (-e v m v -n) implies n=False
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True, ‘n’: False}
unit_clause on (-g v n v o) implies o=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: True, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True, ‘o’: True, ‘n’:
trying i=F
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True}
trying j=T
11/1/2015 11:02 PM
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True}
trying l=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘l’: True}
unit_clause on (-d v -l v -m) implies m=False
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True}
unit_clause on (-e v m v -n) implies n=False
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True, ‘n’: False}
unit_clause on (-g v n v o) implies o=True
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: False, ‘l’: True, ‘o’: True, ‘n’:
trying l=F
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘l’: False}
trying m=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: True, ‘l’: False}
trying n=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: True, ‘l’: False, ‘n’: True}
trying o=T
model= {‘a’: True, ‘c’: True, ‘b’: True, ‘e’: True, ‘d’: True, ‘g’: True, ‘f’: False,
‘i’: False, ‘h’: False, ‘k’: True, ‘j’: True, ‘m’: True, ‘l’: False, ‘o’: True, ‘n’:
nodes searched=34
true props: