CSCE 222: Discrete Structures for Computing Section 503 Problem Set 2


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Problem 1. (20 points)
For each of the following functions, determine whether that function is of the same order as n
either by
finding witnesses or showing that sufficient witnesses do not exist:
1. 13n + 12
2. n
2 + 1000n log n
3. 3n
4. 3n
2 + n − 5
3 + 2n
2 − n + 3
Problem 2. (20 points)
Do Supplementary Exercise 29 of Chapter 3 (page 234).
Problem 3. (20 points)
Do Exercise 31 of Chapter 1.1 (page 15).
Problem 4. (20 points)
Do Exercises 19, 21, and 23 of Chapter 1.2 (page 23).
Problem 5. (20 points)
Do Exercises 50 and 51 of Chapter 1.3 (page 36).
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