1. Part 1 involves implementing a simple Doubly Linked List and a Doubly Linked List template ADT, and analyzing the complexity of your implementation.
2. Part 2 involves writing applications of Linked List and writing a report.
Part I: Implementing Doubly Linked List
• Program Instructions
Download the program 221-A3-13c-code.tar from the course website. Use the 7-zip software to extract the
files in Windows, or use the following command in Linux.
tar xfv 221-A3-13c-code.tar
Three programs in separate folders are included.
1. “Simple Doubly Linked List”for integers
(a) Contains a list node sturcture and associated functions. Doubly linked lists of integers can be constructured
using just the structure of list node.
(b) You need to complete the following functions in the SimpleDoublyLinkedList.cpp.
i. insert_before
ii. insert_after
iii. delete_before
iv. delete_after
The above functions insert an integer or remove a node around the current list node.
(c) Type the following commands to compile the program.
make clean
(d) The main program includes an example of contructing a doubly linked list, and demonstrates how to use it
and display it. Type the following command to execute.
2. “Doubly Linked List”for integers
(a) Most code is extracted from the lecture slides. An exception structure is defined to complete the program.
(b) You need to complete the following functions in the DoublyLinkedList.cpp.
i. copy constructor
ii. assignment operator
iii. output operator
Make sure the i. and ii. functions do a deep copy of the input list, that is, copying each node one by one.
(c) Type the following commands to compile the program.
make clean
(d) The main program includes examples of creating doubly linked lists, and demonstrates how to use them.
Type the following command to execute.
3. Template “Doubly Linked List”for general type
(a) Convert the doubly linked list in program 2 to a template, so it creates lists of general types other than
(b) Read C++ slides, page 16-22 at
(c) Follow the instructions below:
i. Templates should be defined in a .h file. Move the content of DoublyLinkedList.cpp and
DoublyLinkedList.h to TemplateDoublyLinkedList.h
ii. Add template before each class and member function, so the general type T
can be used in the class and function.
iii. In each member function signature, replace DoublyLinkedList:: by DoublyLinkedList::
iv. Replace int by general type T except for the count variable.
v. Replace member variable declaration, input type and output type DListNode by DListNode
vi. Replace variable declaration, input type and output type DoublyLinkedListby DoublyLinkedList,
including the friend class declaration
vii. Set initial value of T obj to T()
(d) Type the following commands to compile the program.
make clean
(e) The main program includes examples of creating doubly linked lists of “strings”, and demonstrates how to
use them. Type the following command to execute.
• Complexity Analysis
Comment each class member function you implemented with its time complexity using big-O notation. Specifically, comment on the loops.
Part II: Application of Doubly Linked List
You will implement a phone book. The phone book stores the last name, first name, 9-digit UIN, one phone number
of each student. Students may have the same first name & last name. To speed up the search in the phone book, the
data will be stored in a vector of 26 sorted doubly linked list. Each element of the vector, i.e. each doubly linked list,
corresponds to an alphabet letter. For example, the first element of the vector, i.e. the first doubly linked list, v[0],
corresponds to the letter ’A’. Each doulbly linked list must be maintained in sorted order by last name, first name and
UIN. For examples, records “Leyk, Teresa, 123456789”, “Lee, Bill, 000000000” and “Lee, Bill, 000000001” should
be stored in the linked list at v[11], which corresponds to letter ’L’. In that linked list, Lee people must be stored before
Leyk, and “Lee, Bill, 000000000” must be store before “Lee, Bill, 000000001”.
Your phone book program will read from a file of student data and provides an interface for users to search in the
phone book. The user will be asked to input the last name to search. If the program finds people with the same last
name, the user will be asked to input the first name. Again if more than one people have that last and first name, the
user will be asked to input the UIN for search. Finally, the program will print the phone number on screen.
• Program Instructions
Please create the following files and complete them.
1. Record.h: You will create a Record class with:
(a) Member variables for a person’s last name, first name, 9-digit UIN, and phone number.
(b) Overloaded output operator << to print the record on screen
(c) Overloaded less-than operator () to compare to another record by the last name, first name and UIN.
bool operator()(const Record& r) {
/* complete this function */
If this record is less than r in terms of last name, first name and UIN, the function returns TRUE;
otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Please see p.729-738 of Dr. Stroustrup’s “Programming Principles and Practice Using C++”
NOTE: Because the program might ask user to input only partial data, such as only the last name, you
should consider the case that the Record r object contains empty first name and empty UIN.
2. PhoneBook.txt: The file contains unsorted phone data and has the format below. The file will be published
on the course website.
3. TemplateDoublyLinkedList.h: Add a function to the template doubly linked list class:
ListNode* insert(const T& obj)
The function inserts an object to the correct position assuming the linked list is sorted. After the object is
inserted, the linked list should remain sorted. The function should utilize the less-than operator () compare T
objects, assuming that operator () is defined for the object T.
4. Main.cpp:
(a) Declare a data structure for the phone book
vector<TemplateDoublyLinkedList> phoneBook;
(b) Write a display function to dump the whole phone book to screen
void display(vector<TemplateDoublyLinkedList>& v)
(c) Implement the search interface as described at the top.
• Complexity Analysis
Assume you have n input records. The records are distributed evenly into the 26 linked list. Provide a running time
function F() for the insert function. Provide the Big-O notation of the F(). Comment beside the insert
function the Big-O notation of its running time.
Follow the report instructions at
extra requirements below:
• In the algorithm description section,
– briefly describe the 7 functions you implement in Part I and their complexity;
– and for Part II, describe the less-than operator () and the insert function and the compexity of the
insert function.