CSCE 2014 – Programming Project 5


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1. Problem Statement:
This project will be an extension of your last assignment. To your simple calculator you will add support
for several additional functions, including min, max, sin, cos, and tan. You will also add support for
variables, allowing them to be used in calculations alongside numbers. Finally, you will add an
interactive mode that allows users to enter calculations until they choose to exit the program. These
collective upgrades will serve to reinforce your knowledge of the data structures that have already been
discussed in the lecture, including Stacks, Vectors, and Maps.
For this assignment, you may either start with your solution from HW4 if you feel that it is complete
enough, or you may start with the posted solution available on Moodle. You will be graded based on
your implementations of the new features, not based on the specifics from the previous assignment.
1.1 Functions
Most calculators provide support for at least a few common functions. In this project, you will add
support for 5: min, max, sin, cos, and tan. For example, the user may enter the expressions like these:
>> max 2 3
>> min ( 2 3 )
>> sin 3.14159
>> cos ( 3 + ( 5 / 2 ) )
Notice that neither parentheses nor commas are typically required when using functions. Parentheses
may always be added if desired, though. One exception is for the min/max functions. If one or both of
the arguments to the function are themselves expressions, the expressions should be encased in
parentheses to ensure correct parsing. For example:
>> max ( 3 / 4 ) 5
>> max 3 / 4 5
Malformed expression
// (interpreted as “3 max 4/5” in postfix notation, which is meaningless)
It is important to differentiate between unary functions and binary ones. Unary functions require only a
single argument, while binary functions require two. (There exist functions that take more than two
arguments, but we will not consider them for this assignment.) In this assignment, each of the
trigonometric functions is unary and the min and max functions are binary.
You will need to modify both the shunting yard and postfix evaluation routines to add support for
functions. The changes to the shunting yard algorithm are minimal. We simply must decide on which
action to perform when we see a function token. We will treat function tokens in the same manner as left
parentheses. They will simply be pushed onto the operator stack when seen. You must also ensure that
functions have higher priority than the existing operators. The rest of the logic should remain unchanged.
The postfix evaluation routine will also require only a few small changes. You will now have to
differentiate between binary operations and unary ones. For all binary operations, including the
arithmetic operators used in the last assignment, as well as min and max, we must remove two items
from the stack, perform the operation, and then push the result back onto the stack. For the unary
operations, only a single element is removed from the stack, as unary operations only have one argument.
1.2 Variables
It is often helpful to be able to save the values of complex calculations in variables to simplify
expressions. We would like to be able to enter assignment statements like these:
>> x = 5 + 3
x = 8
>> y = x – 2
y = 6
>> x
>> y
>> x = 7
x = 7
Each unique variable stores a single value. That value may be set and updated using assignment
statements, which are characterized by a variable name, followed by an ‘=’, followed by a normal
expression. The expression on the right side is evaluated completely, which yields a single number. That
number is then stored along with the variable name in a special variable map. The variable map is used
to look up the value of the variable, given its name, in subsequent expressions. The name may be used in
subsequent expressions as if it were any other number.
As in Section 1.1, several small changes will have to be made to both the shunting yard and postfix
expression evaluation routines. For the shunting yard function, we will have to decide what to do with
tokens that represent variables. Since the variables are simply aliases for concrete values, logically, we
should apply the same process to them as we did with numbers. They will pass directly from the input to
the output without interacting with the operator stack at all.
It is during the expression evaluation routine that the variable name will be converted to its
corresponding value. If the current token represents a variable name, its value will be looked up in the
variable map. That value will then be pushed onto the stack, just like any other number in the
1.3 Interactivity
To make the program more interactive, you will need to allow the user to enter as many expressions or
assignment statements as desired until he decides to exit the program. The following is a sample output:
Please enter either an individual expression, such as:
sin ( 4 * 2 + 1 )
or a variable assignment, such as:
x = (3 + 5) / 2
Variables that have previously been set may be used in
subsequent expression evaluations or assignments.
Enter Q to exit.
>> 3 + 5
>> x = ( 3 + 5 )
x = 8
>> y = sin ( 42 )
y = -0.916522
>> x + y
>> Q
If a simple expression is entered, the program should simply print the result of the evaluation. If an
assignment is entered, the program should print the variable name and the resulting value. If the user
enters ‘Q’ (or something similar), the program should exit.
If the user enters an invalid expression, either because of mismatched parentheses or because the
expression itself is malformed, the user’s input should be ignored and they should be allowed to proceed.
For example:
>> ( 3 + 5
Mismatched parentheses.
>> ( 3 + 5 )
>> Q
2. Design:
Generally, the design will be very similar to the previous assignment. You may use whichever means to
solve the problem you desire, as long as your program meets the requirements listed above. You are
allowed to use the data structures designed in class or their equivalents from the C++ standard library,
and you may invent as many additional functions or classes as you like if it helps to improve the design.
Lastly, be careful to avoid redundant or excessively long code if possible. Strive to write short, concise
3. Implementation:
As mentioned in Section 1, several changes will have to be made to the implementation of your previous
program. The interfaces of both the shuntingYard() and evaluatePostfix() functions will have to be
modified as well:
bool shuntingYard(const Vector& expression,
const int startIndex, Vector& postfix)
bool evaluatePostfix(const Vector& postfix,
const Map<string, double>& variables, double& result)
The changes have been written in bold font. For shuntingYard(), you will need to pass the starting
index to the function in addition to the original infix expression and the output postfix expression. This
allows us to use the same code to evaluate both simple expressions and more the more complicated
assignment statements. For simple expressions, we want to convert the entire expression, so we should
start at index 0. For assignment statements, we want to ignore the first and second tokens, since they
represent the resulting variable name and the “=” token, which is useless in terms of evaluation.
For evaluatePostfix(), we need to include the variable map as an input. Values will be inserted into the
variable map in the driver, and they will be retrieved in evaluatePostfix(). At any point in time, all
variables that have been assigned by the program so far will be stored in the variable map.
3.1 Driver
You will also have to modify your driver quite a bit from the previous assignment. Apart from adding
support for interactivity, you should also update the method used for reading and tokenizing the user’s
input. In the last assignment, we used a very simple approach to address this issue. The code looked like
Vector expression;
string token;
while (cin >> token)
In this version, we exploited the the >> operator to split the input into tokens directly. However, this
meant that the user was required to manually enter a breaking character (either Ctrl + D or Ctrl + Z) to
stop the loop so evaluation could continue.
Doing so is a bit cumbersome for an interactive application, so for this assignment, we will improve the
method slightly with the following:
// …
Vector expression;
string str;
getline(cin, str);

stringstream ss(str);
while (ss >> str)
This version reads an entire line into a string, and then tokenizes it separately. The benefit to this
approach is that the user need only enter their expression and press the enter key, which is a much
simpler interface for them.
This code works by using the getline() function to read the line from cin and store the result in ‘str’.
Then, we use a special C++ object called a “string stream” to perform the tokenizing process. A string
stream allows us to again make use of the >> operator to skip over whitespace, but it uses a normal string
as its source instead of cin. The >> operator will fail when all tokens have been read from the stream,
which stops the loop.
NOTE: Be careful to include the library. Without it, you will not be able to use stringstreams
in your code.
4. Style
Make sure your code adheres to the guidelines provided in the Style Guide (available on Moodle). Your
goal is to create code that is concise, descriptive, and easy for other humans to read. Avoid typos, spelling
mistakes, or anything else that degrades the aesthetic of your code. Your final submission should be
work that you are proud to call your own.
5. Testing:
Test your program to check that it operates correctly for all of the requirements listed above. Also check
for the error handling capabilities of the code. Try your program with several input values, and save your
testing output in text files for inclusion in your project report.
6. Documentation:
When you have completed your C++ program, write a short report using the project report template
describing what the objectives were, what you did, and the status of the program. Does it work properly
for all test cases? Are there any known problems? Save this report to be submitted electronically.
7. Project Submission:
In this class, we will be using electronic project submission to make sure that all students hand their
programming projects and labs on time, and to perform automatic plagiarism analysis of all programs
that are submitted.
When you have completed the tasks above go to Moodle to upload your documentation (a single .pdf file),
and all C++ program files (.h and .cpp). Make sure your proof of testing is included in the documentation
or is submitted as a separate file. Do NOT upload an executable version of your program.
The dates on your electronic submission will be used to verify that you met the due date above. Late
projects will receive NO credit. You will receive partial credit for all programs that compile even if they
do not meet all program requirements, so make sure to submit something before the due date, even if the
project is incomplete.
8. Academic Honesty Statement:
Students are expected to submit their own work on all programming projects, unless group projects have
been explicitly assigned. Students are NOT allowed to distribute code to each other, or copy code from
another individual or website. Students ARE allowed to use any materials on the class website, or in the
textbook, or ask the instructor for assistance.
This course will be using highly effective program comparison software to calculate the similarity of all
programs to each other, and to homework assignments from previous semesters. Please do not be
tempted to plagiarize from another student.
Violations of the policies above will be reported to the Provost’s office and may result in a ZERO on the
programming project, an F in the class, or suspension from the university, depending on the severity of
the violation and any history of prior violations.