CSCE 1030 – Homework 5 


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In this C++ program, you will start building the software infrastructure that will allow you
to play a simplified version of the classic game of Stratego that will display to the
screen. In Homework 6, you will continue the work begun here to finish the development
of the game.


• As with all programs in this course, your program’s output should initially display
the department and course number, your name, your EUID, and your e-mail
address. This functionality will be implemented using a function that you call from
your main() function.

• You will display an introductory message, giving basic details and rules of the
game (see SAMPLE OUTPUT). This functionality will be implemented using a
function that you call from your main() function.

• You will declare a two-dimensional array in main() to represent the 5-by-5
board as an enum type you declare to represent the various values that a square
can assume. In addition to being EMPTY, that is, unoccupied, each square on
your board may contain one of the following values (according to the rules of the


The size of the square board should be declared as a constant, but it is up to you
whether or not it is a local or global constant. Note that your enum type may
support additional elements as needed for the implementation.

• You will also declare a corresponding two-dimensional array in main() for the 5-
by-5 board that represents the two colors, RED and BLUE, as an enum type. This
array will keep track of each player’s game pieces, either RED or BLUE, on the

board. Note that your enum type may support additional elements as needed for
the implementation.

• You will initialize the board using a function, passing in both two-dimensional
arrays (i.e., one for the game pieces on the board and the corresponding one for
the color of each player’s game pieces) and the size.

This function will simply
initialize each position on the board to the enumerated type representing some
initial value, which might be a ‘ ‘ on the game board and NONE for the color. This
functionality will be implemented using a function that you call from your main()

• You will then create a function, passing in both two-dimensional arrays (i.e., one
for the game pieces on the board and the corresponding one for the color of each
player’s game pieces) and the size, to randomly assign 10 game pieces on each
player’s back two rows (i.e., rows 0 and 1 for BLUE computer and rows 3 and 4
for RED player). The game pieces are assigned in the following manner:

o 1 FLAG will be randomly assigned to the back row (i.e., row 0 for BLUE
and row 4 for RED) of any column (i.e., 0 through 4).
o 3 BOMBs will be randomly assigned to one of the two back two rows for
each player (i.e., rows 0 and 1 for BLUE and rows 3 and 4 for RED) and
any column (i.e., 0 through 4).

o 1 of either the MARSHAL or GENERAL, randomly selected, to by randomly
assigned to one of the two back two rows for each player (i.e., rows 0 and
1 for BLUE and rows 3 and 4 for RED) and any column (i.e., 0 through 4).
o 1 MINER will be randomly assigned one of the two back two rows for each
player (i.e., rows 0 and 1 for BLUE and rows 3 and 4 for RED) and any
column (i.e., 0 through 4).

o 1 SPY will be randomly assigned to one of the two back two rows for each
player (i.e., rows 0 and 1 for BLUE and rows 3 and 4 for RED) and any
column (i.e., 0 through 4).

randomly assigned, to be randomly assigned one of the two back two
rows for each player (i.e., rows 0 and 1 for BLUE and rows 3 and 4 for
RED) and any column (i.e., 0 through 4). Duplicates are acceptable.

Only one game piece may be assigned to an individual position on the board.
This means that if the function attempts to place a game piece on a square that
already contains a game piece (i.e., not empty), then the function will attempt to
place the game piece at another randomly-generated position until it is able to
successfully do so. This functionality will be implemented using a function that
you call from your main() function.

• Finally, you will display the initial board showing each player’s 10 game pieces
on their back two rows in their respective color (sample code has been provided
to implement this functionality) using a function, passing in both two-dimensional
arrays and the size.

This function will display the row and column headers for the
board as well as the board itself (see SAMPLE OUTPUT), where rows are
labeled using alphabetic characters A through E and columns are labeled using
digit characters 1 through 5.

Note that since your two-dimensional array for the
game board is an enumerated data type, you may have to cast the enum value to
the representative character that is to be displayed on the board.

• You may assume that all input by the user is of the correct data type, though
perhaps out of range. Please pay attention to the SAMPLE OUTPUT for specific
details about the flow and input/output of the program.

• Your code should be well documented in terms of comments. For example, good
comments in general consist of a header (with your name, course section, date,
and brief description), comments for each variable, and commented blocks of

• Your program source code should be named “homework5.cpp”, without the

• Your program will be graded based largely on whether it works correctly on the
CSE machines (e.g., cse01, cse02, …, cse06), so you should make sure that
your program compiles and runs on a CSE machine.

• You should contact your instructor if there is any question about what is being
asked for.

• This is an individual programming assignment that must be the sole work
of the individual student.
You shall use techniques and concepts discussed in class – you are not to use global
variables, goto statements, or other items specifically not recommended in this class.


On a piece of paper (or word processor), write down the algorithm, or sequence of
steps, that you will use to solve the problem. You may think of this as a “recipe” for
someone else to follow. Continue to refine your “recipe” until it is clear and
deterministically solves the problem. Be sure to include the steps for prompting for
input, performing calculations, and displaying output.

You should attempt to solve the problem by hand first (using a calculator as needed) to
work out what the answer should be for a few sets of inputs. This will also help in
designing any loops that will process the two-dimensional array.

Type these steps and calculations into a document (i.e., Word, text, or PDF) that will be
submitted along with your source code. Note that if you do any work by hand, images

(such as pictures) may be used, but they must be clear and easily readable. This
document shall contain both the algorithm and any supporting hand-calculations you
used in verifying your results.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (input shown in bold green):
$ ./a.out
| Computer Science and Engineering |
| CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I |
| Student Name EUID |
W e l c o m e t o 1 0 3 0 S t r a t e g o

This program will set up a 5×5 game board for a 1030 version of the game
of Stratego. One player will compete against the computer, each assigned
10 total pieces consisting of the following:
1 FLAG (F)
3 BOMB (B)
1 MARSHAL (1) or GENERAL (2)
1 MINER (8)
1 SPY (S)



For the most part, the game will follow the standard Stratego rules, although there are some exceptions.
1. Both players (BLUE and RED) will have all of their 10 game pieces as-
signed randomly with the only requirement being that the FLAG must be
placed in the back row. RED will start the game first.

2. Higher ranked pieces can capture lower ranked pieces in the following
order: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> S, meaning that 1 (the
MARSHAL) can remove 2 (the GENERAL) and so forth. The MINER (8) piece
may strike a BOMB and remove it to occupy the now unoccupied space. A
SPY (S), although the lowest ranked piece, may remove the MARSHAL (1)
or the GENERAL (2).

3. The FLAG and BOMBs are not moveable while all of the other pieces may
move one square at a time forward, backward, or sideward, but not di-
agonally to an open square.

4. A player must either move or strike on his/her turn.

5. The game ends when a player strikes his/her opponent’s flag.
Initializing game board…
Assigning BLUE pieces to board…
Assigning RED pieces to board…
1 2 3 4 5
A | 3 B F S 7 |
B | 5 1 8 B B |
C | |
D | 4 B B 8 3 |

E | S 2 F B 3 |
$ ./a.out
| Computer Science and Engineering |
| CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I |
| Student Name EUID |
W e l c o m e t o 1 0 3 0 S t r a t e g o

This program will set up a 5×5 game board for a 1030 version of the game
of Stratego. One player will compete against the computer, each assigned
10 total pieces consisting of the following:
1 FLAG (F)
3 BOMB (B)
1 MARSHAL (1) or GENERAL (2)
1 MINER (8)
1 SPY (S)



For the most part, the game will follow the standard Stratego rules, although there are some exceptions.
1. Both players (BLUE and RED) will have all of their 10 game pieces as-
signed randomly with the only requirement being that the FLAG must be
placed in the back row. RED will start the game first.

2. Higher ranked pieces can capture lower ranked pieces in the following
order: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> S, meaning that 1 (the
MARSHAL) can remove 2 (the GENERAL) and so forth. The MINER (8) piece
may strike a BOMB and remove it to occupy the now unoccupied space. A
SPY (S), although the lowest ranked piece, may remove the MARSHAL (1)
or the GENERAL (2).

3. The FLAG and BOMBs are not moveable while all of the other pieces may
move one square at a time forward, backward, or sideward, but not di-
agonally to an open square.

4. A player must either move or strike on his/her turn.

5. The game ends when a player strikes his/her opponent’s flag.

Initializing game board…
Assigning BLUE pieces to board…
Assigning RED pieces to board…
1 2 3 4 5
A | B 2 F 8 7 |
B | S 6 B 4 B |
C | |
D | B 5 8 B S |
E | 2 5 F 6 B |


Your program will be graded based largely upon whether it works correctly on the CSE
machines, so you should make sure your program compiles and runs on the CSE

Your program will also be graded based upon your program style. This means that you
should use comments (as directed), meaningful variable names, and a consistent
indentation style as recommended in the textbook and in class.
• Program Header Example:
Name : homework2.cpp
Author : Mark A. Thompson
Version :
Copyright : 2015
Description : The program performs simple arithmetic operations based on in-
put from the user.
• Function Header Example:
Function : deposit
Parameters : a double representing account balance and a double represent-
ing the deposit amount
Return : a double representing account balance after the deposit
Description : This function computes the account balance after a deposit.
We will be using an electronic homework submission on Blackboard to make sure that
all students hand their programming projects on time. You will submit both (1) the
program source code file and (2) the algorithm design document to the Homework 5
dropbox on Blackboard by the due date and time.

Note that this project must be done individually. Program submissions will be checked
using a code plagiarism tool against other solutions, including those found on the
Internet, so please ensure that all work submitted is your own.
Note that the dates on your electronic submission will be used to verify that you met the
due date and time above. All homework up to 24 hours late will receive a 50% grade
penalty. Later submissions will receive zero credit, so hand in your best effort on the
due date.

As a safety precaution, do not edit your program (using vim or nano) after you have
submitted your program where you might accidentally re-save the program, causing the
timestamp on your file to be later than the due date. If you want to look (or work on it)

after submitting, make a copy of your submission and work off of that copy. Should
there be any issues with your submission, this timestamp on your code on the CSE
machines will be used to validate when the program was completed.