• Write a C Program for an ATM machine by implementing functions.
• To protect your program from suspicious activities.
• Attackers, thieves, invaders, and users acting smart will do every possible act to steal data and
money, and ruin your program.
• To use welcoming and closing messages.
• When it comes to outputs, be creative. Make your application friendly and easy to use.
o Implement \n, \t, “ “, and $ sign as needed.
• To use numerical calculations and Mathematical operations “+, -, *, /, %” to solve a real-life
• To catch invalid numerical inputs (Negative numbers and Zeroes)
• To use exit(0) to end the program. To do so, add #include <stdlib.h> to your program.
Write a C Program for an ATM machine.
The types of ATM transaction are:
1. Balance.
2. Cash withdrawal.
3. Cash deposition.
4. Quit.
All ATM transactions (menu options) need to be implemented in terms of functions.
You will call those functions based on the menu option.
• Initially, Nana has one checking account with a balance of $5000 with PIN number of 3014.
o (declare PIN# as CONSTANT)
• Money amount validation:
o Catch invalid numerical inputs (Negative numbers and Zeroes).
o Users can enter numbers only.
o Remember any ATM has numpad only. This numpad has neither letters nor special
o Don’t worry about entering other inputs rather than numbers for now.
o I mean don’t worry what would happen if the user enters a string, a char, or a special
characters instead of a number. We will discuss this later in another chapter.
o In short, if the Nana enters wrong amount, ask her to enter amount again, after 3
unsuccessful attempts, display an error message and terminate the program.
• PIN validation:
o Nana has 3 attempts to enter PIN. After that the program logs them off, and end the
• Once Nana chooses to finish using the ATM, print out Thank You message and tell her the
number of transactions she has made (cash withdrawal, cash deposit, and check balance).
• All ATM transactions (menu options) need to be implemented in terms of functions.
o You will call those functions based on the menu option.
• All ATM transactions have receipts, but it is up to the user to choose.
o Use 1 for yes, and 2 for No.
o The receipt is virtual. No need to display the receipt on screen.
• Balance:
o Nothing special about it. Basically it prints out the balance.
• Cash withdrawal:
o The limit is $1000 a day.
o For every withdrawal transaction, there is a receipt.
o Nana enters the amount to withdraw in multiples of 20s. (i.e.; 20, 40, 60, 80, and so on).
o ATM machine cannot output 1s, 5s, or 10s paper bills only, and of course No coins.
• Cash deposition:
o The limit is $10000 a day.
o For every withdrawal transaction, there is a receipt.
o Nana enters the amount to deposit.
o ATM machine accepts any paper bills including 1s, 5s, and 10s, but of course No coins.
• Quit:
o From its name, you will print the number of transactions and Thank You message
o Finally, end the program.
Question: Can I add more functions?
Of course, you need at least those four functions given above, but you can add as many as you want.
Exceptions (I will leave it for your imagination to figure it out)
• How to react if Nana asks to withdraw money >= $1,000?
• How to react if Nana asks to withdraw money less than $20?
• How to react if Nana asks to deposit money >= $10,000?
• Be sure to document your code (add comments on top of your C file). In the comments add your
name, date, course, homework number, and statement of problem.
• Once you are done, upload one C program called atm.c through D2L.