• To design and implement functions to process 2DArrays.
• Be sure to document your code (add comments on top of each function).
• In the comments add your name, date, course, homework number, and statement of problem.
• Once you are done, upload your final solution through Blackboard.
• No need for input validation.
• Write a project called Arrays2D.c
• It is up to you to choose what the return type should be. Be creative!
• Functions should not have pointers implementations.
• Arrays2D.c has the following functions
Part 1 [75 points]: (2-Dimensional Array Functions)
1. [15 points] Write a function called max that returns the maximum value in the 2d array.
2. [15 points] Write a function called rowSum returns the sum of the elements in Row x of the 2d array.
3. [15 points] Write a function called columnSum returns the sum of the elements in Column x of the 2d array.
4. [15 points] Write a function called isSquare that checks if the array is square (i.e. every row has the same
length as the 2d array itself).
5. [15 points] Write a function called displayOutputs that displays the 2 dim-array elements.
Part 2 [25 points]: (Testing main) Arrays2D
• First declare a 2-dim array. How to do that? You need to read the number of rows and the number of columns
from the user, and then it reads a corresponding entries to that size. E.g., if a user enters 3 for the number of rows,
and enters 3 for the number of columns, then we declare an array of 9 and then read 9 entries and store them in the
array. (Remember the Run-time Array Length!).
• Make calls to all functions in part 01 to match the sample demo below.
• Make sure you display the same exact messages.
• Use blank lines to separate outputs and make then more readable.
o Look how I printed out the output format below.
Sample run:
Let’s create a 2Dim array!
How many rows? 3
How many columns? 3
enter [0][0]: 10
enter [0][1]: 20
enter [0][2]: 30
enter [1][0]: 40
enter [1][1]: 50
enter [1][2]: 60
enter [2][0]: 70
enter [2][1]: 80
enter [2][2]: 90
Sum of row 1 = 60
Sum of row 2 = 150
Sum of row 3 = 240
Sum of column 1 = 120
Sum of column 2 = 150
Sum of column 3 = 180
This is a square array.
Here is your 2Dim array:
[10, 20, 30]
[40, 50, 60]
[70, 80, 90]
Let’s create a 2Dim array!
How many rows? 2
How many columns? 3
enter [0][0]: 11
enter [0][1]: 22
enter [0][2]: 33
enter [1][0]: 44
enter [1][1]: 55
enter [1][2]: 66
Sum of row 1 = 66
Sum of row 2 = 165
Sum of column 1 = 55
Sum of column 2 = 77
Sum of column 3 = 99
This is not a square array.
Here is your 2Dim array:
[11, 22, 33]
[44, 55, 66]