CSC324 Assignment 0 : Review of Recursion on Lists and Trees


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(1) The following Java/Python classes model immutable non-empty lists.
class List {
private Object first; private List rest;
private List(Object first, List rest) { this.first = first; = rest; }
/* The following three methods are the only ones you may use from this class.
To remind you how to use static methods:
List l = List.cons(3, List.cons(2, List.cons(4, null)));
System.out.println(; */
public static List cons(Object first, List rest) {
return new List(first, rest); }
// Precondition: l != null.
public static Object first(List l) { return l.first; }
public static List rest(List l) { return; }
/* However, you may add and use methods to help you test,
e.g. toString, equals. */ }
class List:
def __init__(self, first, rest):
self.__first = first
self.__rest = rest
# Precondition: rest is a List or None.
def cons(first, rest): return List(first, rest)
# Precondition: l is a List.
def first(l): return l._List__first
def rest(l): return l._List__rest
# Like the Java version, don’t access the List instance variables or constructor
# directly in your solutions. But, similarly, you may access them for testing,
# possibly via added methods such as __str__, __cmp__.
# To complete the similarity, here is the corresponding usage example:
# l = cons(3, cons(2, cons(4, None)))
# print first(l)
# print rest(l)
The empty list is being modelled by null/None. Below, list means a List object or null/None.
The following Java interface models functions as objects (a common Design Pattern).
interface Function { Object call(Object o); }
For Python, model a function as an instance of a class dening a unary method call.
Now, make a Java class ListOperations containing (at least) the following static methods,
OR make a Python module ListOperations (importing * from List) with (at least) the following
(top-level) functions:
(a) isSubsequence takes two lists, returning whether the rst list’s elements occur somewhere
in the second list in the same order. Compare elements with equals (Java) or == (Python).
E.g., for (printed here Schemeishly) () and (1 2 3) return true, for (1 3) and (1 2 3) also
return true. For (3 2) and (1 2 3) return false, for (1 1) and (1 2 3) also return false.
(b) map takes a list and a function object, returning a new list containing the results of calling
the function’s method call on each of the list’s elements.
Do this in tail-recursive accumulating style with a helper.
(c) consAll takes an object and a list of lists, returning a new list containing the lists with the
object cons’d onto each of them.
E.g., for 5 and ((3 2 4) (4 2) (1 2 3)) return ((5 3 2 4) (5 4 2) (5 1 2 3)).
Do this by making a Conser class with one instance variable, that models functions that cons
a specic object onto a list. Then map a Conser instance onto the list.
(d) subsequences takes a list, returning a list containing all subsequences of the given list.
E.g., for (3 2 4) return (() (4) (2) (2 4) (3) (3 4) (3 2) (3 2 4)) although you
may generate the elements (lists) of the result list in any order.
Hints: write an append, use consAll, ignore isSubsequence.
(2) The following Java/Python classes model immutable non-empty labelled full binary trees:
class Tree {
public String label; public Tree left ; public Tree right;
// Precondition: label != null ; left and right both null or both non-null.
public Tree(String label, Tree left, Tree right) {
this.label = label;
this.left = left;
this.right = right; }}
class Tree:
# Precondition: label a string ; left and right both None or both Trees.
def __init__(self, label, left, right):
self.label = label
self.left = left
self.right = right
For simplicity, the instance variables are publically accessible; but don’t assign to them.
Now, make a Java class TreeOperations containing (at least) the following static methods, or a
Python module TreeOperations (importing * from Tree and List) with (at least) the following
(top-level) Python functions:
(a) treeToNestedLists takes a Tree, returning a one or three element List (dened in (1))
containing the label and, if not a leaf, the children represented this way as Lists, recursively.
E.g., consider the following tree (drawn sideways, and children ordered top to bottom):
\ \–d—e
\-g \–f
The returned List is (printed here Pythonishly) [a, [b, [c], [d, [e], [f]]], [g]].
(b) nestedListsToTree, the inverse of (a).
Now, for (c-e), don’t use (a) or (b) to transform the argument.
(c) treeToString takes a Tree, returning a string in the following format (Tree as in (a)):
(d) printCalls takes a Tree and, thinking of its treeToString as nested function call code,
prints the calls/arguments in the order they would be called/evaluated in Python/Java/C.
Print one function/argument name per line.
(e) printNestedLists takes a List (as in (a)), printing it in the following indented format
(consider the rst ( unindented):
Each level is indented two more spaces.
Hint: accumulate the indentation via a parameter.