CSC2503—Foundations of Computer Vision Assignment 3: Fundamental Matrix & Homography Estimation


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This assignment explores (a) the estimation of the fundamental matrix from two perspective views
of a general (non-planar) 3D scene and (b) the estimation of 2D homographies from two perspective
views of a planar surface in 3D.
In the handout code we provide a script file grappleFmatrix.m which reads point correspondence
data, and uses the RANSAC algorithm to estimate a fundamental matrix (i.e. an F-matrix). This
script file uses several M-files in the ./utils/ directory, and data from the ./data/ directory.
Familiarize yourself with this code.
What to hand in (1) Write a short report addressing each of the itemized questions below. Your
report should be in PDF format and should include the images requested. LaTeX- or Word-formatted
reports are preferred; a hand-written derivation that has been scanned to PDF is also fine as long
as it is very legible. Assume the marker knows the context of all questions, so do not spend time
repeating material in the hand-out or the class notes. (2) Any Matlab file you created or altered.
We strongly prefer not to have to look through your code. We only want it to chase down things
which are not clear from your report.
Part A: Fundamental Matrix Estimation
The script file dinoTestF.m uses exact point correspondences obtained from utils/projectDino.m
for two perspective views of points on a single rigid object (i.e., Dino). It then computes the F-matrix
from these corresponding points. Here we wish to examine the sensitivity of the F-matrix estimation
to: i) noise in the estimation of the image point positions, ii) the non-planar depth variation in the
scene, and iii) changes in the viewing geometry.
1. Your first task is to compute a ground-truth fundamental matrix, say F0, against which we can
compare our estimators below. Toward this end, from the calibration matrices Mint and Mext
provided by projectDino.m for each of the two views used in dinoTestF.m, compute the Fmatrix F0 directly from these calibration matrices. Your write-up should show the derivation for
computing F0 from this information.
2. We wish to compare the F-matrix, say F1, computed in the original hand-out code dinoTestF.m,
with the ground-truth matrix F0 computed in (1) above. In order to compare two F-matrices,
choose a regularly spaced grid of points in one image. Then, for each point in this grid, compute
the epipolar lines in the second image using each of the two F-matrices, F0 and F1. Crop the
epipolar line from matrix F0 to be within the image region (see utils/cropLineInBox.m). Ignore
any line which does not intersect the image region at all (i.e. if utils/cropLineInBox.m returns
a NaN). Next compute the maximum perpendicular distance from this cropped epipolar line to
the corresponding (uncropped) epipolar line for F1. Finally compute the maximum, taken over all
pairs of lines generated by F0 and F1 applied to the grid points, of these maximum perpendicular
distances. This maximum of maximum perpendicualr errors will be used as the error measure
between F0 and F1. Note this error measure is not symmetric in the roles of F0 and F1.
Using this error measure, what is the error between the F-matrix computed by the handout code
dinoTestF.m and the one you computed in part (1) above?
3. Here we consider the effect of image position errors in the positions of the individual points. We
will simulate this noise by adding Gaussian random noise, with standard deviation σn and mean
zero, to the first and second components in each of the corresponding points {~pk}
k=1 and {~qk}
provided by projectDino.m. (Do not perturb the third coordinate, with value 1, in these points.)
Estimate the F-matrix using the M-file linEstF.m given only these noisy input points. Compute
the error between this estimated F-matrix and the true F-matrix—see parts (1) and (2).
Repeat this process several times with the same σn, but different noise samples, in order to get an
estimate for the median value of the error between the computed F-matrix and the true F-matrix.
Plot this median error as a function of σn. Ideally, the estimate of F should have an error that
is roughly proportional to σn for small values of σn. For larger values the error should increase
rapidly, up to a point where the error is a signicant fraction of the size of the image. At this point
our estimate of F has broken down.
Comment on the results. For example, is there a maximum value of σn for which you can get
reasonably small errors in the recovered F-matrix?
4. Do the same as in part (3) above, only set the argument NUM RESCALE for linEstF.m to be 0, so
Hartley’s normalization is not used. Comment on the difference in the stability of the estimated
F-matrices with and without normalization. (After completing this question, set NUM RESCALE to
be true again for the remaining questions!)
5. The parameter sclZ in projectDino scales the Z component of Dino (i.e. the side-to-side width
of the animal) in its original coordinate frame. A small value of sclZ, eg. sclZ=0.1, corresponds
to a flattened Dino. Dino is perfectly planar when sclZ=0.
Do the same as part (3) above, only use sclZ=0.1 instead of its default value of 1. Does the true
F-matrix change from the one for the case sclZ=1.0? Explain. (Beware, if you do not give a
rotation matrix as an argument to projectDino, then it will rotate the two cameras whenever
sclZ is changed.) Is the estimation of F more tolerant to image position noise (i.e. the added
noise described in part 3) for this flattened case than the original case considered in part (3)?
6. The parameter d in projectDino specifies the position of the camera’s nodal point in a coordinate
frame centered on Dino itself. In the hand-out code the two cameras have been symmetrically
placed about Dino’s Z-axis, with d set to (50, 0, −150)T and (−50, 0, −150)T
for the two cameras.
The rotation of each camera is computed in projectDino so that the mean of Dino’s vertices is
mapped to the center of the image.
Plot the median error in F versus σn as in part 3 above, only use a smaller separation between
the cameras, say d = (5, 0, −150)T and (−5, 0, −150)T
. Use projectDino to compute the camera
rotations such that the cameras are directed towards the mean point on Dino. (Beware the true
F-matrix will change, due to this change in the positions of the centers of projection and the
change in these camera rotations (see parts (1) and (2).) Is the estimation of F more tolerant
to image position noise when the cameras are closer together than the original case considered in
part (3)?
Part B: Homography Estimation
Let {(~pk, ~qk)}
k=1 be the homogeneous pixel coordinates for corresponding points for two perspective
views of a single planar surface. In particular, ~pk = (pk,1, pk,2, 1)T where (pk,1, pk,2)
is the (x, y)
pixel location of the k
th point in the first image. Similarly, ~qk = (qk,1, qk,2, 1)T
, where (qk,1, qk,2)
the (x, y) pixel location of the corresponding point in the second image. Since these corresponding
points are all from a single planar surface, they must be related by a 2D homography. That is
αk~qk = H~pk, for k = 1, . . . , K, (1)
where H is a 3 × 3 matrix. The scalar αk > 0 above accounts for the normalization of the third
coordinate of ~qk, which we take to be 1. (Often equation (1) is written in homogeneous image
coordinates, in which case ~qk need not be normalized, and hence the scalar k can be dropped. In this
case, the vector ~qk would be normalized to have a third coordinate equal to 1 only when we wish to
work out which pixel coordinates it refers to.)
Given these observed corresponding points {(~pk, ~qk)}
k=1, we wish to estimate the homography H.
To do this, first note that we can eliminate the scalar αk by observing that equation (1) states that
~pk and H~qk are in the same direction in 3D, and therefore their cross product must be zero. That is,
~qk × (H~pk) = ~0 for k = 1, . . . , K. (2)
This gives three linear equations for H for each k. Only two of these three equations are linearly
independent. In fact, we can use just the first two rows of (2) for each k in order to estimate H.
1. Complete the M-file linEstH.m so that, given a set of corresponding points {(~pk, ~qk)}
k=1, it solves
the least squares problem
arg min
[ ~qk × (H~pk) ]2
. (3)
Here [~v]j denotes the j
th coordinate of the vector ~v.
Your solution must comply with the description of both the input and output in the header of the
current M-file linEstH.m in the handout code (see directory ./utils). The file begins with the
same normalization of ~pk and ~qk as in linEstF.m. Besides the header, you therefore only need to
modify the code below the line that reads
%% Make constraint matrix A.
In particular, after normalizing the input points ~pk and ~qk, solve the least squares problem (3)
written in terms of these normalized points. The solution is the 3 × 3 homography matrix H0.
Then transform H0 back to the original coordinates (beware, this transformation is not identical
to the one used in linEstF.m). Finally, since H is only determined up to a scalar multiple, rescale
H so that the sum of the squares of its 9 elements is one.
In the written portion of your answer for this question include a derivation of the equations you
solved for H0, and how H0 gets transformed back to the desired H matrix.
2. In order to deal with outliers in the correspondence set {(~pk, ~qk)}
k=1 we will use RANSAC to
identify a set of inliers. An implementation of RANSAC for the purpose of computing the fundamental matrix (aka the F-matrix) is provided in grappleFmatrix.m in the handout code. Write a
script file grapple2DHomog.m, which is a modified copy of grappleFmatrix.m, so that it estimates
a 2D homography H from the correspondence data instead. Replace the output of epipolar lines
in grappleFmatrix.m with code that outputs the two input images, with one of these images
warped by the computed homography. (Use the M-file homogWarp.m provided in the handout
code to compute the warped image.)
Show the results of running grapple2DHomog.m on the Wadham college correspondence data
provided with the handout code.