CSC1016S Assignment 3: More on Objects and Classes


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Assignment Instructions
This assignment involves constructing programs in Java using object composition i.e. write class
declarations that define types of object that contain other objects.
Exercise One [25 marks]
This exercise concerns constructing the display component of a digital clock that uses the 24 hour
system e.g.
The specification for this component is as follows:
Class ClockDisplay
A ClockDisplay object is a holder for the current time in hours and minutes. It provides methods for
advancing the current time and for obtaining the value as a formatted string.
Instance variables
private CounterDisplay hours;
private CounterDisplay minutes;
public ClockDisplay(int pHours, int pMinutes)
// Create a new ClockDisplay and set the display value to pHours and pMinutes.
public void setTime(int pHours, int pMinutes)
// Set the display value to pHours and pMinutes.
public void tick()
// Advance the display time by one minute.
public String getDisplayValue()
// Obtain the display value; a String composed of 2 digits for hours then a colon, then 2 digits for
Given the following code fragment:
ClockDisplay clockDisplay = new ClockDisplay(5, 30);
We should expect to see the following output:
As indicated in the specification, a ClockDisplay object actually contains two CounterDisplay objects
– one for managing hours, the other for managing minutes. Here is the specification for
CounterDisplay objects:
Class CounterDisplay
A CounterDisplay object is a counter that cycles over a fixed range. It contains a current value and an upper
limit, and it provides methods for setting the current value, advancing it, examining it, and obtaining it in
the form of a 2 digit String.
Instance variables
private int value;
private int limit;
public CounterDisplay(int pLimit)
// Create a new CounterDisplay, set counter value to 0, and set the limit to pLimit.
public void setValue(int pValue)
// Set the current counter value to pValue.
public int getValue()
// Get the current value.
public void increment()
// Advance the counter by 1, rolling over to 0 if the limit is reached.
public String getDisplayValue()
// Obtain the display value i.e. the current counter value in the form of a 2 digit string.
Given the following code fragment, for example:
CounterDisplay counterDisplay = new counterDisplay(3);
We should expect to see the following output:
To shed light on how a ClockDisplay object utilises its CounterDisplay objects, here’s a partially
completed implementation of the ClockDisplay constructor:
public ClockDisplay(int pHours, int pMinutes) {
hours = new CounterDisplay(24);
The task
Write complete class declarations for CounterDisplay and ClockDisplay. On the Vula assignment page
you will find test harness classes ( and that you may
wish to use.
Exercise Two [25 marks]
Given the following English language description of a prepaid mobile phone account, develop an
Account class ( that uses a Plan class (, and construct a test harness class that
may be used to create an account and test its functions.
 An account has a balance from which the cost of calls is deducted.
o Initially the balance is zero cents.
o An account can be ‘topped up’.
 All monetary transactions are conducted in ZAR cents.
 When the customer dials a number, their account is queried to determine the available
airtime. (You may assume that calls are never allowed to exceed it.)
 On completion of a call, given the duration, the account is updated.
 The cost of calls/available air time is dictated by the account plan.
o A plan has a name.
o A plan has a cents per second call rate.
 The customer can query their account.
 Identify the interface between Account and Plan objects and the rest of the mobile phone
 Think about the best place for calculations and alterations of data to take place.
o For instance, if an Account object can delegate calculation of the cost of a call to its
Plan object then it doesn’t need to know about call rates when updating the
 Think about appropriate operations on an account. For instance, given the description, an
account balance can be topped up, it cannot be ‘set’.
 If some aspect of behaviour is not described, then we don’t need it.
o For instance, you may assume that call rates are fixed for all time!
 Your test harness does not need to be an ‘all singing and dancing’ affair. Hard code just
enough to prove to yourself and a tutor that everything works.
Marking criteria
You must submit your answer to the automarker, however, the submission will be manually marked
by a tutor. (Ask a tutor to do this for you in your lab.)
 Do the Account and Plan class support call accounting? [11 marks]
 Is there suitable delegation? [5 marks]
 Is the data encapsulated? [7 marks]
Exercise Three [25 marks]
This exercise is an evolution of the Meteorology problem from assignment two. In that exercise we
had a program that gathered statistics on phenomena such as temperature and humidity. In this
exercise we now have the notion of a ‘MonitoringStation’ type of object that serves the same
function. We can imagine some sort of network of such stations – as must be the case for weather
forecasting – and thus programs that contain many MonitoringStation objects.
This exercise involves composition of objects and the use of arrays.
Consider the following specification:
Class MonitoringStation
A MonitoringStation represents an entity that collates measurements of phenomena such as temperature,
pressure, thickness, height, depth, acidity. For each phenomenon it records the maximum reading,
minimum reading, number of readings so far, and the average.
Instance variables
private String name;
private Collator[] phenomena;
public MonitoringStation(String name, String[] phenomenaNames)
// Create a MonitoringStation with the given name that will record statistics for the given
// phenomena.
public void recordReading(String phenomenonName, double reading)
// Update the records for the given phenomenon.
public double average(String phenomeonName)
// Get the current value.
As indicated by the specification, a Monitoring station contains an array of Collator objects, one per
 The constructor accepts an array of phenomena names. It must create and store an array of
Collator objects (one Collator per phenomenon).
 The methods accept the name of a phenomenon as a parameter. They must search the array
for the corresponding Collator object.
 On the Vula page for this assignment you will find a Collator class that you should use. It’s
slightly different to the one you were asked to construct: a Collator has a label; it can be
labelled with the name of the phenomenon it represents.
On the Vula page you will also find a test harness class called StationUI. You can use this to test your
Sample I/O:
Monitoring Station Test Harness
Enter the station name:
Enter a comma separated list of the phenomena to be recorded:
height, width
Make a selection and press return:
0. Quit
1. Record a phenomenon measurement.
2. View the average reading for a phenomeon.
Enter the phenomenon name and value (e.g. ‘temperature 7’):
height 13.6
Make a selection and press return:
0. Quit
1. Record a phenomenon measurement.
2. View the average reading for a phenomeon.
Enter the phenomenon name and value (e.g. ‘temperature 7’):
height 12
Make a selection and press return:
0. Quit
1. Record a phenomenon measurement.
2. View the average reading for a phenomeon.
Enter the phenomenon name and value (e.g. ‘temperature 7’):
width 100
Make a selection and press return:
0. Quit
1. Record a phenomenon measurement.
2. View the average reading for a phenomeon.
Enter the phenomenon name:
The average value for phenomeon height is 12.80.
Make a selection and press return:
0. Quit
1. Record a phenomenon measurement.
2. View the average reading for a phenomeon.
Exercise Four [25 marks]
A rational number is one representable as:
Where numerator and denominator are integers.
Here is the specification for a rational number class:
Class Rational
Simple representation of a rational number.
Instance variables
private int numerator;
private int denominator;
public Rational(int numerator, int denominator)
// Create a Rational object that represents the rational number with the given numerator and
// denominator.
public Rational add(Rational other)
// Return the result of adding this rational number to the other provided as a parameter.
public Rational multiply(Rational other)
// Return the result of multiplying this rational number with the other provided as a parameter.
public String toString()
// Obtain a String representation of this rational number in the form ‘numerator/denominator’.
With this class we can write code such as follows:
Rational r1 = new Rational(1, 4);
Rational r2 = new Rational(1, 8);
Rational r3 = r1.add(r2);
Rational r4 = r1.multiply(r2);
This fragment represents adding 1/4 to 1/8, and multiplying 1/4 to 1/8. It produces the following
On the Vula page for this assignment you will find a partially completed Rational class. Your task is to
implement the ‘add’ and ‘multiply’ methods. You will need to hardcode a simple test harness to
check your work.
Note: The Rational class constructor simplifies i.e. new Rational(4, 8) is equivalent to new
Rational(1, 2) so don’t be surprised when this happens!
Marking and Submission
Submit the and files; the, and test
harness files; the, and files contained within a single .ZIP folder
to the automatic marker. The zipped folder should have the following naming convention: