CSC/BIF 243 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Lab11


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Problem 1:

Implement a class named Rectangle to represent a rectangle. The class contains:

  • Two data fields named width and height.
  • A constructor that creates a rectangle with the specified width and height. The default values are 1 and 2 for the width and height, respectively.
  • A method named getArea() that returns the area of this rectangle.
  • A method named getPerimeter() that returns the perimeter.


Write a test program that creates two Rectangle objects—one with width 4 and height 40 and the other with width 3.5 and height 35.7. (you can read them from the user or just put them directly in your code) Display the width, height, area, and perimeter of each rectangle in this order (in the main. Just create 2 rectangles instances and call the 4 functions on each of the rectangles. And print their results)


Output will look like this :





Problem 2

Implement a class named Stock to represent a company’s stock that contains:

  • A private string data field named symbol for the stock’s symbol.
  • A private string data field named name for the stock’s name.
  • A private float data field named previousClosingPrice that stores the stock price for the previous day.
  • A private float data field named currentPrice that stores the stock price for the current time.
  • A constructor that creates a stock with the specified symbol, name, previous price, and current price.
  • A get method for returning the stock name.
  • A get method for returning the stock symbol.
  • Get and set methods for getting/setting the stock’s previous price.
  • Get and set methods for getting/setting the stock’s current price.
  • A method named getChangePercent() that returns the percentage changed from previousClosingPrice to currentPrice.


Write a test program that creates a Stock object with the stock symbol INTC, the name Intel Corporation, the previous closing price of 20.5, and the new current price of 20.35, and display all the information of the newly created Stock along with the price-change percentage.



Intel cooperation








Problem 3:

Implement a class named Account that contains:

  • A private int data field named id for the account.
  • A private float data field named balance for the account.
  • A private float data field named annualInterestRate that stores the current interest rate.
  • A constructor that creates an account with the specified id (default 0), initial balance (default 100), and annual interest rate (default 0).
  • The accessor and mutator (getters/setters) methods for id, balance, and annualInterestRate.
  • A method named getMonthlyInterestRate() that returns the monthly interest rate.
  • A method named getMonthlyInterest() that returns the monthly interest.
  • A method named withdraw that withdraws a specified amount from the account.
  • A method named deposit that deposits a specified amount to the account.


(Hint: The method getMonthlyInterest() is to return the monthly interest amount, not the interest rate. Use this formula to calculate the monthly interest: balance *monthlyInterestRate. monthlyInterestRate is annualInterestRate/ 12.

Note that annualInterestRate is a percent (like 4.5%). You need to divide it by 100.)

Write a test program that creates an Account object with an account id of 1122, a balance of $20,000, and an annual interest rate of 4.5%. Print the information of the newly created object.

Now, use the withdraw method to withdraw $2,500, use the deposit method to deposit $3,000, and then print the id, balance, monthly interest rate, and monthly interest after doing the withdraw and deposit.







After doing the withdraw and deposit .




