CSC 4740-6740 Mini-Project No: 01


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This is a warm-up mini-project, just to make sure that we all have R and RStudio
(IDE) installed on our computers, and we are able to handle some basic tasks. This
is much simpler than you can imagine, however, you may need some time to get R
installed and get yourself comfortable with the IDE’s environment.
Plot the provided data (CSV file). In more details:
1. read the CSV file in R, using read.table(…) or read.csv(…).
2. decide what type of plot is the best choice to show the growth of male and
female population in Africa, year by year, since 1960.
3. plot “Female” and “male” attributes against “year”, in one single plot. (50%)
Make sure that:
➔ you have proper legends. (readable, not masking the content of the plot, …)
➔ the numbers on both X and Y axes are readable. (No scientific notation)
➔ the “female” section is easily distinguishable from the “male” section. (You
may use different colors or shapes/patterns) (10%)
➔ you have ONE single plot for both “male” and “female” attributes.(20%)
1. your plot in the form of a 1000 by 1000 pixel image. (A low quality image is
not acceptable!)
2. your R script, in a “.R” file. (One may lose all the points by not returning
the script, or returning a buggy one!)