CSc 352: Assignment 9


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The purpose of this assignment is to do more involved work with pointers, linked lists, memory
allocation, command line arguments, reading from a file, using free(), representing graphs, and
learning about how make works.

General Requirements

1. Your C code should adhere to the coding standards for this class as listed in the
Documents section on the Resources tab for Piazza. This includes protecting against
buffer overflows whenever you read strings.
2. Your programs should indicate if they executed without any problems via their exit
status, i.e., the value returned by the program when it terminates:
Execution Exit Status
Normal, no problems 0
Error or problem encountered 1
3. Under bash you can check the exit status of a command or program cmd by typing the
command “echo $?” immediately after the execution of cmd. A program can exit with
status n by executing “exit(n)” anywhere in the program, or by having main() execute
the statement “return(n)”.
4. Remember your code will be graded on lectura using a grading script. You should test
your code on lectura using the diff command to compare your output to that of the
example executable.
5. To get full points your code should compile without warnings or errors when the -Wall
flag is set in gcc
6. Anytime you input a string you must protect against a buffer overflow. Review slides 82
– 87 of the basic_C deck.
7. You must check the return values to system calls that might fail due to not being able to
allocate memory. (e.g. Check that malloc/calloc don’t return NULL) getline() is an
exception to this rule.
8. Your code must run without errors using valgrind.
9. Your program must free all allocated memory before exiting.
10. NEW REQUIREMENT: You must break your code up into at least two source files
(.c) and one header (.h) file. Your Makefile should create the executable file in a way
that only the files that need to be recompiled are recompiled.

Example executables of the programs will be made available. You should copy and run these
programs on lectura to test your program’s output and to answer questions you might have about
how the program is supposed to operate. Our class has a home directory on lectura which is:
You all have access to this directory. The example programs will always be in the appropriate
assignments/assg#/prob# subdirectory of this directory. They will have the same name as the
assigned program with “ex” added to the start and the capitalization changed to maintain
camelback. So, for example, if the assigned program is theBigProgram, then the example
executable will be named exTheBigProgram. You should use the appropriate UNIX
commands to copy these executables to your own directory.

Your programs will be graded by a script. This will include a timeout for all test cases. There
must be a timeout or programs that don’t terminate will cause the grading script to never finish.
This time out will never be less than 10 times the time it takes the example executable to
complete with that test input and will usually be much longer than that. If your program takes an
exceedingly long time to complete compared to the example code, you may want to think about
how to clean up your implementation.

You will be required to include a Makefile with each program. Running the command:
make progName
should create the executable file progName, where progName is the program name listed for the
problem. The gcc commands that compile the ob in your Makefile must include the -Wall flag.
Other than that, the command may have any flags you desire.

Submission Instructions

Your solutions are to be turned in on the host Since the assignment will
be graded by a script, it is important you have the directory structure and the names of the files
exact. Remember that UNIX is case sensitive, so make sure the capitalization is also correct. For
all our assignments the directory structure should be as follows: The root directory will be named
assg#, where # is the number of the current assignment. Inside that directory should be a
subdirectory for each problem. These directories will be named prob# where # is the number of
the problem within the assignment. Inside these directories should be any files required by the
problem descriptions. For this assignment the directory structure should look like:

To submit your solutions, go to the directory containing your assg9 directory and use the
following command:
turnin cs352f18-assg9 assg9


prob1: mymake
This problem involves writing a C program that implements part the core functionality of the
make utility. This assignment involves reading in a file specifying dependencies and rules as in
make (though with a different and more explicit syntax); constructing a dependency tree; and
then traversing the tree starting with some specified target. The extension to actually check
timestamps and execute the associated commands where necessary will be part of a future

 Invocation: Your program will be compiled to an executable named mymake . It will be
invoked as follows:
mymake aMakeFile aTarget
aMakeFile is is a file specifying dependencies and rules according to the format given
below; and aTarget is the name of a target appearing in aMakeFile.

 Behavior: An invocation “mymake aMakeFile aTarget” of your program should behave
as follows: (i) read in the targets and dependencies specified in aMakeFile and construct
the corresponding data dependency graph; (ii) traverse this graph using a postorder
traversal, starting at the node corresponding to the target aTarget. (The Wikipedia
discusses the general notion of tree traversals, including postorder traversals, in more

 Files: You should structure your program so that conceptually distinct pieces of the
program reside in distinct files. For instance, the code for reading the makefile
specifications might be in a different file from the fuctions dealing with graphs. (for
example, finding a node, adding a node, traversing the graph, etc.) You should include at
least 2 different files of source code and one header file. You can include more if you feel
so inclined.

 Output: The output produced by your program is a sequence of node names obtained
from the postorder traversal of the dependency graph (see below) followed by all the
commands for those nodes with the commands indented two spaces. To guarantee your
output matches the example code, visit the children of a node in the order they are listed
in the make file.

 Errors: Error messages should be sensible and informative (use perror where necessary)
and should be sent to stderr.
The following are all fatal errors and should cause the program to exit immediately with
exit status 1.

o An input file or a target is not specified.
o Too many arguments are specified.
o The input file cannot be opened for reading.
o The input file is in an illegal format.
o The specified target is not defined in the input file.
Assumptions and Restrictions
 Assumptions: You may assume that a word in the input mymake file has length at most

 Restrictions: The point of this exercise is to work with pointers and dynamic data
structures. Programs that use statically preallocated memory will not get credit. You will
also not get credit for solutions that use realloc or which simulate realloc by making
repeated calls to malloc or calloc. (In other words, use linked lists as in prior programs.)
mymake makefile specifications

 A whitespace character is any character for which the function isspace() returns a nonzero value, e.g., blanks, tabs, newlines. Note that since rules are on lines that you should
read with getline(), we can essentially ignore the possibibilty of newlines in what follows.
 A word is a nonempty sequence of characters that are not whitespace and not :.
File Structure
A “mymake file” consists of a sequence of rules. These have the structure specified below.
1. Rules
A rule consists of a single target specification followed by a list of zero or more commands. The
commands are listed on separate lines. These have the structure specified below.

1.1. Target Specification

A target specification is of the form
target : str1 str2 … strn
There can be any number of dependencies (strings separated by whitespace after the “:”,
including none). There can be any amount of whitespace before and after the “:”, including none.
Important: A word cannot appear as the target for more than one rule.

1.2. Commands

A command is of the form
\t cmd
where cmd is a bash command. The tab character, \t, must be exactly the first character on the
line. The space after the \t is just for illustration purposes. You can choose to support leading
spaces before cmd, but we will not test that.

2. Examples
The following are examples of mymake files. (Note that in these examples by “\t” I mean a tab
character, not the two chars ‘\’ and ‘t’):
Example 1: The following is legal:
spellcheck.o : utils.h spellcheck.h spellcheck.c
\t gcc -Wall -c spellcheck.c
hash.o :hash.c utils.h hash.h
\t gcc -Wall hash.c
spellcheck : hash.o spellcheck.o
\t gcc *.o -o spellcheck
\t spellcheck out1
\t spellcheck out2
\t spellcheck out3
Example 2: The following is illegal. Because spellcheck appears as a target more than once.
spellcheck : hash.c spellcheck.c
\t gcc hash.c spellcheck.c -o spellcheck spellcheck.o : utils.h spellcheck.h spellcheck.c
\t gcc -Wall -c spellcheck.c
hash.o : hash.c utils.h hash.h
\t gcc -Wall hash.c
spellcheck : hash.o spellcheck.o
\t gcc *.o -o spellcheck

Dependency Graphs

A dependency graph is a data structure that captures the dependencies between different files as
specified in a make file. To keep this discussion specific, we will focus here on rules in mymake
format; however, the concepts are not specific to this assignment and generalize readily to the
full make utility.

1. Structure

A dependency graph is a directed graph satisfying the following:
Each node represents a target or something a target depends on as given in the input mymake
file. Thus, for each rule of the form
A : … B …
\t cmd1
\t cmd2
there is a node named A and a node named B in the dependency graph and there is edge from
node A to node B if A “depends on” B.
The sequence of commands (cmd1 and cmd2 in the above example) is associated with the
dependency graph node for the target for the rule.
The following example illustrates the notion of dependency graphs. Concider the following
mymake file:
spellcheck.o : utils.h spellcheck.h spellcheck.c
\t gcc -Wall -c spellcheck.c
hash.o : hash.c utils.h hash.h
\t gcc -Wall hash.c
spellcheck : hash.o spellcheck.o
\t gcc *.o -o spellcheck
The corresponding dependency graph is as follows:
The ordering on the children of each node in a dependency graph is significant: it reflects the
left-to-right ordering on the dependencies specified as part of a rule. For example, the first rule in
the example above gives the dependencies of the target “spellcheck.o” in the following left-toright order:
The children of the node corresponding to this target in the dependency graph shown above
reflect this ordering.

2. Post-order Traversal

Let the sequence of children of the node aTarget be <aChild1, aChild2, …, aChildn>, where
the ordering on the nodes aChildi reflects as the ordering specified in the target specification for
the rule for aTarget, as discussed above. The postorder traversal of the graph starting at node
aTarget is carried out as follows:
PostOrder (aTarget)
If aTarget visited return
mark aTarget as visited
for i = 1 to n (in that order)
Process aTarget

For the purposes of this assignment, “processing a node” simply means printing out its name,
without any extraneous whitespace, followed by a newline, and then each command (if any)
associated with that target. Each command should be on its own line and should be indented two
This is essentially a depth first search
Example: A post-order traversal of the dependency graph shown above, starting at the root node
spellcheck, produces the following:
gcc -Wall hash.c
gcc -Wall -c spellcheck.c
gcc *.o -o spellcheck