CSc 300 – Assignment #2


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Create a user-defined Abstract Data Type (ADT) that implements a stack using a C++ class named StackType
and an appropriate set of C++ header/implementation files as discussed in class.
• The StackType ADT must be implemented using a linked list.
• Each element stored in the StackType ADT is of type ElementType.
o ElementType is an exportable primitive char data type.
§ Usage not restricted to the StackType class alone.
The StackType ADT must define and implement the following data types and operations.
• Do not add any additional data types or operations.
• Do not modify any of the defined data types or operations.
Exportable Operations: (declared .h file and defined .cpp file)
StackType default constructor function – creates an initialized empty stack
StackType copy constructor – creates a duplicate copy of an existing stack (*)
~StackType destructor function – removes all elements from the stack
stack instance state before going out of scope – initialized empty stack
push inserts a new element to the top of the stack
pop removes an existing element from the top of the stack
peek accesses the top element on the stack (*)
does not permanently alter the stack
view displays the contents of the stack from the top to the bottom (*)
non-destructive implementation
(*) Before an element can be accessed and processed it must first be removed from the top of the stack.
User-Defined Data Types:
ElementType, NodeType, PointerType
StackType Output Examples: (view) // Required Output Format
The Top -> The Bottom
The Top -> S -> D -> S -> U -> The Bottom
Make sure that you completely document the header/implementation files.
• The header (.h) file tells the user exactly how to use your ADT
o General descriptions only – do not include implementation details
• The implementation file (.cpp) tells the implementer/programmer exactly how the ADT works
o Detailed descriptions – include implementation details
Zip together and e-mail your header/implementation files using the following naming convention.
• Do not e-mail your main/driver program
o I will create my own main/driver program to test your ADT
username2.h for the header file // I would use gamradtk2.h
username2.cpp for the implementation file // I would use gamradtk2.cpp // I would use
List the class number, your username, and assignment number as the e-mail message
SUBJECT: csc300 – gamradtk – a2. // This is what I would use
Required header file (.h). // only partially specified
// General description of the ADT and supported operations – exportable operations only
// Do not include any implementation details
class StackType {
public: // exportable
// General description of each of the ADT operations/functions – exportable operations only
StackType( StackType & );
void push( const ElementType );
void pop( ElementType & );
void peek( ElementType & );
void view();
private: // non-exportable
struct NodeType;
typedef NodeType * PointerType;
struct NodeType {
ElementType element;
PointerType next;
PointerType theTop;
Define a macro to prevent multiple inclusion of the header file.
• I would use _GAMRADTK2_H for a header file with the filename gamradtk2.h.
I will write a test program that will include your ADT so all header/implementation files tested must use
common names. So you MUST use:
• the EXACT same names for each data type and function in the header/implementation files.
• the EXACT same function argument sequence in the header/implementation files.
Remember that a stack uses the basic operations of push and pop to support all other operations.
• Apply function Reuse wherever possible.
o E.g., copy constructor, destructor, peek, view, …
Throughout the textbook examples are shown using Templates.
• Do not use Templates unless you are explicitly told to do so.
Compiling C++ programs with external modules from the command line:
g++ driver2.cpp gamradtk2.cpp // list all .cpp files
// executable file named a.out if successful
g++ -o gamradtk2 driver.cpp gamradtk2.cpp // list all .cpp files
// executable file named gamradtk2 if successful
Replace my Linux username with your Linux username.