CSC 1302 Principles of Computer Science II Lab 12: Java Inheritance


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A class in Java can extend another class to become a subclass. When class B extends class A, B
becomes subclass (child) and A becomes superclass (parent). The subclass can reuse all the
features of the parent class. An interface defines a set of specifications that other classes must
implement. Implementing an interface allows a class to become more formal about the behavior
it promises to provide.
In this assignment, we will practice how to extend classes and create corresponding objects. We
will also practice using the interface. The meaning of implementing an interface is not very
different than extending a class but it comes with an additional caveat. When a class implements
an interface, it has to provide an implementation of all methods declared inside interface.
1. Upload all of the .java and the .class files to the CSc1302 dropbox on http://
2. Your assignment will be graded based on the following criteria: (a) Are your programs
runnable without errors? (b) Do your programs complete the tasks with specified outputs?
(c) Do you follow the specified rules to define your methods and programs? (d) Do you
provide necessary comments include the programmer information, date, title of the
program and brief description of the program.
3. Please comment the important lines in the .java file as shown in the template. The
important lines including but not limited to i) variables, ii) for-loop, iii) while-loop, iv)
if-else statement, iv) methods. Please use your own words to describe what is your
purpose to write this line. A .java file without comment will be graded under a 40%
4. Make sure that both the .java and .class files are named and uploaded to icollege
correctly. If any special package is used in the program, be sure to upload the package
too. Should you use any other subdirectory (whatsoever) your program would not be
graded, and you will receive a 0 (zero).
5. No copying allowed. If it is found that students copy from each other, all of these
programs will get 0.
1. Write a superclass called Animal with the following:
i. Private Fields: vegetarian(boolean), eats(String), NumLegs(int)
ii. Constructor: Animal (Boolean veg, String food, int legs)
iii. Methods: IsVegetarian : return vegetarian
Please write the correct constructor and corresponding setter and getter.
2. Write a subclass Cat, extends Animal:
i. Private Fields: color (string)
ii. Methods: getColor: return color
Please write the correct constructor and corresponding setter and getter.
3. Write a class called Lab11, with the main method. In the main method, create an object
of class Cat, which includes four attributes: not vegetarian, eats meats, four legs and
white color. Print out these four attributes for this cat.
System.out.println(“Cat is Vegetarian?” + _____);
System.out.println(“Cat eats ” + _____);
System.out.println(“Cat has ” + _____ + ” legs.”);
System.out.println(“Cat color is ” + _____);