Program 1
1) Write the code to display the content below using user input.
The program Name is Half_XmasTree. This program MUST use (ONLY) for loops to display the output
below from 10 to 1 therefore …1st row prints 10 star 2nd row prints 9… 3rd print 8 stars and so forth…
This program is controlled by the user to input the amount of row.
A good test condition is the value of ten rows. The user will demand the size of the tree.
Remember the purpose of print() and println()
What to submit : Java source file,
Program 2
2) Write a program named Ascii_Tree using a nested for loop that will generate the exact output. You
must code for 10 rows total.
Expected output:
What to submit : Java source file,
Program 3
3) Write a program named Full_XmasTree using a nested for loop that will generate the exact output.
This program MUST use (ONLY) for loops to display the output below. For example the 1st row
prints 1 star 2nd row prints 2, the 3rd row print 3 stars and so forth…
This program is controlled by the user to input for the amount of row. “Prompt
the user to enter the dimensions of the tree”
A good test condition is the value of ten rows.
(hint***)This program should account for white spaces print(“* ”). Remember
the purpose of print() and println()
Expected output:
Please enter the desired number of rows :
Part B (additional to the same code/program #3 )add a second loop of any sort to control the
footing of the tree.
Here are some sample footing you must use one of these samples:
What to submit : Java source file,
Program 4 – Guess Number program
Program description
Write a program named Guess_A_Number that plays a game in which the program picks a
secret number and the user tries to guess it.
1. The program first asks the user to enter the maximum value for the secret number.
2. Next, it chooses a random number that is >= 1 and<= the maximum number.
3. Then the user must try to guess the number.
4. When the user succeeds, the program asks the user whether or not to play another game.
The following Sample shows what the user will see on the screen (user input is in
2. Input and output
Guess the secret number.
Enter maximum value for secret number: 10
A new secret number has been chosen.
Enter guess: 3 Too
low; try again.
Enter guess: 8
Too low; try again. Enter
guess: 9
Too low; try again.
Enter guess: 10 You
won in 4 guesses!
Play again? (Y/N) y
A new secret number has been chosen.
Enter guess: 7
Too high; try again.
Enter guess: 3 Too
low; try again.
Enter guess: 5
You won in 3 guesses!
Play again? (Y/N) n
The user may enter any number of spaces before and after each input. The program should
terminate if the user enters any input other than y or Y when asked whether to play again.
1) Use two while statement (nested) for the whole program. Maybe you can incorporate if
2) Use the following statement to pick the secret number:
int secretNumber = (int) (Math.random() * maxNumber) + 1;
3) Use trim() method to trim any number of spaces in an input.
4) Use the equalsIgnoreCase method to test whether the user entered y or Y.
What to submit : Java source file,
1)Write a program that takes argument for: N and prints a (2N + 1)-by-(2N + 1). The sample
Expected Output is shown below.
Hint ** Use two (2) for loops and one (1) if-else statement to accomplish this task.
2) Write a program name Diamonds_R_4_Ever that takes in the argument N and then prints a (2N +
1)-by-(2N + 1). The diamond example Expected Output is shown below.