Complete Flask To-do List application by implementing all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Functions that needs to be completed are:
User signup
User sign in
For registered users
o add a new to-do item
o list all to-do items (title, description, completed/incomplete)
o edit to-do items (change title and description, mark as completed)
o delete to-do items
All functions except edit and delete should have been already completed before you start the assignment. Thus, those are the only new functions you will implement. On listing page, along with each item information, provide buttons (or links) for edit and delete.
For marking items as completed, you will need to add a new boolean attribute to table tbl_todo. When a new item is created, it will take default value of “False”.
Screenshots for each function listed above
Application source code (zipped)
You will send complete application code/folder that includes all functionalities.
Important note: Database table names and attribute names should match with the names used in hands-on videos. You will not send your database files and TAs will assume you have exact same structure/schema for the database. Also, if you have different parameters for database connection (username, password, port number etc.) state this information while submitting your work.