CS584 Assignment 1: Logistic Regression and Neural Networks


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1. Document Classification (100 points)

In this homework, you need to classify text paragraphs into
three categories: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Jane Austen by building your own
classifiers. The data provided is from Project Gutenberg.

Please follow the steps below:
• (5pts) Preprocess data: Remove punctuation, irrelevant symbols, urls, and numbers. You can
remove the unrelated text in the beginning of each file.

• (5pts) Construct examples: Divide each document into multiple paragraphs. Each paragraph
will be one example. Text that is not part of a paragraph can be discarded or preprocessed. Report
the total number of examples for each category.

• (5pts) Data split: Sample these paragraphs into training and testing data.

• (5pts) Feature extraction: Build a vocabulary to represent each paragraph using only training
data. Consider TF-IDF features for each input example.

• (60pts) Train two classifiers (described below).

1. Implement a Logistic Regression (LR) model with L2 regularization from scratch:
J = −
yik log  exp fk
c=1 exp fc

+ λ
– (10 pts) Given this formula, show the steps to derive the gradient of J with respect to wk.
– (20 pts) Write a function for mini-batch gradient descent.
– (20 pts) Write a function for stochastic gradient descent.
Report the results and plots for both mini-batch and stochastic gradient descent.

2. (10 pts) Build and train a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) model (i.e., a two-layer neural network)
using backpropagation. Please specify the settings of the model such as the network structure,
the optimizer, the initial learning rate, the loss function.

• (5pts) Plot training loss and validation loss every 100 epoches.
• (5pts) Use cross-validation on the training data, report the recall and precision for each category
on the test and validation sets, choose the best λ(in LR) and the number of neurons in the hidden
layer (in MLP) using the validation set.

• (10pts) Compare both classifiers and provide an analysis for the results.

Please follow the below instructions when you submit the assignment.
1. You are allowed to use packages for reading text, TF-IDF, plotting, and MLP, but you are not
allowed to use packages for mini-batch gradient descent or stochastic gradient descent.

2. Your submission should consist of a zip file named Assignment1 LastName FirstName.zip which
• a jupyter notebook file(.ipynb). The file should contain the code and the output after execution.

You should also include detailed comments and analysis (plots, result tables, etc).
• a pdf (or jpg) file to show the derivation steps of the gradient of J with respect to wk.