CS580U Program 8 – Building a Heap (Extra Credit)


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Part 1: Heap
● Create an array based Min-Heap. You should have a header file, heap.h, with the
○ Heap struct containing the following:
■ a Data array
● as in previous assignment, you should wrap your data in a Data
■ maximum capacity
■ current size
○ A function declaration for a function that allocates a heap, and initializes the
internal array to NULL;
● You should also have a source file, heap.c, that implements:
○ Heap * initHeap(Data * d);
■ The function should take a data array, then return a Heap struct with the
internal array heapified
● Test your functions and structure to ensure everything is initialized correctly by creating
a Heap
Part 2: Heap Operations
● You will need to implement the following functions in your Heap.c file.
● removePriority:
○ removes and returns the priority value from the heap, and re-heapifys.
● You will also need the following for your heap:
○ siftDown
○ heapify
Part 3: Testing Your Heap
● In the driver code, you should have 2 loops:
○ The first loops should create an array of 1000 Data objects with random integer
values between 1-1000.
■ Once the data Array is created, you should use it to create a heap using
your initHeap() function.
○ You second loop should remove all elements of the heap by continuously
removing the priority value.
■ You must use the assert library to test your heap to make sure the priority
value you remove is greater than or equal to the previous priority value
that was removed.
Part 4 – Submission
● Required code organization:
○ program8.c – contains the driver code
○ heap.c/h – Your header file should have (at minimum) the following function
■ Data struct
● value (int)
■ Heap struct
● data (Data *)
● current_size (int)
● maximum_capacity (int)
■ Heap * initHeap(Data * d);
■ void siftDown(Heap * h, int index);
■ void * heapify(Heap * h);
■ Data removePriority(Heap * h);
■ makefile
● You must have the following labels in your makefile:
○ all – to compile all your code to an executable called
‘program8’ (no extension). Do not run.
○ run – to compile if necessary and run
○ checkmem – to compile and run with valgrind
○ clean – to remove all executables and object files
● While inside your program 8 folder, create a zip archive with the following command
○ zip -r program8 *
■ This creates an archive of all file and folders in the current directory called
■ Do not zip the folder itself, only the files required for the program
● Upload the archive to Blackboard under Program 8.
Grading Guidelines
Total: 10 points
● Part 1,2,3:
○ To get credit, your Heap, and your test loops must all work perfectly.
● Style Guidelines and Memory Leaks
○ You will lose significant points for the following:
■ Makefile does not have requested format and labels (-5 points)
■ Does not pass Valgrind Tests (-10 points)
■ Does not follow requested program structure and submission format (-10
■ Does not follow formatting guidelines (-5 points)