Part 1: BST
● Create a link based Binary Search tree composed of a Node and Tree struct. You should
have a header file, bst.h, with the following:
○ Node struct containing left, right, and parent pointers, in addition to holding an
Data struct value.
○ Tree struct containing a pointer to the root of the tree.
○ A function declaration for a function that allocates a tree, and initializes the root to
○ A function declaration for a function that takes a Data struct as a parameter,
allocates a node, and initializes the left, right, parent fields to NULL.
● You should also have a source file, bst.c, that implements the two declared functions:
○ Tree * createTree();
○ Node * createNode(Data d, Node * parent);
● Test your functions and structure to ensure everything is initialized correctly by creating
a Tree and adding a root to it.
Part 2: BST Operations
● Alter your header file to contain the function declarations for insert, search, removeData.
Implement the operations in your BST.c file.
○ Create a function, Data * insert(Tree * bst, Data value), that inserts into the tree –
Helpful hints:
■ Return a pointer to the Data value inserted into the tree
■ Make sure you check for the special case of an empty tree [if(bst->root ==
■ After checking for the root, use a separate helper function to insert a
value into the tree, Data * insertNode(Node * node, Data value), that you
can use for the recursive call
■ If the value is already in the tree, return NULL
○ Create a function, Data * search(Tree * bst, Data value), that searches for a
value in the tree. Return a pointer to the Data object if found – Helpful hints:
■ Make sure you check for the special case of an empty tree [if(bst->root ==
■ After checking for the root, use a separate helper function to search the
tree, Node * searchNode(Node * node, Data value), that you can use for
the recursive call
○ Create a function, void removeData(Tree * bst, Data value), that removes a value
from the tree – Helpful hints:
■ Use your (hopefully) working search auxillary function to find the node you
need to delete
● Your auxiliary search function can return a node pointer, and you
primary search function returns the data from that pointer.
■ You will have 3 cases requiring 3 separate functions:
● remove a leaf node : void removeLeaf(Tree * bst, Node * d_node);
● remove a node with 1 branch: void shortCircuit(Tree * bst, Node *
● remove a node with 2 branches: void promotion(Tree * bst, Node *
○ You will need to use your removeLeaf() and shortCircuit() functions in your
promotion function, so make sure they are working before starting on the
promotion function.
Part 3: Testing Your Tree
● In the driver code provided below, we do the following to test your tree:
○ Using your insert function, insert the following values into your tree (in this order)
■ 5,3,10,4,8,2,1,7,9,6,12,11,13
● The following will be tested:
○ Insertion of the above value set
○ Search on each value
○ Search on a value not in the tree
○ Deletion of each value using the following algorithms
■ Delete leaf
■ Delete 1 child
■ Delete 2 child
■ Delete root
■ Delete 1 child root
■ Delete leaf root
● You will also need to implement the following:
○ Tree * clone(Tree*): Takes a tree and uses preorder traversal algorithm to return
a clone of the tree
○ int compare(Tree*, Tree*): Takes a tree and uses preorder traversal algorithm to
determine if the trees are equal
○ void sort(Tree *, Data *): Takes a tree and a data array buffer as parameters, and
fills the buffer with the tree data in sorted order using the inorder traversal
○ void deleteTree(Tree * bst): Add a post-order deleteTree() function that deletes
all nodes and the tree
■ Remember, post order only deletes leafs, so you need only call
○ Hint: Each of the above functions is easier to implement if you use an auxiliary
recursive function
Part 4 – Submission
● Required code organization:
○ program7.c – contains the driver code, and executable program code
○ bst.c/h – Your header file should have (at minimum) the following function
■ Data struct
● value (int)
■ Node struct
● data (Data)
● left (Node *)
● right (Node *)
■ Tree struct
● root (Node *)
■ Node * createNode(Data d, Node * parent);
■ Tree * createTree();
■ Data * insert(Tree *, Data);
■ Data * search(Tree * bst, Data value);
■ void sort(Tree *, Data *);
■ int compare(Tree *t, Tree * copy);
■ Tree * clone(Tree *t);
■ void deleteTree(Tree * bst);
■ void removeData(Tree * bst, Data value);
■ makefile
● You must have the following labels in your makefile:
○ all – to compile all your code to an executable called
‘program7’ (no extension). Do not run.
○ run – to compile if necessary and run
○ checkmem – to compile and run with valgrind
○ clean – to remove all executables and object files
● While inside your program 7 folder, create a zip archive with the following command
○ zip -r program7 *
■ This creates an archive of all file and folders in the current directory called
■ Do not zip the folder itself, only the files required for the program
● Upload the archive to Blackboard under Program 7.
● You may demo your program by downloading your archive from Blackboard. Extract
your archive, then run your code, show your source, and answer any questions the TA
may have.
Grading Guidelines
Total: 30 points
● Part 1,2,3:
○ Test 1 – Initialize the BST (1 point)
○ Test 2 – Insert into the BST (1 point)
○ Test 3 – Insert Duplicates(1 point)
○ Test 4 – Sorted data (3 points)
○ Test 5 – Search data (2 points)
○ Test 6 – Search for Missing data (2 points)
○ Test 7 – Clone and Compare trees (3 points)
○ Test 8 – Remove a value not found (1 points)
○ Test 9 – Remove Leaf (2 points)
○ Test 10 – Remove 1 child node (2 points)
○ Test 11 – Remove 2 child node with leaf (2 points)
○ Test 12 – Remove 2 child node with short circuit (2 points)
○ Test 13 – Remove 2 child root (2 points)
○ Test 14 – Remove 1 child root (2 points)
○ Test 15 – Remove Leaf root (1 points)
○ Test 16 – Clean up memory. Delete all trees (3 points)
● Style Guidelines and Memory Leaks
○ You will lose significant points for the following:
■ Makefile does not have requested format and labels (-5 points)
■ Does not pass Valgrind Tests (-10 points)
■ Does not follow requested program structure and submission format (-10
■ Does
s (-5