CS342 Operating Systems Project #2 –Multiprocessor Scheduling, Threads, Synchronization


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Part A (60 pts):
In this project you will implement a program that will simulate multiprocessor
scheduling. The program will simulate two approaches for multiprocessor
scheduling: single-queue approach, and multi-queue approach (Figures 1 and
2). In single-queue approach, we have a single common ready queue
(runqueue) that is used by all processors. In multi-queue approach, each
processor has its own ready queue. Your program will simulate the following
scheduling algorithms: FCFS (first-come first-served), SJF (shortest job first –
nonpreemptive), and RR(Q) (round robin with time quantum Q). The program
will be called as mps. It will take the following arguments (options).
mps [-n N] [-a SAP QS] [-s ALG Q] [-i INFILE] [-m OUTMODE]
[-o OUTFILE] [-r T T1 T2 L L1 L2 PC]
The -n N option is used to specify the number of processors (default is 2). The
-a SAP QS option is to specify the scheduling approach. SAP can be either S
(single-queue approach), or M (multi-queue approach). If SAP is set to be M, we
should have N to be greater than 1. The default value for SAP is M. QS indicates
the queue selection method for multi-queue approach. It can be either RM or
LM (explained later). Default value is RM. For single-queue approach, it will be
set to NA (not applicable). The -s ALG Q option specifies the scheduling
algorithm that will be simulated. ALG can be one of the following values: FCFS,
SJF, RR (default is RR). Q is the time quantum (ms) for RR scheduling (default
value is 20 ms). For FCFS and SJF algorithms Q has to be set to 0. The -i
INFILE option, if specified, gives the name of an input file from which burst
information (workload information) is to be taken. The -m OUTMODE flag
specifies what will be printed to screen while the program is running
(explained later) (default is 1). The -o OUTFILE option specifies the name of
an output file into which all output of the simulator should go (nothing will be
printed to screen in this case). The -r T T1 T2 L L1 L2 PC option, if
specified, indicates that burst information will be generated randomly inside
the program using the respective argument values (explained later).
Since we will have default values for program arguments, they are optional to
specify when we invoke the program. We can specify the arguments (options)
in any order. You can assume that when an option is specified, all its arguments
are present and in correct form.
When simulation is started, you will get and record the wall clock time (i.e.,
time of day) from the system by calling the gettimeofday function. Then,
whenever you need the current simulation time, you will get and record the
current wall clock time again. The difference (in ms) between the current wall
clock time and start wall clock time (i.e., the elapsed time from start) will be
considered as the current simulation time, i.e., the timestamp (in ms) at that
instant. All time units in this document are in ms.
Each processor will be simulated by a separate thread. We will call such a
thread as a processor thread or simply a thread. To simulate N processors (N
CPUs), your program will create N threads (using pthread_create). A ready
queue will be implemented as a linked list (if you wish you can use another
dynamic structure). Each queue will be protected by a mutex lock. If multiqueue approach is used, there will be one (ready) queue per processor, and one
lock per queue.
After creating processor threads, your program (main thread) will read and
process the input file sequentially. The input file contains information about
bursts (processes) to simulate and interarrival times between them. An
example input file content is shown below. You must follow the same format.
PL 80
IAT 100
PL 200
IAT 10
PL 50
IAT 70
PL 120
IAT 250
PL 100
IAT 20
PL 40
IAT 30
PL 80
Each line has information about another burst (PL) or another interarrival time
(IAT). After reading a burst information (a PL line) from the file, the program
(main thread) will create and prepare a burst item (a C structure). A burst item
represents a cpu burst (i.e., a process) to be simulated (like a PCB). A burst item
may include the following information about a burst (you may put more
information if you wish): pid, burst length, arrival time, remaining time, finish
time, turnaround time, and the id of the processor in which the burst has
executed. Simulated processors (i.e., processor threads) have ids 1 through N.
Remaining time is the remaining required cpu time of the burst. It is initialized
to the length of the burst and is used only by RR algorithm. We assume each
process has a single cpu burst to execute and does not do any I/O operation.
Hence, for a process, the burst length will be equal to the process length. Pid
is burst (process) id. Pids start at 1 and increase sequentially. The first burst is
assigned 1 as pid, second burst 2, and so on. Before adding the burst item to a
queue, you will obtain a timestamp, and that timestamp will be the arrival time
of the burst. Then you will add the burst to the tail of a queue. Access to the
queue should happen after acquiring the related lock (always use locks to
access shared structures). Then the program will read the next line, an IAT
line. Let X be the IAT value that is read. The program will then sleep for X ms
(by using usleep) to simulate this interarrival time. Then it will loop again and
read another PL line. This behavior will continue until we reach the end of file.
Figure 1. Single-queue approach.
In single-queue approach, a burst will be added to the tail of a single common
queue. All processors will pick bursts from that queue. In multi-queue
approach, bursts will be added to queues by using one of the following
1. Round robin Method (RM). In this case, burst 1 (first burst) will be added to
queue 1, next burst to queue 2, and so on. After queue N, we will add to
queue 1 again.
2. Load-balancing Method (LM). A burst item will be added to the queue that
has the least load at that time (total remaining length of the bursts in the
queue is smallest). In case of tie, the queue with smaller id is selected.
Figure 2. Multi-queue approach.
When the program (main thread) adds the last burst item into a queue, it will
additionally add a dummy item (end of simulation marker) to each queue.
Then the program (main thread) will wait until all threads terminate.
A processor thread will do the following in a loop till the end of the simulation.
It will first pick (select) a process from the queue according to the scheduling
algorithm simulated. For SJF, if there is a tie, the item closer to head is picked.
If there is no process to pick, the thread will sleep for 1 ms (using usleep) (this
is better than busy looping which will cause too much load on your processor),
and will try again, until a burst item is retrieved or a dummy item is read. In
Part C, you will use a condition variable to enforce a processor thread to sleep
as long as the respective queue is empty. In that case you will not need to sleep
for 1 ms repeatedly.
After a burst item is picked, its running will be simulated by sleeping (via
usleep) for a while. Let X be the length of the burst. For FCFS and SJF
algorithms, the thread will sleep for X ms. For RR scheduling, let R be the
remaining time of the burst (R <= X). Then, if R is less than or equal to time
quantum Q (R <= Q), the thread will sleep for R ms, and after that, burst is
considered as finished. Otherwise, if R is greater than Q (R > Q), the processor
thread will sleep for Q ms (to simulate one round of execution for the burst).
After Q ms of sleeping, the processor thread will update the remaining time for
the burst item (RT = RT – Q) and will put it back to the ready queue (to the tail
of the queue). Then another burst item will be retrieved from the queue.
When a burst finishes, the processor thread will get a timestamp and consider
the timestamp as the finish time of the burst. The difference between finish time
and arrival time will be the turnaround time of the burst. The waiting time of
the burst can be calculated by subtracting the burst length (that was taken from
the input file) from the turnaround time. These information will be recorded in
the respective burst item. We can collect all finished burst items into a list, to
be sorted and processed by the main thread at the end of the simulation (do not
forget to use a lock for this list as well).
This behavior will be repeated until the processor thread reads a dummy item
from the queue, which indicates the end of simulation. If N > 1 and singlequeue approach is used, the processor thread will not delete the dummy item
from the queue (if you delete, you should put it back immediately), so that each
processor thread can read the dummy item and detect the end of simulation.
After reading a dummy item, a processor thread can terminate.
With -m OUTMODE option, we can specify what should be printed out to the
screen while program is running. OUTMODE can be 1, 2, or 3. If OUTMODE is 1,
nothing will be printed out. If it is 2, a processor thread will print the following
information whenever it picks a burst from the queue (before usleep):
timestamp (i.e., current simulated time), the cpu id, the pid of the burst that is
picked, burst length, and the remaining time of the burst.
An example output can be as follows (use this format):
time=3450, cpu=3, pid=5, burstlen=90, remainingtime=40
If OUTMODE is 3, then a lot of information will be printed out while the
simulation is running. The format is up to you. But please print related
information (in a separate line) for the following events at least: a burst is to be
added to a queue, a burst is picked for CPU, the time slice expired for a burst,
a burst has finished.
At the end of the simulation, when all processor threads have terminated, the
program (main thread) will print the following information (by using the burst
item list collected) to the screen, no matter what OUTMODE is. (in ascending
sorted order with respect to pid) before it also terminates. For each burst
(process), it will write the pid, cpu-id (where burst executed), burst length
(same value that is read from input file), time burst arrived, time burst
finished, total waiting time in the ready queue, and turnaround time. After all
these are printed, the average turnaround time (considering all processes) will be
printed out.
An example output can be as follows (use this format strictly):
pid cpu burstlen arv finish waitingtime turnaround
1 1 1000 0 1000 0 1000
2 1 500 200 1500 800 1300
average turnaround time: 1150 ms
The numbers above are just to give the format. They do not have to make sense.
If -r T T1 T2 L L1 L2 PC option is specified, then interarrival times and
burst times will be generated randomly inside the program (default values for
the parameters are 200, 10, 1000, 100, 10, 500, 10, respectively). T is the
mean interarrival time (approximately), T1 is the minimum acceptable
interarrival time and T2 is the maximum acceptable interarrival time. Similarly,
L is the mean burst length (approximately), L1 is the minimum acceptable
burst length and L2 is the maximum acceptable burst length. PC is the number
of bursts to simulate. The unit of all time related parameters is ms.
A random interarrival time (an integer) will be generated as follows. First, an
exponentially distributed random value x in range [0, ∞ ) will be generated. To
do this, we take the rate parameter (l) of the exponential distribution as 1/T.
For example, if T is 100, then l = 0.01. Then we select a random number �
between 0 and 1 (uniformly distributed) using the rand()function, and let � =
((−1) ∙ ��(1 − �))/�. If x is in range [T1, T2], we round it to an integer and
we are done. Otherwise, we regenerate x until it is in range [T1,T2]. The same
method can be used to generate a random burst length. The random
interarrival times or burst lengths selected with this method will not be exactly
exponentially distributed, but this is fine. They will be random enough.
If -i option is specified but -r option is not specified, then burst information
will be taken from the specified input file (not generated randomly). If -i
option is not specified but -r option is specified, then burst information will
be generated randomly. If neither -i nor -r option is specified, then burst
information will be generated randomly using default distribution parameter
values. If both -i and -r are specified, then again burst information will be
generated randomly (-i option will be ignored).
Example invocations of the program are shown below.
./mps -n 4 -a S NA -s RR 20 -i infile.txt -m 1
./mps -n 4 -a M LM -s SJF 0 -i infile.txt -m 2 -o out.txt
./mps -n 1 -a S NA -s RR 30 -i infile.txt
./mps -n 8 -a M RM -s RR 20 -i in.txt -m 3 -o out.txt
./mps -n 8 -a M RM -s FCFS 0 -i in.txt
./mps -n 2 -a M LM -s FCFS 0 -r 200 50 600 100 10 400 100
./mps -n 4 -a M LM -s RR 50 -r 150 10 1000 80 10 250 50
You will use POSIX pthreads mutex variables (locks). You need to get the
related lock (by calling pthread_mutex_lock function) before accessing a
queue, and you need to release the lock (by calling pthread_mutex_unlock)
after you are done with the access. Be careful about deadlocks. Write your code
in such a manner that there will be no deadlocks and race conditions.
Part B – Experiments (20 pts):
Do experiments and try to interpret the results. OUTMODE should be 1 while
doing the experiments (nothing will be printed out while simulation is
a) Run experiments to compare the performance of single-queue approach
with multi-queue approach. Also compare RM method with LM method.
You can use average turnaround time as the metric. For RR, one quantum
value will be enough.
b) Run experiments to compare the performance of the three scheduling
algorithms (FCFS, SJF, RR) in terms of average turnaround time.
Repeat your experiments for various values of program arguments (N, Q).
Try to interpret your results. Plot graphs or create tables. Write a report and
have it in PDF form (report.pdf) in the folder that you tar and gzip and upload.
PART C – Use of condition variables (20 pts):
You will implement the same program in part A, but this time you will use a
condition variable to cause a processor thread to sleep (by using
pthread_cond_wait) as long as the respective queue is empty. When an item
is put to the queue, then the processor thread will be waken up (by using
pthread_cond_signal). For each queue, you will use another condition
variable. If we have just one queue, then one condition variable is enough. With
condition variables you no longer need to sleep for 1 ms repeatedly when the
respective queue is empty. We call this program as mps_cv. Hence you will
have two programs in your submission folder: mps.c and mps_cv.c.
Put all your files into a directory named with your Student ID. If the project is
done as a group, the IDs of both students will be written, separated by a dash
‘-‘. In a README.txt file, write your name, ID, etc. (if done as a group, all
names and IDs will be included). The set of files in the directory will include
README.txt, Makefile, and program source files. We should be able to
compile your programs by just typing make. No binary files (executable files)
will be included in your submission. Then tar and gzip the directory, and
submit it to Moodle.
For example, a project group with student IDs 21404312 214052104 will create
a directory named “21404312-214052104” and will put their files there. Then,
they will tar the directory (package the directory) as follows:
tar cvf 21404312-214052104.tar 21404312-214052104
Then they will gzip the tar file as follows:
gzip 21404312-214052104.tar
In this way they will obtain a file called 21404312-214052104.tar.gz. Then they
will upload this file into Moodle (one upload per group). For a project done
individually, just the ID of the student will be used as file or directory name.
Tips and Clarifications:
• You need to initialize any mutex or condition variables you are using. And
you need to destroy them as soon as you are finished with them.
• Minimum burst length can be 10 ms.
• Minimum interarrival time can be 10 ms.
• N (number of processors) can be at most 10.
• Minimum time quantum (Q) can be 10 ms. Maximum time quantum (Q)
can be 100 ms.
• In RR scheduling, a burst stays always in the same queue, no matter which
algorithm (RM or LM) is used in selecting a queue.
• Normally, we do not develop a simulator in the way described here, but
this is just an exercise project for scheduling, multithreading and
• “man pthreads” will you give information about POSIX threads API.
You can also find a lot of information on the Web about POSIX pthreads.
• A thread that is simulating a processor (CPU) can understand that the last
burst arrived to the ready queue via the dummy item (after reading the
dummy item from the queue). The thread should continue serving the
bursts (if any in the queue) (for example with round robin) until the
queue becomes completely empty.
• Use of locks is quite easy. You will define and initialize a mutex variable
(i.e., a lock variable). Then you will use pthread_mutex_lock() and
pthread_mutex_unlock() functions to acquire and release a lock. You
can read the related man pages.
• While a processor thread is executing a long burst (say 60 ms) with RR
(e.g., q=20), another processor thread can not execute the same burst
concurrently. That means a burst can be executed by one processor at a
time (in other words, a burst must be executed sequentially).
• While accessing a queue (to insert a burst, or to remove a burst, or to check
the size), a thread needs to get a lock first, so that we don’t have race
• For single-queue approach, if RR is used, it is possible that the cpu a burst runs
may change (it may start in a cpu in a round, and later it can be scheduled to
another cpu in a later round). In that case, in the output cpu column, you ned to
write the id of the last cpu on which the burst executed before termination
(before finishing).
• In multi-queue approach, load balancing decision is given when a new burst is to
be added to one of the queues. If RR is applied, it is possible that a burst execition
will take several rounds. You will not do load balancing while re-inserting such a
partially executed burst to the queue again. It will be added to the queue it was
earlier. Hence, a burst sticks to the queue to which it is initially added (it remains
in the same queue).