1. This assignment is based on an old exam question and involves developing a votecounting application for a simple electoral system. This assignment is solely for those
enrolled in cs2504: those in CS4092 are exempt from this any any further assignments.
2. Suppose that we wish to complete a vote-counting application for a simple electoral
system based in single-seat constituencies. There are a number of candidates, of whom
one is to be elected. Each voter ranks the candidates in order of preference 1, 2, 3 etc.
on a ballot paper. During the count, each ballot paper is distributed initially to the candidate who received the highest preference on that paper. Once this is done, candidates
are eliminated one by one until only one remains, the last remaining candidate being
deemed the winner. At each elimination the candidate with the lowest number of votes
is chosen and his votes are re-distributed among the remaining candidates, with each
voting paper being awarded to the remaining candidate with the highest preference on
that ballot paper. All ties are broken by the drawing of lots.
3. The application involves three main classes: Candidate, BallotPaper and VoteCounter
that you will have to implement from scratch; their behaviours are described below.
The completed application may also rely on various ADTs (Lists, Maps and so on).
Class Candidate simply records the details of an individual candidate (name, party). It
must support the following methods: setName, getName, setParty and getParty. 1
Class BallotPaper captures the idea of the ballot paper completed by one voter. It
records the order in which the voter ranks the candidates. We assume that there are no
spoilt ballots and that each voter dutifully ranks all n candidates in order of preference
from one (highest preference) to n (lowest preference). BallotPaper objects support the
following operations.
• setPreference(n, c): Set the n-th preference for candidate c. Input: int, Candidate; Output: None.
• getPreference(n): Return the candidate who received the n-th preference on
this voting paper. Input: int; Output: Candidate.
Class VoteCounter encapsulates the mechanics of the vote-counting process. Your class
must incorporate a mechanism that records the votes (BallotPaper objects) cast for each
candidate. You may assume that the constructor of VoteCounter takes as its argument a
list of the candidates (provided in the form List). Each candidate initially
has no votes.
Your implementation of VoteCounter will need to support the following method (and
probably several others in addition).
∗ Determine the outcome of the election based on the votes in
∗ votesCast. Return the winning candidate.
public Candidate determineResult(List votesCast)
1For this assignment we will assume that candidate names are unique.
Note that the bundle of votes cast in the election are provided as a List
object. The above method should generate a detailed summary of the progress of the
count at each stage as well as determining the eventual winner.
4. Notes
• Provide implementations for classes Candidate, BallotPaper and VoteCounter.
You may make use of any of the ADT implementations that are available on the
webpage e.g. ArrayBasedMap, if required. You may also find that you need to
implement some additional minor classes.
• You must test your application as rigorously as you can. This is not an optional
extra, this is a key requirement. The testing code should be in one or more independent classes named, and so on.
• Submit your completed application as a a3.tgz file using Moodle. The directory must include all the files your application requires to compile and to execute
(including ADT implementations, test classes and so on).