CS220 Project 1 Bit Twiddling in C


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1.1 Aims
The aims of this project are as follows:
• To expose you to a typical Unix-based C development environment.
• To introduce the implementation of modules in C.
• To force you to understand the use of bitwise operations in C.
1.2 Background
Binary data is often transmitted serially, i.e. sequentially, bit-by-bit. Examples
of serial communication protocols include most popular network protocols and
I/O devices like USB.
When data is transmitted serially, reading it often involves segmenting the bitstream into higher order entities like “words”. This segmenting depends on the
following parameters:
Number of bits within a word This parameter is used to nd word boundaries within a bit stream.
Order of bytes within a word This parameter species the order in which
the bytes which constitute a word are transmitted within a bit-stream.
Common byte orders are most-signicant byte to least-signicant byte referred to as big-endian, and least-signicant to most-signicant, referred
to as little-endian.
Order of bits within a byte This parameter species the order in which the
bits which constitute a byte are transmitted within a bit-stream. Common
bit orders are most-signicant bit to least-signicant bit referred to again
as big-endian, and least-signicant bit to most-signicant bit, referred
to again as little-endian.
Disregarding second-order considerations, the values of these parameters can
pretty much be chosen arbitrarily. However, in order to achieve correct communication, it is imperative that both sender and receiver agree on the values of
these parameters.
This project uses a xed big-endian order for the byte order of a word, and a
xed little-endian order for the bits within a byte, but allows the number of bits
within a word to be specied at runtime.
1.3 Requirements
Submit a submit/prj1-sol folder in your i220X repository in github such that
typing make within that folder produces a bits-to-ints executable within that
directory with usage:
./bits-to-ints N_BITS [FILE…]
N_BITS should specify the number of bits in a word which should be a power-of-2
between 8 and 64 inclusive and [FILE…] species 0-or-more lenames.
Each specied le should contain the characters ‘0’, ‘1’ or whitespace, where
a whitespace character is any character c such that isspace(c) from <ctype.¬
h> returns non-zero. The number of non-whitespace characters within each le
should be an integral multiple of N_BITS; i.e., words cannot span multiple les.
The program should segment the bit stream contained in each le into an unsigned word of N_BITS, assuming that the bytes within a word are in big-endian
order and the bits within a byte are in little-endian order. Whitespace characters
should be ignored. It should print out the resulting value of each word in hexadecimal on standard output, one word per line, where each value is preceeded
by the requisite number of 0 hexets needed to pad out the value to N_BITS.
The program should read from standard input if zero le names are specied
on the command-line.
The program should print out error messages on standard error for the following
error conditions:
• An invalid character which is not one of ‘0’, ‘1’ or whitespace is encountered in one of the [FILE…] arguments.
• End-of-le is encountered within a word.
You are being provided with much of the necessary code. What you really need
to provide is an implementation for this specication header le.
The behavior of the program is illustrated in the provided aux-les/test1.LOG
log le.
1.4 Provided Files
The provided prj1-sol directory includes the following les:
bits-to-ints.c A skeleton le which you will need to modify.
bits-to-ints.h A specication header le which provides the specication you
need to implement. You should not modify this le.
errors.c and errors.h Specication and implementation of a trivial error reporting module. It provides two functions error() and fatal() where
each function takes printf()-style arguments and prints the message
specied by its arguments on standard error; the dierence between the
two is that fatal() additionally terminates the program. You should not
need to modify these les.
main.c This provides the necessary command-line behavior for the program.
You should not need to modify this le.
Makele A Makefile with default target which builds the entire program. It
also provides a clean target for cleaning out object and executable les
and emacs backup les. You should not need to modify this le.
test1.txt A le containing test data; one byte per line.
1.5 Modules
Modules are available in many programming languages to provide a unit of
encapsulation larger than a function. The encapsulation serves to export some
useful functionality to the rest of the program, while keeping the details of the
implementation of that functionality hidden.
Unfortunately, C does not provide any language support for modules. Fortunately,\ is possible to implement modules in C by following some simple rules:
1. Provide a specication le usually named with a .h extension, which declares the functions and types exported by the module.
2. Provide an implementation le usually named with a .c extension, which
implements the specications. All implementation details should be hidden within this implementation le by being declared using a static modier, thus restricting the visibilitity to within that le.
3. #include the .h specication le into the .c implementation le. Doing
so guarantees that any syntactic incompatibility between the specication
and the implementation is caught by the compiler.
4. #include the .h specication le into any client les which require the
functionality exported by the module.
5. Link the implementation le into the executable.
The provided les provide an error-reporting module with specication le errors.h and implementation le errors.c, Similarly, the bits-to-ints module
uses the bits-to-ints.h specication le and a bits-to-ints.c implementation le.
Note that it is possible to extend the above ideas for implementing modules in
C to handle object encapsulation.
1.6 Hints
This project will require some C knowledge which has not yet been explicitly
covered in class:
• One of the parameters to the bits_to_ints() function is declared bool
*isEof, which means isEof is a pointer to a bool. We have not yet
covered pointers in class, but assigning a value through this pointer is as
simple as *isEof = true; or *isEof = false;.
• You will need to read characters from the input stream inFile. You can
do so using the <stdio.h> function fgetc(inFile) which will return an
int representing the ASCII code of the next character read from stream
inFile. The return value is set to the special value EOF (also dened in
<stdio.h>) on end-of-le.
• You can check if an integer c represents the code for a whitespace character
using the <ctype.h> isspace(c) function.
The following steps are not prescriptive in that you may choose to ignore them
as long as you meet all project requirements.
1. Review all relevant material, specically the out_bits() function in the
slides and the sections 2.1 Information Storage and 2.2 Integer Representations of the text.
2. Identify suitable abstractions for your problem:
• You need to read a bit at a time from the inFile stream.
• You need to assemble bits into bytes.
• You need to assemble bytes into words.
It is reasonable to create dierent functions for each of these abstractions.
3. Identify a strategy to assemble bits into a byte. Note that since the order
of bits within a byte is little-endian, you will need to ensure that the bits
are inserted into the byte LSB to MSB.
4. Identify a strategy to assemble bytes into a word. Note that since the
order of bytes within a word is big-endian, this strategy turns out to be
quite simple.
5. Come up with a way of handling terminating conditions:
• An invalid character within the bit-stream.
• An end-of-le is encountered after an integral number (possibly 0) of
words have been read.
• An end-of-le is encountered while reading a byte.
• An end-of-le is encountered on a byte boundary but within a word.
You should try to do this without using global variables.
6. Get started on your project by copying over the provided prj1-sol directory
to your work directory. Assuming that you have set up your course account
as instructed, the following should work:
$ cd ~/i220?/work
$ cp -r ~/cs220/projects/prj1/prj1-sol .
$ cd prj1-sol
You can compile the project by simply typing make. You can even run it
but it will not perform any useful functionality.
7. Implement the above strategies by making suitable changes to your copy
of the bits-to-ints.c skeleton le. The amount of code involved should
be minimal; around 100 lines or so.
8. Test and iterate the above steps until your project meets all the requirements. While working on the project be sure to commit and push your
changes to git frequently in order to avoid loosing your work accidentally.
1.7 Submission
When you are happy with your project, move it over from your work directory
to your submit directory:
$ cd ~/cs220X #X is either a or b
$ git mv work/prj1-sol submit
$ git commit -a -m ‘suitable comment’
$ git push
This should submit your project as submit/prj1-sol via github. Your submission should not include any object les or executables; this will be prevented by
the provided .gitignore le.
If submitting late, please drop an email to the TA for your section:
Section A yli241@binghamton.edu
Section B rrausha1@binghamton.edu