CS1XC3 – Computer Science Practice and Experience: Development Basics Assignment #4 – Dynamic memory allocation


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Primary Learning Objectives
• Write a C program that uses dynamic memory allocation.
Create a program that will dynamically allocate space for an array of doubles according to the
user’s requested size, fill that array with values from user input, and then sort the array with
insertion sort.
The program should ask the user to enter the number of elements. You can assume that the
user will enter a positive integer value and do not need to perform input validation.
The program should dynamically allocate space for an array of doubles that can store this many
elements. The program should then ask the user to input a double value for each element one
at a time, “Enter element 0”, “Enter element 1”, etc. Each double value that the user inputs
should be stored in the array in the order they are entered. Again you can assume the user will
enter valid double values and you do not need to perform input validation.
After the user has finished entering the required number of values, print out the unsorted array
(with 2 decimal digits of precision for each element).
The array should then be sorted from the highest to lowest using the insertion sort algorithm.
Implement the insertion sort algorithm in C. You can find a pseudocode version of it here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort. Translating it to C can be done in about 10 lines
of code.
After the array has been sorted, print out the sorted array (again with 2 decimal digits of
precision). Remember to free the dynamically allocated memory.
Your program should function identically or near identically to this sample program.
Save your solution in a file named sort.c and put it in a zip file named a4.zip and submit it to the
Assignment #4 dropbox on Avenue to Learn.
Marking scheme
Component Description Marks
Is the array dynamically allocated? Is the memory freed? 40
Insertion sort Insertion sort implementation, highest to lowest sorting 20
User input User input for the array size, element values 10
Array output Is the unsorted and sorted version of the array output? 20
Comments Are there sensible comments documenting the code? 10
Total: 100