CS18000 Programming Homework 09: Concurrency


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Concurrency and parallelism are often seen as tools that allow parts of a program to execute
faster, or even at the same time. Concurrent processes often deals with shared resources, such
as fields, whereas parallel processes are independent of each other. The extent of these tools
can vary from language to language, but The Java Programming Language has these tools baked
in, in the form of threads and synchronization. Both will be covered in lab, but this homework
will focus more on synchronization.
One area where synchronization is often used is in the creation of thread-safe APIs and/or
methods, such as Collections#synchronizedList. Clients can use these APIs, and be
sure that the code will be free of race conditions, behaving as expected. You will create your
own thread-safe class below.
Write a class, ComplexNumber, that represents a complex number, a + bi, in
Mathematics. The required supertype, fields, constructors, and methods are listed below. Be
sure to make each field private, each constructor public, and each method public and
synchronized. A JavaDoc containing detailed descriptions of what is to be declared in the
class can be found here.
Name Method to Override
Comparable compareTo
Name Type
realPart double
imaginaryPart double
double realPart, double imaginaryPart
ComplexNumber aComplexNumber (*)
Name Return Type Parameters
getRealPart double None
getImaginaryPart double None
setRealPart void double realPart
setImaginaryPart void double imaginaryPart
conjugate ComplexNumber None
reciprocal ComplexNumber None
add (*) ComplexNumber ComplexNumber aComplexNumber
subtract (*) ComplexNumber ComplexNumber aComplexNumber
multiply (*) ComplexNumber ComplexNumber aComplexNumber
divide (*) ComplexNumber ComplexNumber aComplexNumber
compareTo int ComplexNumber aComplexNumber
equals boolean Object anObject
toString String None
The constructor/methods with (*) in their first column must throw an
IllegalArgumentException if the argument passed is null. This is mentioned in the
Sample usage
ComplexNumber operandOne = new ComplexNumber(5.0, 5.0);
ComplexNumber operandTwo = new ComplexNumber(operandOne);
ComplexNumber operandThree = new ComplexNumber(5.0, 7.5);
System.out.println(operandOne.add(operandTwo)); //displays 10.000000 + 10.000000i
System.out.println(operandOne.equals(operandTwo)); //displays true
System.out.println(operandOne.compareTo(operandThree)); //displays -1
You are required to declare one class, ComplexNumber, that follows the specifications
outlined above and in the JavaDoc. It is to be held in a file called ComplexNumber.java.
Submit your file, ComplexNumber.java, to Vocareum through Blackboard. Keep in mind
that only your latest submission will be considered.
Grading Rubric
– ComplexNumber class — 100 points total
– 0 points each
– Field declarations are correct
– Constructor declarations are correct
– Method declarations are correct
– 6.25 points for each constructor and method (16 total)