CS1675: Homework 8


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In this exercise, you will implement a decision stump (a very basic classifier) and a boosting algorithm. You will also complete an exercise to help review basic probability, in preparation for discussing probabilistic graphical models.

Part I: Decision stumps (15 points)

Implement a set of decision stumps in a function decision_stump_set.


  • [5 pts] Each decision stump operates on a single feature dimension and uses a threshold over that feature dimension to make positive/negative predictions. This function should iterate over all feature dimensions, and consider 10 approximately equally spaced thresholds for each feature.
  • [3 pts] If the feature value for that dimension of some sample is over/under that threshold (using “over” defines one classifier, and using “under” defines another), we classify it as positive (+1), otherwise as negative (-1).
  • [5 pts] After iterating over all combinations, the function should pick the best among these Dx10x2 classifiers, i.e. the classifier with highest weighted accuracy (i.e. lowest weighted error).
  • [2 pts] Finally, for simplicity, rather than defining a separate function, we will use this one to output the label on the test samples, using the best combination of feature dimension, threshold, and over/under.


  • an NxD matrix X_train (N training samples, D features),
  • an Nx1 vector y_train of ground-truth labels for the training set,
  • an Nx1 vector w_train containing the weights for the N training samples, and
  • an MxD matrix X_test (M test samples, D features).


  • an Nx1 binary vector correct_train containing 1 for training samples that are correctly classified by the best decision stump, and 0 for incorrectly classified training samples, and
  • an Mx1 vector y_pred containing the label predictions on the test set.

Part II: AdaBoost (20 points)

In a function adaboost, implement the AdaBoost method defined on pages 658-659 in Bishop (Section 14.3). Use decision stumps as your weak classifiers. If some classifier produces an α value less than 0, set the latter to 0 (which effectively discards this classifier) and exit the iteration loop.


  1. [3 pts] Initialize all weights to 1/N. Then iterate:
  2. [7 pts] Find the best decision stump, and evaluate the quantities ε and α.
  3. [7 pts] Recompute and normalize the weights.
  4. [3 pts] Compute the final labels on the test set, using all classifiers (one per iteration).


  • X_trainy_trainX_test, and
  • a scalar iters defining how many iterations of AdaBoost to run (denoted as M in Bishop).


  • an Mx1 vector y_pred_final, containing the final labels on the test set, using all iters classifiers.

Part III: Testing boosting on Pima Indians (10 pts)

In a script adaboost_demo.m, test the performance of your AdaBoost method on the Pima Indians dataset. Use the train/test split code (10-fold cross-validation) from HW4. Convert all 0 labels to -1. Try employing (10, 20, 50) iterations. Compute and report (in report.pdf/docx) the accuracy on the test set, using the final test set labels computed above.

Part IV: Probability review (5 points)

In your report file, complete Bishop Exercise 1.3. Show your work.

Submission: Please include the following files:

  • decision_stump_set.m
  • adaboost.m
  • adaboost_demo.m
  • report.pdf/docx