Reading Assignment:
• Section 2.21, pp. 2.21-1 − 2.21-6. This material can be found on the textbook web site. A copy is also
available in the ‘‘Supplementary Readings’’ part of the class web page.
• ‘‘Instruction Set Styles’’ and ‘‘The IBM/Motorola PowerPC’’ from the 3rd Edition of the book. This
material is available in the ‘‘Supplementary Readings’’ part of the class web page.
• Chapter 6, of the 4th Edition: pp. 570-572, 575-595 (input-output).
Note: This is from the Fourth Edition of the Patterson & Hennessy book. This chapter is available in
the ‘‘Supplementary Readings’’ part of the class web site.
• Chapter 5: pp. 381-383 (‘‘Disk Memory’’).
• Appendix A: pp. A-33 − A-37 (Exceptions and Interrupts on MIPS).
• We will use some material from chapter 8 of the 2nd edition of the Patterson and Hennessy book. We
will refer to this as Ed2-Chap8. This material is available on the class web page in the ‘‘Supplementary
Readings’’ section.
− Ed2-Chap8: pp. 646-647 (‘‘Magnetic Disks’’)
− Ed2-Chap8: 656-659 (ignore figures 8.7 and 8.8)
− The examples in Ed2-Chap8: pp. 676-682
− Ed2-Chap8: pp. 662-673
(1) Consider the pipelined MIPS implementation shown in Figure 4.51 (page 304). The value of the
PCSrc signal is computed in the MEM stage. Could the PCSrc signal be computed in the EX stage
instead ? If so, what would be the advantages of making this change? Also, what would be the
disadvantages of making this change?
(2) Consider the pipelined MIPS implementation shown in Figure 4.51 (page 304). Consider each of the
following two instructions separately:
a. sw $12,80($7)
b. beq $5,$5,600
For each of these instructions (separately), what is the value of the PCSrc signal when the
instruction is in the MEM pipeline stage? Explain your answer.
(3) Consider executing the following code on the pipelined datapath of Figure 4.60 on page 316:
add $2, $3, $1
sub $4, $3, $5
add $5, $3, $7
add $7, $6, $1
add $8, $2, $6
YT Spring 2018
During the fifth cycle, which registers of the register file are read and which register of the register
file is written?
(4) Consider the pipelined MIPS implementation shown in Figure 4.51 (page 304).
Figure 4.51 includes support for the beq instruction. However, Figures 4.51 ignores the existence of
control dependencies. Specifically, Figure 4.51 does not include the required control hazard
detection and stall implementation.
Your task is to add control hazard detection and stall implementation to Figure 4.51. Do not use any
branch prediction mechanism (such as ‘‘predict not taken’’). Do not modify the basic datapath (you
cannot use the modified datapath shown in Figure 4.62).
As a starting point, consider the hazard detection and stall implementation shown in Figure 4.60
(page 316), with the hazard detection unit logic described on pages 313-314. Modify this circuit as
necessary and add the possibly modified circuit to Figure 4.51. Using the same style as in page 314,
specify the logic of the hazard detection unit.
(5) Figure 4.65 (page 325) shows the pipelined MIPS implementation with the details of how stalls due
to the lw and beq instructions are implemented. As discussed in class, the book doesn’t fully
explain how the stalls for beq are implemented. Assume that the implementation is as shown on
slide 7.54 in the class notes.
As shown in Figure 4.65, the IF/ID register is a selectively-modified register. Assume that this
register is implemented with flip-flops, as shown on the right side of slide 5.19 in the class notes.
A) On a copy of Figure 4.65, show the digital circuit (gate-level implementation) that generates the
IF.Flush signal. Be sure that it is clear exactly how it is connected to the rest of the
implementation. If it is connected to a module that generates multiple outputs, clearly identify
the specific output to which your circuit is connected.
B) Given the assumption above reg arding how the IF/ID register is implemented, show the digital
circuit (gate-level implementation) that uses the IF.Flush signal to implement the desired
functionality. Note that this part should be shown separately from the copy of Figure 4.65.
(6) Problem 4.10.2 in the book.
(7) Problem 4.10.3 in the book.
(8) An ISA that is very similar to the MIPS ISA supports 135 opcodes and 64 registers. Instructions are
32 bits wide. There is a class of instructions in this ISA that specify two register arguments and one
signed (2’s complement) immediate. What is the maximum possible range of values of this
immediate ?
(9) Problem 2.57 in the supplementary readings: ‘‘The IBM/Motorola PowerPC.’’
Practice problems: You do not need to hand in a solution to the problems below.
(10) Consider the pipelined MIPS implementation shown in Figure 4.60 (page 316), with the hazard detection logic
described on page 314.
Consider only the following subset of the MIPS instruction set:
add, addi, sub, subi, and, andi, or, ori, slt, lw, sw
Assume that any forwarding that can be implemented, is implemented (don’t worry about exactly how it is
A) Is the specified hazard detection and stall implementation logic (Figure 4.60 plus page 316) sufficient to
ensure correct operation? Explain your answer.
YT Spring 2018
B) Claim: The specified hazard detection and stall implementation logic (Figure 4.60 plus page 316) is not
optimal in terms of performance.
I) Explain why this claim is correct.
II) Fix any deficiencies in the hazard detection and stall implementation logic. Specifically, if Figure
4.60 needs to be modified, show the modified figure. If the logic described on page 372 needs to be
modified, provide the corrected description.
III) Are the changes made in part (II) likely to have a significant impact on performance? Explain your
(11) Problem 4.10.1 in the book.
(12) Problem 4.16.1 in the book.
(13) Problem 4.16.2 in the book.
(14) Compare 0-, 1-, 2-, and 3-address ISAs by writing programs to compute
X = (A + B × C)/(D − E × F)
for each of the four ISAs. The instructions available for use are as follows:
0 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address
ADD ADD M SUB (X := X−Y) SUB (X := Y−Z)
SUB SUB M MUL (X := X*Y) MUL (X := Y*Z)
MUL MUL M DIV (X := X/Y) DIV (X := Y/Z)
M isa 16-bit memory address, and X, Y, and Z are either 16-bit addresses or 4-bit register numbers. The
0-address machine uses a stack, the 1-address machine uses an accumulator, and the other two hav e 16
registers and instructions operating on all combinations of memory locations and registers. SUB X,Y
subtracts Y from X and SUB X,Y,Z subtracts Z from Y and puts the result in X. Assuming 8-bit opcodes and
instruction lengths that are multiples of 4 bits, how many bits are needed to store the program for each ISA?
YT Spring 2018