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The goal of this homework is for you to implement the different types of loops you
have learned. The functions you are asked to code will all use some looping
technique and certain loops may be better fit for a certain purpose. Although some
of the functions can be completed without the use of a loop, you are being graded
on your ability to implement different looping techniques. Refer to the rubric to see
how points will be rewarded for each function. You have been given HW3.py to fill
out with instructions in the docstrings. However, below you will find more detailed
information to complete your assignment. Read it thoroughly before you begin. You
have until Thursday, September 14th to complete this assignment.
Authors: Cory Brooks and Tiffany Xu | Report Issues: [corybrooks@gatech.edu or txtxxu@gmail.com]
Function name (1): rearrange_vowels
Parameters: string to be iterated through (str)
Return value: string starting with all of the vowels of the original string, and
ending with all of the consonants of the original string (str)
Write a function that takes in a string and separates all of the vowels from the consonants, and creates
a new string made from the separated portions. The ordering of the vowels and consonants should
be the same order that they are present in the string. Consider only “a”,”e”,”i”,”o”, and “u” as vowels.
“Y” should be considered a consonant. Capitalization should also be preserved. Any spaces present
in the original string should be ignored and not added to the final output. You must use a for loop in
this function to receive full credit.
Test Cases:
>>> rearrange_vowels(“hello”) —› “eohll”
>>> rearrange_vowels(“Oklahoma”) —› “Oaoaklhm”
>>> rearrange_vowels (“Computer Science”) —› “oueieeCmptrScnc”
Hint: The lower() string function might help in this function. Also look at Python’s “in” operator
when dealing with strings.
Function name (2): censor
Parameters: string to censor (str)
Return value: censored string (str)
You are working at a children’s television network, and your job is to censor any words that could
potentially be inappropriate. In order to do this, you have to replace certain letters with symbols. You
must use a for loop in this function to receive full credit. The rules for censorship or as follows:
1. “a” or “A” → “!”
2. “u” or “U” → “*”
3. “i” or “I” → “@”
4. “e” or “E” → “#”
Test Cases:
>>> censor(“What the heck!”) —› “Wh!t th# h#ck”
>>> censor(“You smell bad”) —› “Yo* sm#ll b!d”
>>> censor(“I love CS!”) —› “@ lov# CS!”
Authors: Cory Brooks and Tiffany Xu | Report Issues: [corybrooks@gatech.edu or txtxxu@gmail.com]
Function name (3): odd_and_even_multiples
Parameters: non-zero lower bound of the range and number used to calculate
multiples (int), upper-bound of a range (int)
Return value: string displaying the number of odds and evens (str) (follow the
format below exactly, not having the exact format will result in not receiving
full credit for this function)
Your function should iterate through a range from the lower bound of the range to the given upperbound. Count the number of odd and even numbers that are multiples of the first parameter. Ensure
that the upper bound is actually included in the range for this function. Be sure to return the string in
the exact format below.
Test Cases:
>>> odd_and_even_multiples(2, 10)—›
“5 even multiple(s) and 0 odd multiple(s) from 2-10”
>>> odd_and_even_multiples(3,14)—›
“2 even multiple(s) and 2 odd multiple(s) from 3-14”
>>> odd_and_even_multiples(1,10)—›
“5 even multiple(s) and 5 odd multiple(s) from 1-10”
>>> odd_and_even_multiples(-4,8)—›
“4 even multiple(s) and 0 odd multiple(s) from -4-8”
Hint: Use the modulo operator to check if a number is odd or even.
Function name (4): most_common_character
Parameters: a word or sentence (str), a string containing characters that will be
counted (str)
Return value: a string representing which character of the second parameter appears
most frequently in the phrase string (str).
Write a function that receives two strings as parameters. The first parameter is a sentence, while the
second string will contain any combination of characters (letters, numbers, space, special characters,
etc.). Your code should find which of the given characters in the second parameter appears most
frequently in the sentence string. Case should not be ignored, so for example, “A” and “a” should be
considered two different characters. If no characters appear, an empty string should be returned. If
there is a tie between multiple letters, return the character that appears first in the second parameter
(random characters).
Test Cases:
>>> most_common_character(“This is a sentence”, “!aTsn”) —› “s”
>>> most_common_character(“Mississippi”, “lmnop”) —› “p”
>>> most_common_character(“Taylor Swift is bad”, “mxz”) —› “”
>>> most_common_character(“aaa bbb ccc dddddd”, “cba”) —› “c”
Authors: Cory Brooks and Tiffany Xu | Report Issues: [corybrooks@gatech.edu or txtxxu@gmail.com]
Function name (5): sum_multiples
Parameters: non-zero lower bound of the range and number used to calculate
multiples (int), upper-bound of a range (int)
Return value: sum of the multiples found in the given range (int)
Your function should iterate through a range from the lower bound of the range to the given upperbound, and, using the first parameter (which is also used for the lower bound), calculate the sum of
any multiples found in the range. Ensure that the upper bound is actually included in the range for
this function.
Test Cases:
>>> sum_multiples(2,6) —› 12 // 2 + 4 + 6
>>> sum_multiples(1,6) —› 21 // 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
>>> sum_multiples(5,18) —› 30 // 5 + 10 + 15
>>> sum_multiples(-3,6) —› 6 // -3 + 0 + 3 + 6
Function name (6): remove_vowels
Parameters: a word (str)
Return value: original word without vowels (str)
Write a function that takes a string as a parameter, removes the vowels from the string (upper and
lowercase). It should return one string, consisting of the same letters of the original string, but without
the vowels. Consider only “a”,”e”,”i”,”o”, and “u” as vowels. “Y” should be considered a consonant.
Must iterate through the string.
Test Cases:
>>> remove_vowels(“applE”) —› “ppl”
>>> remove_vowels(“mississippi”) —› “msssspp”
>>> remove_vowels(“logArithm”) —› “lgrthm”
Hint: String concatenation might help for this function. Remember that strings are immutable!
Authors: Cory Brooks and Tiffany Xu | Report Issues: [corybrooks@gatech.edu or txtxxu@gmail.com]
Function name (7): guess_dumplings
Parameters: number of dumplings ate (int)
Return value: number of guesses the user took (int)
Write a function that takes an integer value of the number of dumplings you ate, and asks the user to
try to guess this number. When the user guesses the correct value, print a congratulatory statement
and tell them how many guesses it took. If the user inputs “quit” (exactly the string quit, don’t worry
about edge cases like ‘QUIT’ or ‘Quit’), your code should end, and print the correct answer. The
integer returned if the user quits should be -1. If the user has not guessed the correct answer within
the 5th try, print that they’ve lost the game, and return 0. You must use a while-loop.
Test Cases:
>>> a = guess_dumplings(5)
>>> “What is your guess?” —› 2
>>> “Wrong answer, try again” —› 4
>>> “Wrong answer, try again” —› 5
>>> “Correct! It took you 3 tries.”
>>> print(a)
>>> 3
>>> a = guess_dumplings(5)
>>> “What is your guess?” —› 2
>>> “Wrong answer, try again” —› 4
>>> “Wrong answer, try again” —› quit
>>> “The correct answer was 5.”
>>> print(a)
>>> -1
>>> a = guess_dumplings(5)
>>> “What is your guess?” —› 1
>>> “Wrong answer, try again” —› 2
>>> “Wrong answer, try again” —› 3
>>> “Wrong answer, try again” —› 4
>>> “Wrong answer, try again” —› 6
>>> “You lose. The correct answer was 5.”
>>> print(a)
>>> 0
Authors: Cory Brooks and Tiffany Xu | Report Issues: [corybrooks@gatech.edu or txtxxu@gmail.com]
Function name (8): tie
Parameters: a number 2-9 specifying half the max width of the tie (int)
Return value: N/A
Write a function that takes in a number specifying half the width of the tie as a parameter and prints
a tie of those specifications. Make sure the tie prints in the correct format as shown in the example
below. Do not hardcode this. You must use a for-loop (or several).
Here is an example of how the function should work:
>>> tie(5)
Function name (9): floor_division
Parameters: original number (int), divisor (int)
Return value: the maximum number of times the divisor can fully fit in original
number (int)
Write a function that takes two integers. The first number will be divided by the second number.
Count maximum number of times the divisor can fully fit into the original number. You are essentially
coding the floor division operator. You cannot use the // (that would trivialize this assignment.
You must use a loop.
>>> a = floor_division(3,11)
>>> print(a)
>>> 0
>>> b = floor_division(20,6)
>>> print(b)
>>> 3
Authors: Cory Brooks and Tiffany Xu | Report Issues: [corybrooks@gatech.edu or txtxxu@gmail.com]
Function name (10): multi_table
Parameters: number to make the multiplication table for (int)
Return value: N/A
Write a function that takes in a number as a parameter and prints the multiplication table for that
number. The table should be printed in an easy to read format. The first row and column should
display the numbers from 1 – number specified. Do not hard code this. You must use a for-loop.
Here are some test cases to show you how the function should work:
>>> multi_table(5)
Hint: Try using a nested for-loop. Use tab characters to space out the grid properly.
Authors: Cory Brooks and Tiffany Xu | Report Issues: [corybrooks@gatech.edu or txtxxu@gmail.com]
Grading Rubric
– rearrange_vowels: 5 points
– censor: 5 points
– odd_and_even_multiples: 10 points
– most_common_character: 10 points
– sum_multiples: 10 points
– remove_vowels: 10 points
– guess_dumplings: 10 points
– tie: 15 points
– count_divisibility: 10 points
– multi_table: 15 points
The following file(s) have been provided to you. There might be several, but you will only edit:
1. HW3.py
This is the file you will edit and implement. All instructions for what the methods should
do are in the docstrings.
You must submit all of the following file(s). Please make sure the filename matches the filename(s)
below. Be sure you receive the confirmation email from T-Square, and then download your
uploaded files to a new folder and run them.
1. HW3.py