CS/ECE 552 Homework 4


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Problem 1 [6 points] a) [3 points] Based on the below table, write three unique tests that use a specific instruction based on the first letter of your last name. In addition to using this instruction, your assembly tests should test different parts of the pipeline (e.g., different forwarding paths or stalls, or different corner cases for the instruction such as sign extension).

First Letter of Last (Family) Name Instruction A ROLI B SLLI C RORI D SRLI E ST F LD G STU H BTR I ROL J SRL K ROR L SLL M SEQ N SLT O SLE P SCO Q SIIC & RTI R SLBI S J T JR U JAL V JALR W XOR X XORI Y ANDN Z ANDNI It is fine if your tests contain other instructions (e.g., LBI to initialize registers, HALT to stop the program, and NOPs to test various pipeline stalls, forwarding cases, or branch cases), but each of your tests must include the corresponding instruction above as well.

For example, the first letter in “Sinclair” is ‘S’, so if I were writing tests each one must include at least one J (Jump) instruction. Note: for ‘Q’ both SIIC and RTI should be included because both are needed for the program to properly return from the exception handler. b) [3 points] Write an explanation of your programs including where and why forwarding takes place. Write your answer in p1.txt (i.e., explain all three programs in the same file).

Problem 2 [6 points] a) [4 points] Write two unique assembly programs to demonstrate why branch prediction is necessary and useful. Write your code in p2-1.asm and p2-2.asm, respectively. b) [1 point] Write an explanation of your programs and how branch prediction helps in p2.txt. c) [1 point] Will branch prediction always take only 1 cycle? Write your answer in p2.txt.

What to Hand In To submit this assignment, zip or tar your Verilog files together and submit them as a single file named -hw4.tgz or -hw4.zip on Canvas. Inside this tarball/zip, should be a top-level directory (e.g., hw4), which contains hw4_1/ and hw4_2/; inside hw4_1 should be all files for problem 1 and so on for other problems – you must keep this directory structure.

For example, my Net ID is msinclair, so my submission would be called msinclair-hw4.tgz (or msinclair-hw4.zip) and in it would be hw4, which itself has 2 files/sub-folders: hw4_1/ and hw4_2/. If you need the same file for multiple problems (e.g., problem 1 and problem 2), you should have a copy of that file in each part. Also, please do not create a top-level folder above these.

For example, my Net ID is msinclair, so my submission would be called msinclair-hw4.tgz (or msinclair-hw4.zip) and in it would be hw4_1/ and hw4_2/. If you don’t have experience with tar, I recommend consulting tutorials such as this one. Graphically your handin directory should look like: • hw4 (Top level folder) // tar/zip this as -hw4.tgz or -hw4.zip o hw4_1 (folder containing everything for Problem 1, including p1.txt) o hw4_2 (folder containing everything for Problem 2, including p2.txt) If an assembly file is missing or does not compile, you will automatically get zero points for that part.

Note: no schematics are needed for this assignment. Verifying Your Handin We have also created a script to check that your submission correctly follows the format, located at: /u/s/i/sinclair/public/html/courses/cs552/spring2022/handouts/scripts/h w4/verify_submission_format.sh -hw4.tgz

You should run this script before submitting in order to ensure that you don’t lose points for incorrectly formatting your submission!

Additional details about the handin script, including how to run and examples, are available here. This version of the handin script checks that p1-1.asm, p1-2.asm, p1-3.asm, p2-1.asm, and p2-2.asm compile and run correctly.