CS 6378: Programming Project III solved


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This is an individual project and you are required to demonstrate its operation to the instructor and/or the TA to
get credit for the project.
In this project, you are required to implement the same functionality as Project II, with the same number of servers
(3) and clients (5), except for the following differences:
1. The clients, numbered C0 through C4 execute Maekawa’s mutual exclusion algorithm among them (instead of
the Ricart-Agrawala algorithm) to decide which client gets to enter the critical section to access a file.
2. Quorum size is equal to three.
3. Quorum of client Ci consists of the set {Ci
, C(i+1)mod5, C(i+2)mod5}.
4. Make sure to implement all messages for Maekawa’s algorithm, including ENQUIRE, YIELD and FAILED.
1 Submission Information
The submission should be through eLearning in the form of an archive consisting of:
1. File(s) containing the source code. Your source code must have the following, otherwise you will lose points:
(a) Proper comments indicating what is being done.
(b) Error checking for all function and system calls.
2. The README file, which describes how to run your program.