- Open the video file attached.
- Detect the cue ball. Find the white ball using any strategy (color, shape, motion, template matching, etc.).
- Mark the cue ball in the video. Draw a circle around the ball.
- Track the cue ball. Find the ball and draw the circle around it throughout the video.动态画圈
- Show an image (or video) of the ball track with white lines on black background. Track the path of the ball during the entire video. Take a black image of the same size as the input video. Draw the tracked path of the cue ball took onto it. You can also do a video for the same instead of the image.弄个图表示轨迹
- Determine the speed of the cue ball for the entire duration of the video. Calculate the speed of the call in terms of pixels per second covered.算速度
During the demo the input video will a modified version of the same file. If your program runs fine on the given video, then it will run fine on the demo video as well (if you have not hard-coded things).
5 point extra credit – Determine the size in real world such as cm/s (inch/s). Consider the dimensions of a standard billiard table – 356.9 cm by 177.8 cm. Find the pixels covered by the table in the video and using this convert the speed from pixels per second to cm/s.
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Late Submissions
Late submissions accepted with a penalty of 10% per day.
Each step in the description above will carry approximately equal weightage.
Demo will be needed to the TA.