CS 6314.001/002 – Assignment 3 – Top-Five Baby Names


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Every 10 years, the Social Security Administration provides data about the 1000 most popular boy and girl names for children born in the US for each gender at http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/.

Your task for this assignment is to display the baby names and their popularity rankings for a given year and gender. You will implement the project using AJAX technology, PHP and DBMS.

On your html page (babynames.html), you will have one divisionelement for results, twodrop-down lists (for year and gender) and one button. Once clicked on the button, you will call Ajax function, which will ultimately make a request for babynames.php on the server.

In babynames.php, you will connect to the database and fetch the top-five popular names for the given genderand the given year.If year is not selected it will show the names for all years. Similarly, if the gender is not selected it will display the names for both boys and girls. If both are not given, it will show names for all years and for both gender.

The results will be passed to the client and will be used to dynamically change the contents of the division on the html page. Along with each baby name, you will also list the popularity ranking(设置个编号), gender and the year.

For database part, you will create a table with following schema:

Database name: HW3

BabyNames(name, year, ranking, gender)

For gender values, use ‘m’ and ‘f’.

You can use data given on the following page to populate your table:


It is sufficient if you include data for the years between 2005 and 2015 (including both) or you can use attached sql file to insert tuples.