CS 540-1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Homework Assignment # 6 


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Question 1: Game Playing[25] a) [10] Use the Minimax algorithm to compute the minimax value at each node for the game tree below. 14 min max min max 1 8 -15 -5 -11 -12 5 5 10 14 -6 9 4 -13 3 b) [15] Use Alpha-Beta Pruning to compute the minimax value at each node for the game tree below, assuming children are visited left to right. You are asked to: (a) [10] Show the alpha and beta values at each node. (b) [ 5] Show which branches will be pruned. 8 min max min max -14 -5 -13 15 15 6 4 -12 -1 2 15 11 0 10 13 CS 540-1 Fall 2014 Quesiton 2: Game Theory[25] a) [10] Consider the following zero-sum game. You are asked to: (a) [5] Write down the pure strategies for player A and B (by denoting the choice for internal states a to d). (b) [5] Write down the matrix normal form of this game. a b d -1 A B A L +4 R L +2 R L c +5 L -2 R R b) [15] The table below shows a matrix normal form of a non-zero game. The two numbers in each entry represent the gains for player A and B respectively. You are asked to: (a) [10] Apply iterative elimination of strictly dominated strategies to this matrix normal form. (b) [ 5] Show what strategies will player A and B choose in the end and explain the reason. B A I II III IV I 3,5 1,3 3,2 8,3 II 6,5 1,4 4,8 1,3 III 7,9 9,5 2,6 3,2 IV 3,9 6,2 3,6 5,4 CS 540-1 Fall 2014 Question 3: Factor-Multiples Game[50] In this question, your task is to implement Minimax algorithm to solve a game problem, the FactorMultiples game. The algorithm has two functions: the Max-value function and the Min-value function. You will have to implement both of these functions for this game. Game description Factor-Multiples is a two player game. The game starts with a list of n integers ranging from 1 . . . n. Players take turns to cross out one number from the list. There are some restrictions on which numbers can be crossed out during a given move. The restrictions are as follows: • During the first move the first player chooses an even number which is less than n 2 to cross out. For example if n = 9 then the legal numbers for the first move are 2 and 4. If n = 8 then the only legal number for the first move is 2. This number is saved as the lastMove. • During subsequent moves each players take turns. The number that a player can cross out should be a multiple or factor of the lastMove (1 is a factor of all other numbers). Also this number may not be one of those that have already been crossed out. After crossing out, the number is saved as the new lastMove. When a player cannot cross out a number during his move, he looses the game. An example of the game play is given below. Sample Input n=7 Sample Output Player 1: 2 Player 2: 4 Player 1: 1 Player 2: 7 Winner: Player 2 Methods to implement In this programming question, you are only required to implement four methods of the class PlayerImpl, which are showed as follows: public class PlayerImpl implements Player { public ArrayList generateSuccessors(int lastMove, int [] crossedList); public int max_value(GameState s); public int min_value(GameState s); public int move(int lastMove, int [] crossedList); } A description of the methods is given below: • public ArrayList generateSuccessors(int lastMove, int [] crossedList): lastMove is the number that was crossed out during the previous move. If it is the first move, then this value would be equal to -1. crossedList is an integer array that identifies which numbers have been CS 540-1 Fall 2014 crossed out from the list. If crossedList[i]6=0 then the number i has already been crossed out. Thus the length of the crossedList will be (n + 1), with crossedList[0] never used. You can also access n from the member variable n of the class PlayerImpl. Given these two inputs, this method returns an ArrayList of integers which are next valid numbers that can be crossed out. • public int max value(GameState s): This method takes a GameState as its input. The pseudo code for this method can be found in Professor Zhu’s slide. It returns the best game-theoretical value with respect to the max player. It should also update the object s. If you check GameState.java, you will find that the class has four variables. Before invoking this method, you should assign values to two of them, namely crossedList and lastMove. The method should update the other two variables of this object. crossedList is the same variable as described before. The constructor of GameState uses a clone of the crossedList. So, you do not have to worry about it when you manipulate the crossedList within a GameState object. The variable leaf identifies if the given state is a leaf or not. It is your task to update this variable when necessary. lastMove is the number which if crossed out during the previous move will lead to this GameState. If no number is yet to be crossed out, then this value is -1. bestMove is the number that when crossed out will yield the best value for the player. It should be noted that multiple numbers might yield the best value. In that case, choose the maximum of those numbers. It is also possible that after reaching a certain game state, the player has no choice but to loose. In that case, all next possible moves will have a game-theoretical value of -1. Even in that case, choose the maximum of those numbers as the bestMove. Moreover, if s turns out to be a leaf, then this method should return -1. • public int min value(GameState s): The pseudocode for this method can also be found in Professor Zhu’s slide. And just like the previous method, it returns the best game-theoretical value with respect to the min player. It should also update the object s as before. Moreover, if s turns out to be a leaf, then this method should return 1. • public int move(int lastMove, int [] crossedList): This is the upper level method which is used to determine the actual next move of a player. Given the two inputs, it is the task of this method to return the number which if crossed out gives the highest game-theoretical value. This method should use the max value method to achieve this. Whenever a player decides on the next best move, he considers himself as the max player. That is why you should call max value method within this method. The other player then automatically become the min player and his method gets called from within the max value method. If no numbers can be crossed out then the move method should return -1. This method is called whenever a player has to make a move. The game tree generated by this method is not saved in memory. During each call of the method, the game tree is generated again. But each game tree is rooted at a different game state during different method invocation. The I/O parts have already been written for you. So, you are NOT responsible for any console input or output. You are only responsible for implementing these four methods. How to test We will test your program on multiple test cases where we will vary the input n, and the format of testing commands will be like this: java HW6 where n is the value of n in the Factor-Multiples game, and modeFlag is an integer ranging from 1 to 3, controlling which types of players will play the game. Your program should give the moves of the players and the winner as output: Also we will not test for n > 30. When modeFlag=1, both players are computers and you will see a game played between them. When modeFlag=2, the first player is human and the second player is the computer. When modeFlag=3, the CS 540-1 Fall 2014 first player is the computer and the second player is human. We will only test for modeFlag=1. For the other two modes you can play against your own code and see that if you can win!!! So an example command for testing the code could be: java HW6 7 1 As part of our testing process, we will unzip the file you return to us, remove any class files, call javac *.java to compile your code, and call the main method of HW6 with certain parameters. Make sure that your code runs on one of the computers in the department because we will conduct our test on such computers. Deliverables 1. Hand in (see the cover page for details) your modified version of the code skeleton we provided you with your implementation of the Minimax algorithm. Also include any additional java class files needed to run the program. 2. Optionally, in the written part of your homework, add any comments about the program that you would like us to know. Partial Grading Scheme 1. Correct implementation of the generateSuccessors method [20] 2. Correct implementation of the max value method [10] 3. Correct implementation of the min value method [10] 4. Correct implementation of the move method [10]