The major hope of modern medicine is to develop personalized treatment for cancer
patients. This is already happening for a few kinds of cancer.
Every minute, around 50 million of our cells die and are replaced. The replacement cells
come from healthy cells that divide into 2 identical copies that then grow to full size.
Actually, the copies aren’t perfectly identical. The DNA in the original cell contains 3 billion
bases. (Bases are the small molecular subunits Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine,
usually called by their abbreviations A, C, G, and T.) It’s impossible to perfectly replicate 3
billion of anything and get it right every time. Sometimes there’s an error, so that for
example a thymine (“T”) appears where a cytosine (“C”) should be. Usually these errors,
which are called mutations, do no harm, but sometimes they disrupt a part of the DNA that
protects the cell against becoming a cancer cell. One cancer cell is not a threat, but then the
cell divides, becoming 2, then 4, then 8, then 2n neighboring cancerous cells: a tumor.
There are many different kinds of cancerous mutation; often these different mutations
respond to different kinds of treatment. Knowing the DNA sequence of the tumor cells
gives doctors a huge advantage in prescribing therapy.
As you saw in lecture, patient care can begin with extracting DNA from a tumor, and
determining its sequence using a machine that outputs a text file in “fastq” format.
Unfortunately it is not yet possible to determine the ACGT… sequence of entire DNA
molecules. The machine chops the molecule into lots of segments of a few hundred bases;
these segments are called reads. We wish the fastq file could contain a single record with a
very long sequence. Instead, until some hard technical problems are solved, fastq files
contain thousands to millions of relatively short records.
The fastq file format, as you saw in lecture, has a group of 4 lines (a “record”) for each
read. The lines are:
1) The “defline”: starts with @, followed by a unique identifier. All records in the
fastq file are supposed to have different deflines. On rare occasions, a bug in the
sequencer causes 2 or more records to have the same defline.
2) The sequence: a string of (usually) several hundred characters that represent
the DNA sequence of the reads. The only legal characters (for this homework)
are A, C, G, and T.
3) + (just a plus sign all alone on a line).
4) The quality. This is a string, exactly the same length as the sequence, of
mysterious chars that encode the sequencing machine’s confidence that the
corresponding char in the sequence is correct. The char representing maximum
confidence is the exclamation mark (!).
You also saw that for bioinformatic analysis, fastq files are commonly converted into fasta
format. A fasta file also has 1 record per read, but there are differences:
• Fasta files have only 2 lines per record: A defline and a sequence line.
• The defline starts with > rather than @.
For this assignment you will write a Java app that reads a fastq file and creates a fasta file.
Records in the fastq might or might not meet some quality threshold, and might or might
not have unique deflines. Records in the fasta will all meet or exceed a quality threshold,
and will all have unique deflines.
In class, you saw a method that almost does that, while reading from a BufferedReader and
writing to a PrintWriter. For this assignment, you will use a different approach. You will
create classes FastqReader (which will read from a BufferedReader) and FastaWriter
(which will write to a PrintWriter).
In Eclipse, create a project called hw4, containing a package called dna, and import the 8
starter files that you downloaded with this assignment:
Then complete the starter files as described below. All classes, and all methods that you
write, should be public.
Comments and Style
The comments in the starter files are instructions to you. After you finish the assignment,
they aren’t meaningful or relevant. So as you write each method, replace the starter
comment with comments of your own that describe your code. Put a comment at the
beginning of each class, at the beginning of most methods, and within methods if the
method proceeds in several steps. For example, your convert() method will build its input
stream, build its output stream, do the work, and then close its resources; each of those
steps should start with a comment, and the steps should be separated by exactly 1 blank
The grader bot will give you 90 points for a perfectly working app. The remaining 10
points are for comments and coding style. Make sure your source code is neat and
correctly indented. Make sure your variables have helpful names. Comment any class,
method, or block of code within a method whose action isn’t obvious.
This class should extend Exception (not RuntimeException, because we want it to be
checked). Provide one constructor whose arg is a String. Pass the String to the superclass
constructor that takes a single String arg.
This interface doesn’t need to be changed. Just read it and understand it.
This class should implement DNARecord and should have:
• 3 String instance variables: defline, sequence, and quality.
• A constructor that initializes the instance variables. If the defline does not start
with the correct character, the ctor should throw RecordFormatException with a
helpful message. (If you’re not sure how to get the 1st character of a string, check
out the charAt(int) method of String on the API page.) Yes, ctors can throw
exceptions just like methods; be sure to add “throws RecordFormatException” to
the ctor declaration. Here are some possible messages, in increasing order of
o An empty or null string
o Zzup yo?
o Oops
o Bad fastq record
o Bad defline in fastq record
o Bad 1st char in defline in fastq record
o Bad 1st char in defline in fastq record: saw X, expected @
• Methods that satisfy the DNARecord interface.
• An equals() method that checks for deep equality of all 3 instance variables.
• A boolean qualityIsLow() method that returns true if and only if the quality
contains at least one exclamation mark (!). In real life this method would be a lot
more complicated.
• A hashCode() method that returns the sum of the hash codes of defline, sequence,
and quality.
This class should implement DNARecord and should have:
• 2 String instance variables: defline and sequence.
• A constructor that takes 2 args – the defline and the sequence – and initializes the
instance variables. As with FastqRecord, check to make sure the defline starts with
the correct character (it’s ‘>’ for fasta records). Throw RecordFormatException if it
• Another ctor with 1 arg – a FastqRecord – that initializes the instances variables
with values from the FastqRecord. You’ll have to change the 1st char of the defline.
If you’re not sure how to do this, look up the substring() methods on the String API
• Methods that satisfy the DNARecord interface.
• An equals() method that checks for deep equality of the 2 instance variables.
• A hashCode() method that returns the sum of the hash codes of defline, and
FastqReader should not extend any superclasses or implement any interfaces. It should
have one instance variable: a BufferedReader named theBufferedReader.
This class should provide a single-arg ctor that initializes theBufferedReader from the ctor
The class should also have the following method:
public FastqRecord readRecord() throws IOException, RecordFormatException
This method should read a line from the buffered reader. If that line is null, the input file is
at the end, and the method should return null. Otherwise the method should read 3 more
lines and return a FastqRecord. The method should throw a RecordFormatException with
a useful message if the 4 input lines don’t constitute a valid fastq record. Note that this
happens automatically if you call the FastqRecord ctor with invalid args. You can assume
that the + line is ok.
FastaWriter should not extend any superclasses or implement any interfaces. It should
have one instance variable: a PrintWriter named thePrintWriter.
This class should provide a single-arg ctor that initializes thePrintWriter from its arg. The
class should also have the following method:
public void writeRecord(FastaRecord rec) throws IOException
This method should write the fasta record, in correct fasta format, to thePrintWriter.
This class should have 2 instance variables of type File, named fastq and fasta. Provide a
ctor that has 2 File args and initializes the instance variables.
The class should have a convert() method and a main() method.
The convert() method should declare that it throws IOException. Any other exception
types thrown in the body of convert() should be caught and handled inside convert(). The
method should
1) Create a FastqReader that reads from the fastq file specified by the fastq
instance variable.
2) Create a FastaWriter that writes to the fasta file specified by the fasta
instance variable.
3) Read each fastq record until the end of the fastq file is reached. Do
nothing with any invalid records (i.e. records where the defline didn’t
start with @). For valid records where the quality isn’t low, create a fasta
record and write it using the FastaWriter.
4) Close all readers and writers that have close() methods, in reverse order
of creation.
The main() method is provided for you. It reads and converts the fastq file that you
downloaded with this assignment. The next section tells you what to do with the fastq file.
The Input File
Notice that the main() method reads a fastq file in a directory called data, and writes a
fasta file in the same directory. You will need to create this directory in Eclipse, and import
HW4.fastq into it.
To create the data directory, right-click on your project name in the package explorer and
select New -> Folder in the popup menu. When prompted for the folder name, enter
“data”. You should see the new directory in the Package Explorer, at the same level as src.
If it isn’t at the right level, delete it and start again; it has to be in the right place for main()
and the grader bot to find it.
To import the fastq file, drag the icon for HW4.fastq into the icon of the data folder. A
dialog box will ask you if you want to copy files or link to files; choose “copy files”. Open
the data folder by clicking on its triangle; you should see HW4.fastq.
Run the app. If it runs correctly, it will create a file called HW4.fasta in the data folder.
Unfortunately, when you do this the first time, you won’t see HW4.fasta in the data folder.
Eclipse doesn’t know when an app writes a new data file. Right-click on the data icon and
select Refresh in the popup menu. Now if you don’t see HW4.fasta it’s because something
went wrong in your program.
Check your work. Double-click on the fastq file to open it. Look at the records and decide
which ones are high-quality and valid. Then open the fasta file, and verify that it only
contains fasta versions of the high-quality valid records.
You might want to use assertions to help develop your code. To enable assertions, select
FileConverter in the Package Explorer. Go to the main Eclipse menu and select Run -> Run
Configurations… Then click on the Arguments tab. Be sure that FileConverter is selected in
the list on the left. If it isn’t selected, select it there. Type –ea into the VM Arguments field
(not the Program Arguments field) as shown below, and click Apply. Now when you run
FileConverter as an app, “assert” statements will work.
Run the DNAGrader app to see what your grade will be. The grader pops up a little
window that the TAs will use to grade your comments and style. Just click the “ok” button.
As usual, export your project and upload. Use the jar command on the command line to be
sure that your jar contains all your .java files. Don’t submit HW4.fastq or HW4.fasta.
The Last Paragraph
This is the biggest assignment so far in 46B, and your code probably won’t work right the
first time. That’s the way things are with realistic-size programs. Get comfortable with the
process of figuring out what results you should see, and why you don’t see them. START
BY THINKING, NOT BY ASKING. You are here to develop your own skills at solving this
kind of problem; debugging is part of the process, so you might as well enjoy it! (It’s a lot
less fun if you waited until the last minute to start the assignment.) Think about ways to
insert temporary println statements, or use the debugger, or write a main() method that
tests behavior of methods by passing very simple inputs. Or use “assert”. For example, you
could test FastqReader by creating a fastq file that contains one obviously correct record
with a very short sequence, and putting println lines in readRecord() (or stepping through
it with the debugger) to make sure the right thing happens. Then you can make the record
invalid by changing @ to something else, and again seeing what happens. Delete your
println statements after they are no longer useful.