CS 422/622 Project 4 SOLVED


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In this project, you will be using Scikit-Learn to test out all the models/algorithms we have
learned in this class on a real-world problem. You will use the ACL IMDB dataset provided with the
project. This dataset contains movie reviews and sentiment scores (positive and negative). We’re going to
create a Bag of Words (BOW) approach to generate feature vectors and then apply different models from
sklearn to the data. A BOW approach simply treats a document (review) as a bag of words (removing all
ordering information). We want to create a vocabulary (V) and then treat each document as a vector that
is of size len(V) that consists of word counts. So if you have the document “My name is Emily, what is your
name?” this would be represented by a vector of length 6, with 1s in all the positions except for “name” and
“is” which would have counts of 2. Then we use this count vector as our feature vector for each review and
train a model using these feature vectors.
your 2 py files.
Logistics: You must implement everything stated in this project description that is marked with an implement tag. Whenever you see the write-up tag, that is something that must be addressed in the project
README.txt. You cannot import any packages unless specifically noted by the instructor. In
this project, you may import the following packages:
import numpy 1
import s kl e a r n 2
import s y s 3
import o s 4
import random 5
Deliverables: Each student should submit a single ZIP file, containing their project code (∗.py files)
and your writeup (README.txt). You should create a folder called Project4 (exactly like this with the
capital P) and put all your code and your writeup in this folder. Then zip this folder up. That way when I
extract your folder I can run my tests from outside the directory without having to change anything. Your
zip file should be named lastname firstname project2.zip. Your code should run without errors in a linux
environment. If your code does not run for a particular problem, you will lose 50% on that problem. You
should submit only one py file for each problem. If your file does not match the filename provided exactly,
you will lose 50% on that problem.
Grading: I have provided you with a test script (test script.py) you can use to test out your functions.
I will be using a similar test script, so if your code works with this script it should work with mine! The
output of the test script should look something like this if you have implemented everything correctly. Each
student must work independently. You are to submit your own original work.
1 Utilities (50 points)
File name: utilities.py
Implement: You will implement three functions listed here and detailed below.
def generate_vocab(dir, min_count, max_files)
def create_word_vector(fname, vocab)
def load_data(dir, vocab, max_files)
Write-Up: Describe your implementation concisely.
def generate_vocab(dir, min_count, max_files)
This function will take a starting directory dir (e.g. “aclImdb/train”), min_count which is the minimum
number of times you want to see a word before adding it to a vocabulary. If min_count=2 then we only
want to consider words that have been seen 2 or more times in the dataset as a part of our vocabulary. This
function also takes a parameter max_files which is just for implementation purposes. This allows you to
do small tests without using the full dataset. The full dataset takes a long time to generate feature vectors,
so you may want to use only 200 files to start with. If max_files= -1 then all files are used. This returns a
list or numpy array of the vocabulary. Remember that when using max_files, you should be sure to grab
an even number of positive and negative samples.
def create_word_vector(fname, vocab)
This function takes the vocabulary and a review file and generates a feature vector. fname is the filename
for a review. Assume that the aclImdb directory is in the same directory as the test script.py. This returns
one feature vector.
def load_data(dir, vocab, max_files)
This function loads the data, returning a set of feature vectors and associated labels. It should return two lists/arrays X, Y. max_files is again for implementation reasons, to allow for smaller tests. If max_files= -1
then all files are used.
2 ML (50 points)
File name: ml.py
You will use sklearn to test many different models on the ACL IMDB data.
Implement: You will implement the functions listed here and detailed below.
def dt_train(X,Y)
def kmeans_train(X)
def knn_train(X,Y,K)
def perceptron_train(X,Y)
def nn_train(X,Y, hls)
def pca_train(X,K)
def pca_transform(X,pca)
def svm_train(X,Y,k)
def model_test(X,model)
def compute_F1(Y, Y_hat)
All of the _train— functions are very similar. They take data, in the form of feature vectors and labels
(except K-Means and PCA) and produce models. The models are then passed to model_test to make
predictions on a set of test data. knn_train has a K which is the number of neighbors to be considered.
nn_train has hls which stands for hidden layer size. This can be a tuple of any size, depending on how many
layers you want (e.g. (5,2) or (3)). pca_train has a K for the number of principal components to keep in
learning the transformation. pca_transform applies the learned transformation pca to the data. svm_train
has a k which stands for kernel. This is a string. See the sklearn documentation for this. compute_F1 should
take the labels and the predictions and compute the F1 score.
Write-Up: Describe your implementations concisely.
The result of the test script gives the following results:
D e ci si o n Tree : 0. 6 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
D e ci si o n Tree + PCA: 0. 5 2 4 2 7 1 8 4 4 6 6 0 1 9 4 2 2
KMeans : 0. 2 7 6 9 2 3 0 7 6 9 2 3 0 7 6 9 3
KMeans + PCA: 0. 2 7 6 9 2 3 0 7 6 9 2 3 0 7 6 9 4
KNN: 0. 5 7 6 5
KNN + PCA: 0. 5 7 3 6 4 3 4 1 0 8 5 2 7 1 3 1 6
Pe rcep t r on : 0. 6 0 9 5 2 3 8 0 9 5 2 3 8 0 9 6 7
Pe rcep t r on + PCA: 0. 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 8
Neu ral Network : 0. 4 5 1 6 1 2 9 0 3 2 2 5 8 0 6 4 4 9
Neu ral Network + PCA: 0. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10
SVM: 0. 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 11
SVM + PCA: 0. 5 8 3 9 4 1 6 0 5 8 3 9 4 1 6 12