Logistics: You must implement everything stated in this project description that is marked with an
implement tag. Whenever you see the write-up tag, that is something that must be addressed in the
project README.txt. Graduate students are required to implement everything including items tagged with
622. Students in 422 do not need to complete these extra elements. You cannot import any packages
unless specifically noted by the instructor. In this project, you may import the numpy, math (for log),
scipy.spatial (for euclidean distance) and random.randint (for random integer generation) packages. You
are welcome to ask about particular packages as they come up. The idea is to implement everything from
Deliverables: Each student should submit a single ZIP file, containing their project code (∗.py files)
and your writeup (README.txt). You should create a folder called Project1 (exactly like this with the
capital P) and put all your code and your writeup in this folder. Then zip this folder up. That way when I
extract your folder I can run my tests from outside the directory without having to change anything. Your
zip file should be named lastname firstname Your code should run without errors in a linux
environment. If your code does not run for a particular problem, you will lose 50% on that problem. You
should submit only one py file, named accordingly (e.g. Decision Trees → decision If your file
does not match the filename provided exactly, you will lose 50% on that problem.
Grading: I have provided you with a test script (test you can use to test out your functions.
I will be using a similar test script, so if your code works with this script it should work with mine! The
output of the test script should look something like this if you have implemented everything correctly. Each
student must work independently. You are to submit your own original work.
DT: 1.0
KNN: 1.0
KMeans: [[ 1],[10]]
KMeans: [[2.28571429, 1.28571429], [6.69230769, 5.23076923]]
The final KMeans output may be different since you’ll use a random number generator to initialize your
cluster centers. Feel free to test out your code with other data, but you are provided with 6 data files
(specified in each section).
1 Decision Trees (60 Points)
File name: decision
Implement a function in python:
that takes training data as input. The labels and the features are binary, but the feature vectors can be
of any finite dimension. The training feature data (X) should be structured as a 2D numpy array, with
each row corresponding to a single sample. The training labels (Y) should be structured as a 1D numpy
array, with each element corresponding to a single label. Y should have the same number of elements as
X has rows. max depth is an integer that indicates the maximum depth for the resulting decision tree.
DT train binary(X,Y,max depth) should return the decision tree generated using information gain, limited
by some given maximum depth. If max depth is set to -1 then learning only stops when we run out of
features or our information gain is 0. You may store a decision tree however you would like, i.e. a list of
lists, a class, a dictionary, etc. Write-Up: describe your implementation concisely. Bulleted lists are okay!
Binary data for testing can be found in in data 1.txt and data 2.txt.
Implement a function in python:
that takes test data X and test labels Y and a learned decision tree model DT, and returns the accuracy (from
0 to 1) on the test data using the decision tree for predictions. Write-Up: describe your implementation
Implement the following function in python:
This function should take a single sample and a trained decision tree and return a single classification.
The output should be a scalar value. Write-Up: describe your implementation concisely.
622 Implement the following functions in python:
These functions are defined similarly to those above except that the features are now real values. The labels
are still binary. Your decision tree will need to use questions with inequalities: >, ≥, <, ≤. Write-Up:
describe your implementation concisely. Real-valued data for testing is provided in data 3.txt
2 Nearest Neighbors (20 points)
File name: nearest
Implement a function in python:
that takes training data, test data, and K as inputs. KNN test(X train,Y train,X test,Y test,K) should
return the accuracy on the test data. The training data and test data should have the same format as
described earlier for the decision tree problems. Your function should be able to handle any dimension
feature vector, with real-valued features. Remember your labels are binary, and they should be −1 for the
negative class and 1 for the positive class. data 4.txt has some test data for your KNN algorithm. Try
K = 1, K = 3, and K = 5. Write-Up: describe your implementation concisely.
622 Implement the following function in python:
that takes training data and validation data as inputs and returns a K value. This function must iterate
through all possible K values and choose the best K for the given training data and validation data. K
must be chosen in order to achieve the best accuracy on the validation data. Write-Up: describe your
implementation concisely.
3 Clustering (20 points)
File name:
Implement a function in python:
that takes feature vectors X and a K value as input and returns a numpy array of cluster centers C. Your
function should be able to handle any dimension of feature vectors and any K > 0. mu is an array of initial
cluster centers, with either K or 0 rows. If mu is empty, then you must initialize the cluster centers randomly. Otherwise, start with the given cluster centers. Write-Up: describe your implementation concisely.
data 5.txt and data 6.txt have some sample data for you to test out your implementation.
622 Implement the following function in python:
that takes feature vectors X and a K value as input and returns a numpy array of cluster centers C. Your
function should be able to handle any dimension of feature vectors and any K > 0. Your function will
run the above-implemented K Means(X,K,[]) function many times until the same set of cluster centers are
returned a majority of the time. At this point, you will know that those cluster centers are likely the best
ones. K Means better(X,K) will return those cluster centers. Write-Up: describe your implementation