This assignment provides introductory experiences with production systems, agents and working with
Python and LISP programming, plus a view of current practices in artificial intelligence.
This assignment consists of two sections:
1. Written problems to be turned in.
2. A Python and/or LISP programming assignment to be completed.
From the text:
Chapters 1 (Introduction), 2 (Artificial Intelligence)
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Written Problems to be turned in:
You should create a PDF with your answers to these questions. For Problem A, some of your
answers will also be submitted to an online form, so that we may assemble a class bibliography
of current events in AI.
Current Events – Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems (20 points) Visit the
ACM Tech News archives ( Find a current article
(i.e., appearing sometime since January 1, 2018) which deals with current events/research
/products, etc. in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Write a paragraph summarizing the main points of the article.
In a separate paragraph, you should discuss the societal impact of the technologies
discussed in the article, including benefits and harmful effects. Topics you might
consider include:
How do you think things will advance in the next ten years?
Is there a potential to apply the technology to application domains other than
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the current use?
What risks exist in the use of such technology? How might it be misused for
nefarious purposes? What inadvertent side effects might be realized? Is there
potential for distaster?
Speculate on how this technology can be used most effectively in the home,
workplace and entertainment industry of the future.
Some of these questions may not be applicable for the article you chose. However,
your paragraph should examine both potential benefits and harmful harmful effects
of the technology.
Write a description of 1-2 sentences that informs a potential reader what the article
contains. You will use this description as part of your submission to an online form,
along with title, author, date and location of the article (see “What to Submit”,
Production Systems (40 points – 20 points each): Specify a knowledge base, rules
(precondition/action pairs), initial state, state representation, and a goal/termination
condition for the following problems. Be as explicit as possible, providing a specific data
representation for the states and rules and showing how the results of applying a rule to a
state are determined. You do not need to solve the problem, or specify an algorithm for
solving the problem; possible algorithms for choosing between applicable rules will be
covered later:
Losing Your Marbles: Each of three baskets contains a certain number of marbles.
You may move from one basket into another basket as many marbles as are already
there, thus doubling the quantity in the basket that received the marbles. You must
find a sequence of moves that will yield the same number of marbles in the three
baskets (or decide that no such sequence exists).
The N Queens problem is to place N queens on an N×N chessboard, in such a way
that they are “mutually nonthreatening”, that is, none can attack any other. A chess
queen may move from one cell on the board to any other cell which is either either
in the same row, same column, or along the same diagonal.
Chapter 2 (Intelligent Agents) – 10 pts: For each of the following agents, develop a PEAS
description of the task environment (as in Figures 2.4-2.5 from the text), and characterize
the task environment (as in Figure 2.6):
an intelligent thermostat (e.g., the Nest Programmable Thermostat (
/thermostat/inside-and-out/#explore-your-nest)). You may wish to include features not
available for the Nest. If so, identify these.
intelligent television console – the problems here are a dizzying number of channels
and choices, numerous people in the household with different viewing preferences,
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2. Programming Assignment – Search/Functional Programming Beginnings (30 points) :
The purpose of this exercise is to develop some of the functions necessary to solve pegboard
problems, by formulating them as production systems. For the next several assignments, you
will be writing a Python program to solve this problem, using various search strategies. For
extra credit, you may additionally write a LISP program to solve it. For either language, you
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should use a functional programming approach and representation as described below (e.g., we
will use Python list representations which closely match their LISP counterparts). For this
assignment, you do not have to implement a solution strategy, other than the “flail wildly” search
strategy, which is used to demonstrate that your routines work.
Pegboard problems are single-player games played on a grid (or pegboard), in which moves are
made by successively jumping and removing pegs from the pegboard. A peg can jump an
adjacent peg if there is a slot adjacent to that peg in the opposite direction – horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally. After a peg has been jumped, it is removed from the board (and
possibly eaten). A typical objective of this problem is to begin with a full pegboard from which
one peg has been removed, and determine a sequence of jumps which will result in one peg
remaining, perhaps in the position from which the first peg was removed. A popular form of this
problem involves a rectangular pegboard with 4 slots on a side (see below), which proves to be a
challenging problem for a human being.
Representation Example
B A 9 8
7 6 5 4
3 2 1 0
FEDC BA98 7654 3210 1011 0010 1011 1111
The knowledge base for this problem consists of a m×n grid of slots. The state s will be a
partially filled-in grid. As shown above, each slot can be represented by a single bit, and
therefore a m×n grid can be represented by mn bits. In particular, the 4×4 grid shown in the
example can be represented by a single 16-bit unsigned integer.
A rule r can be characterized by the attributes (jumper, goner, newpos), which respectively refer
to the position of a peg that is about to jump (jumper), the position of the peg it jumps over
(goner), and the new position of the jumper (newpos). The rule is defined by the following
action and preconditions:
Action: change values in state s of jumper position to 0, goner position to 0, and newpos
position to 1.
Precondition: values of jumper, goner, newpos positions are respectively 1, 1, and 0.
For instance, in the example depicted above, the peg in position C can jump over the peg in
position 9 and land in position 6. The current state is 1011001010111111, a binary number
having the decimal value 45759. The rule r can be represented by the binary numbers
0001000000000000 (which has the decimal value 212=4096), 0000001000000000 (=29=512)
and 0000000001000000 (=26=64) . The result of applying the rule is placing a peg in position 6
(adding 26) and removing those in positions 9 and C (subtracting 29 and 212). The result
therefore is 1010000011111111, which has the decimal value 41215=45759+64-4096-512.
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Using this representation, write the following statements and functions, and test them using
Python, showing your output.
a. Assign a m×n grid filled with pegs in all but position 9 to initialState.
Write a function goal(state) which returns True if state equals the state with exactly 1
peg, in position 9.
Write a function applyRule(rule,state) which returns the value of applying a rule to a
given state. This does not change the value of state.
Write a function precondition(rule,state) which returns True if the given rule may
be applied to state, that is, the preconditions are satisfied. For instance, given the value
of state from the example above, the precondition for rule [C,9,6] is satisfied (and True
is returned) because slots C, 9 and 6 are consecutive slots along a diagonal, and there are
pegs in slot C and slot 9 and no peg in slot 6.
Write a function applicableRules(state) which calls precondition and returns a list
of all possible rules that may be applied to the current state, where rules have the form
described above. This should be a list of all possible rules which satisfy the preconditions
for the given state. For instance, for the value of state in the example above,
applicableRules should return [[C,D,E], [4,5,6], [3,7,B], [0,4,8], [2,5,8],
[C,9,6], [4,9,E], [0,5,A]] (in some order).
Write a function describeState(state), which prints the partially filled in grid
corresponding to state.
Write a function describeRule(rule), which explains the meaning of the given rule,
The peg in slot 4 jumps over the peg in slot 9 and lands in slot E.
Test these primitives by writing a routine flailWildly(state), which repeatedly tests
goal(state) and if a goal has not been reached, determines all applicable rules for the
current state, chooses one randomly and applies it. At each step, describe the current state,
describe each applicable rule, and describe which rule has been chosen. If no rules are
applicable, flailing stops with failure.
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All homework for this course must be submitted electronically using Bb Learn and Google Forms. Do
not e-mail your assignment to a TA or Instructor! If you are having difficulty with your Blackboard
account, you are responsible for resolving these problems with a TA, an Instructor, or someone from
IRT, before the assignment it due. It is suggested you complete your work early so that a TA can help
you if you have difficulty with this process.
For this assignment, you must submit:
to Bb Learn:
A PDF document with your answers to the “Written problems to be turned in”.
Your Python source code, written documentation for your program, and results of your
(Extra Credit) LISP source code for the programming exercise
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a Google Form (click here) :
information about the article you read, including title, author(s), date, URL and a 1-2
sentence summary description.
Strongly recommended. We strongly recommend using a compression utility (such as 7Zip –
download a free demo) so that you can compress your files into a single file (with a .zip extension)
and just upload it, rather than go through the tedious and error-prone process of uploading each file
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You must compose all program and written material yourself, including answers to book questions. All
material taken from outside sources must be appropriately cited. If you need assistance with this aspect
of the assignment, see a consultant during consulting hours.
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