CS 300: Programming II P08 Order Up!


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An incredibly common application of a queue is in a restaurant kitchen. Orders are generally added to the queue in the order in which they are placed, and then the one that’s been in the queue longest will be the next one filled. (In practice skilled chefs will have a more sophisticated queue system, but this is the general idea.) For this assignment you will implement a basic linked queue system to store Orders for a restaurant. Pay attention — we’ll be revisiting this idea later… Grading Rubric 5 points Pre-assignment Quiz: accessible through Canvas only until 11:59PM on 04/12. 15 points Immediate Automated Tests: accessible by submission to Gradescope. You will receive feedback from these tests before the submission deadline and may make changes to your code in order to pass these tests. Passing all immediate automated tests does not guarantee full credit for the assignment. 25 points Additional Automated Tests: these will also run on submission to Gradescope, but you will not receive feedback from these tests until after the submission deadline. 5 points Manual Grading Feedback: TAs or graders will manually review your code, focusing on algorithms, use of programming constructs, and style/readability. ©2021 Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 1 P08 Order Up! Pair Programming: NOT ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Spring 2021 Due: 11:59 PM CDT on WED 04/14 Learning Objectives The goals of this assignment are: ● Explore a basic linked queue implementation ● Learn to use Java’s Iterator and Iterable interfaces to enable enhanced-for loops ● Additional practice with object-oriented programming and unit test development Additional Assignment Requirements and Notes As you work on your code and before you submit your assignment, verify that: ▢ You have NOT added any instance or class constants, or instance or class variables, or public methods (including constructors) beyond what is defined or provided in this writeup. You are allowed to add private helper methods. ▢ You CAN have defined any local variables you may need to implement the methods in this specification. ▢ All methods, public or private, have their own Javadoc-style method header comments in accordance with the CS 300 Course Style Guide. You are allowed to use any text provided in your Javadoc comments. ▢ You have NOT submitted the provided Order, LinkedOrder, and QueueADT files to Gradescope. ▢ You have NOT imported anything into your files EXCEPT java.util.Iterator and java.util.NoSuchElementException. ▢ You have adhered to the Academic Conduct Expectations and Advice. If you’re feeling the strain of this incredibly difficult Spring 2021 semester and panicking, please don’t hesitate to contact your instructor. We understand, we’re feeling it too. We want you to succeed in this course, but not at the expense of your mental or physical health, or your academic integrity. We can always help you work something out. ©2021 Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 2 P08 Order Up! Pair Programming: NOT ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Spring 2021 Due: 11:59 PM CDT on WED 04/14 CS 300 Assignment Requirements You are responsible for following the requirements listed on both of these pages on all CS 300 assignments, whether you’ve read them recently or not. Take a moment to review them if it’s been a while: ● Academic Conduct Expectations and Advice, which addresses such questions as: ○ How much can you talk to your classmates? ○ How much can you look up on the internet? ○ What do I do about hardware problems? ○ and more! ● Course Style Guide, which addresses such questions as: ○ What should my source code look like? ○ How much should I comment? ○ and more! Getting Started 1. Create a new project in Eclipse, called something like P08 OrderUp. a. Ensure this project uses Java 11. Select “JavaSE-11” under “Use an execution environment JRE” in the New Java Project dialog box. b. Do not create a project-specific package; use the default package. 2. Download the following three (3) Java source files and add them to your project’s src folder: a. Order.java b. LinkedOrder.java c. QueueADT.java 3. Create three (3) additional Java source files within that project’s src folder: a. OrderIterator.java (implements java.util.Iterator, does NOT include a main method) b. OrderQueue.java (implements QueueADT and java.util.Iterable; does NOT include a main method) c. OrderQueueTester.java (includes a main method) Read through the provided source code files. Don’t alter them! You are not allowed to submit these files, so your code will use our versions of them (identical to what’s provided here). Order is a straightforward object, similar to P07’s Box class. LinkedOrder is a singly-linked list node, similar to P07’s LinkedBox class. QueueADT is an interface providing abstract methods for your queue to implement. ©2021 Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 3 P08 Order Up! Pair Programming: NOT ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Spring 2021 Due: 11:59 PM CDT on WED 04/14 Implementation Requirements Overview OrderQueueTester is your unit testing class. As before, your tester methods should be static boolean methods with no parameters. You are required to have the following methods exactly: ● public static boolean runAllTests() ○ Returns true if and only if all test methods succeed; false otherwise ● public static void main(String[] args) ○ Calls your runAllTests() method As you develop the rest of your program, you should create AT LEAST FOUR test methods of your own design, which you should call from runAllTests(). We will call your test methods on several OrderQueue implementations (some working, some broken) in our automated tests. Protect against exceptions! OrderIterator implements the Iterator interface. As such, it’s very short. It contains only one private data field: ● current, the LinkedOrder that it’s currently using And three public methods: ● public OrderIterator(LinkedOrder start) ○ Constructor, initializes current to the provided starting LinkedOrder. ○ Does not care whether the argument value is null. ● public boolean hasNext() ○ Returns true if and only if the iteration has more orders ● public Order next() throws NoSuchElementException ○ Throws a NoSuchElementException with a descriptive error message if the iteration does not have more orders to return. ○ Otherwise returns the next Order and updates the current field appropriately. STOP! Test your iterator in your tester file now. Create a chain of LinkedOrders using the provided LinkedOrder constructor and mutator method, then create an OrderIterator with the first LinkedOrder in the chain and verify that these methods work as you expect. (Next page…) ©2021 Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 4 P08 Order Up! Pair Programming: NOT ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Spring 2021 Due: 11:59 PM CDT on WED 04/14 OrderQueue implements the QueueADT AND Iterable interfaces. It contains three private data fields: ● front, a reference to the LinkedOrder at the front of the queue ● back, a reference to the LinkedOrder at the back of the queue ● size, an integer variable tracking the number of Orders currently in the queue The only methods you will need to implement for this class come from the two interfaces. From Iterable: ● public Iterator iterator() ○ Creates and returns a new OrderIterator beginning with the current value of front And as you add these methods from QueueADT, predict what they should do and TEST THEM: ● public void enqueue(Order newElement) ○ Adds a new LinkedOrder containing newElement to the back of the queue, updating the size variable and front/back references appropriately ● public Order dequeue() throws NoSuchElementException ○ Removes the next LinkedOrder from the front of the queue and returns its Order, updating the size variable and front/back references appropriately ○ Throws a NoSuchElementException if the queue is empty ● public Order peek() throws NoSuchElementException ○ Returns the Order from the LinkedOrder at the front of the queue without removing the LinkedOrder from the queue ○ Throws a NoSuchElementException if the queue is empty ● public boolean isEmpty() ○ Returns true if and only if the queue is empty OrderQueue must also contain the toString() method given on the next page. Do not modify this code. Additionally, be sure to watch Piazza for some sample output coming in the next few days… ©2021 Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 5 P08 Order Up! Pair Programming: NOT ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Spring 2021 Due: 11:59 PM CDT on WED 04/14 /** * Creates and returns a String representation of this OrderQueue * using an enhanced-for loop. For example, a queue with three Orders * might look like this: * 1001: fries (2) -> 1002: shake (1) -> 1003: burger (3) -> END * * @return A String representation of the queue */ @Override public String toString() { if (this.size == 0) return “”; String qString = “”; for (Order o : this) { qString += o.toString(); qString += ” -> “; } qString += “END”; return qString; } Assignment Submission Hooray, you’ve finished this CS 300 programming assignment! ** Before you submit ** go over the checklist on page 2 again, and verify that you’ve followed all the requirements listed there. Once you’re satisfied with your work, both in terms of adherence to this specification and the academic conduct and style guide requirements, submit your source code through Gradescope. For full credit, please submit ONLY the following files (source code, not .class files): ● OrderIterator.java ● OrderQueue.java ● OrderQueueTester.java If you submit any other files, you may lose points! Be careful. Your score for this assignment will be based on the submission marked “active” prior to the deadline. You may select which submission to mark active at any time, but by default this will be your most recent submission. ©2021 Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 6 P08 Order Up! Pair Programming: NOT ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Spring 2021 Due: 11:59 PM CDT on WED 04/14 Copyright Notice This assignment specification is the intellectual property of Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem, Hobbes LeGault, and the University of Wisconsin–Madison and may not be shared without express, written permission. Additionally, students are not permitted to share source code for their CS 300 projects on any public site. ©2021 Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 7