1 Purpose
In this project, you will be adapting your Simulation 4 code to build a pipelined
processor. Each pipeline register will be represented by its own struct; for
instance, the ID/EX pipeline register is represented by the struct ID EX. Just
like in a real processor, each pipeline register must contain all of the information
that is saved from one clock cycle to another; there will not be any global
Control struct (as there was in Simulation Project 4).
The core of each pipeline phase is an execute * function, which typically
will read from the pipeline register on the left, and write to the pipeline register
on the right. However, the details vary from phase to phase – so read the spec
Sim 5 will be a lot easier to write if you have Sim 4 to base it off of. So, if
you didn’t complete that project, your first step should be to finish it!
1.1 Required Filenames to Turn in
Name your C file sim5.c.
2 Required Instructions
Every student must implement the following instructions. (The instructions in
red will require you to expand the standard CPU design by adding extra control
bits, or extra values to existing controls.)
• add, addu, sub, subu, addi, addiu
(Treat the ’u’ instructions exactly the same as their more ordinary counterparts. Just use C addition and subtraction, using signed integers. Ignore
• and, or, xor, nor
• slt, slti
• lw, sw
• beq, bne, j
• andi, ori
• lui
• nop
Remember that the instruction NOP is all zeroes, which works out to be
sll $zero,$zero,0. You may implement the full SLL instruction if you
wish – but the only thing that you are required to do is to make sure
that a NOP instruction will work. (See below for some details about the
required ALU op.)
2.1 No Extra Instruction Requirement
Unlike Simulation 4, I am not requiring that you implement any extra instructions, beyond the list above. However, I’ve tried to implement the project in
such a way that it is possible to implement more, if you find that interesting.
2.2 Extended Control Values
Just like in Simulation 4, we’ll need to modify the standard CPU design a bit.
You must add the following features:
• Set ALUsrc=2 to indicate zero-extended imm16
• Set ALU.op=4 to select the XOR operation in the ALU
• Set ALU.op=5 if the operation is a NOP
(If you wish to do a full SLL implementation, that’s fine – but your design
must implement at least NOP, and it must use ALU.op=5 when it does.)
(This will be enough to pass the testcases that print out lots of debug data.)
In addition, as noted above, you must support other instructions as well –
but for those, you can decide how to implement them. While you can expect
that I will test them, I won’t print out debug data when I do.
3 Data Forwarding
In class, we’ve talked about two types of data forwarding: forwarding into the
ALU, and forwarding into the “Write data” port of the memory unit. In this
project, you will implement both.
Forwarding into the ALU is handled through the EX ALUinput* functions.
You will read control wires (both from your own pipeline register, and also from
the EX/MEM and MEM/WB pipeline registers), and return the correct value.
Of course, you will need to do this for both inputs.
In addition, you will implement forwarding into the “Write data” port of
the memory unit. The only time that this happens is when the data register
that you want to write was modified by the instruction just before the SW
3.1 Things to think about for the future…
There are some other possible places where you could forward in the MIPS
pipeline, which we haven’t discussed in class. You can simply ignore these for
your project (my testcases won’t test these). However, I wanted to include them
for completeness:
In our updated design, we do register compares in the ID phase (not in the
ALU). Thus, our ALU forwarding logic doesn’t help us! So, technically,
you really ought to stall the CPU if either of the two registers are being
modified are still in the pipeline.
• JR
This project doesn’t include the JR instruction – but it would have the
same issue as BEQ,BNE if it did!
In a real processor, a SYSCALL is basically a type of jump (to a fixed
address), and so forwarding isn’t an issue. And once the jump takes place,
you are running ordinary MIPS code (but inside the operating system),
so ordinary forwarding works well.
But in our simulation, I have special code to handle SYSCALL; it’s almost
like a magical, very powerful instruction. And the first step is that I read
To solve any worries about forwarding, you will notice that I always insert
NOPs into my code, before I call SYSCALL – at least, if there is a hazard to
4 Stalls
In this project, my code will ask your code whether a stall is required. You
must detect the conditions listed below, and request a stall if they occur. (Your
stall detection code always runs as part of ID.)
My code will handle the IF phase; if you ask for a stall, then I will stall the
IF as well. However, it will be your responsibility to make sure that the control
bits (in the ID/EX pipeline register) are all set to zero.
You must detect the following conditions:
• LW Data Hazard
We’ve discussed this in class: one instruction loads a value from memory
into a register, and the very next instruction wants to use that value in the
ALU. Stall the 2nd instruction, to insert an empty space between them.
This check must be precise. This means that you must look at the
opcode, and figure out exactly which registers you are actually reading.
Only stall if a real hazard exists. (For instance, ADDI should not stall
if the “hazard” only affects the rt register, since ADDI uses rt as a write
register, not a read register.)
• SW Data Register Hazard
This hazard occurs when a SW instruction plans to write a register to
memory, but the data register that it plans to write is being modified by
an instruction still in the pipeline.
There are two versions of this. If the instruction that writes to the register
is immediately before the SW, then you are required to solve this with
However, if the instruction that writes to the register is 2 clock cycles
ahead, then you can’t solve the problem with forwarding (unless we add
even more complexity to the processor), so in that case you must stall1
Bonus question: Why don’t you need to stall if there is a write which
is 3 clock cycles ahead???
5 Branches
Your CPU will implement conditional and unconditional branches. These will
be resolved in the ID phase; you will indicate when/if a branch is required, as
well as the destination of the branch (see the details below).
Of course, in a real CPU, there would already be an instruction in the IF
phase when a branch occurs. Two strategies are classically used; either the
instruction in IF is flushed (causing a NOP in the instruction stream), or else a
branch delay slot is used.
In our CPU simulation, we’ll use a third, simpler method – it isn’t technically correct, but it’s easy to understand: we will “magically” fetch the next
instruction (at the branch destination), and have it ready for execution in the
very next clock cycle.
However, you will be required to handle the ID/EX pipeline register. Since
you will be handling all of the branch logic in ID, this means that every branch
instruction (conditional or unconditional) must write all zeroes to the ID/EX
pipeline register2
6 The Phases
Generally, each phase reads from the pipeline register on the left, and writes to
the pipeline register on the right. The testcase will typically have two copies
1Sorry, you can’t make your processor smarter than this. If you do, you won’t pass the
If you choose to go beyond the required project, and implement the JAL instruction, then
you will need to do some sort of operation for JAL. But this is not necessary for any of the
required instructions.
of each pipeline register: the “old” and “new” values. The old values are the
contents of the register at the beginning of this clock cycle, and the new values
are the contents of the register at the end. Thus, you may write to the “new”
copy of each register, without worrying that you might be overwriting critical
data in the “old,” which might be needed by another pipeline phase during this
6.1 IF
The IF phase will be implemented by my testcases – however, your code in ID
will instruct it what to do.
6.2 ID
The ID phase is the most complex of all, because it has to implement both stall
and branch/jump logic. For this reason, there are several different function calls
which will occur:
• extract instructionFields()
This works exactly like Simulation 4.
• IDtoIF get stall()
This function asks if a stall is required. If you need to stall the ID phase,
return 1; if not, then return 0.
The parameters are the Fields of the current instruction, plus the ID/EX
and EX/MEM pipeline registers, for the two instructions ahead. This
function must not modify any of these fields – simply query to determine if a stall is required.
If a stall is required, then the IF phase will also stall; that is, you will see
this instruction repeated on the next clock cycle.
If you don’t recognize the opcode or funct (meaning that this is an invalid
instruction), return 0 from this function.
• IDtoIF get branchControl()
This asks the ID phase if the current instruction (in ID) needs to perform
a branch/jump. The parameters are the Fields for this instruction, along
with the rsVal and rtVal for this instruction.
If you return 0, then the PC will advance as normal. (If you ask for a
stall, then you must also return this branchControl value.)
If you return 1, then the PC will jump to the (relative) branch destination
– see calc branchAddr().
If you return 2, then the PC will jump to the (absolute) jump destination
– see calc jumpAddr().
If you return 3, then the PC will jump to rsVal. (You will not need to use
this feature unless you decide to add support for JR, just for fun.)
If you don’t recognize the opcode or funct (meaning that this is an invalid
instruction), return 0 from this function.
• calc branchAddr()
This asks you to calculate the address that you would jump to if you
perform a conditional branch (BEQ,BNE). This function should model a
simple branch adder in hardware – and thus, it will calculate this value
on every clock cycle, and for every instruction – even if there is no
possible way that it might be used.
Essentially, this is one of 4 inputs to a MUX – where the MUX is controlled by the branchControl value above. (My code in the IF phase will
implement this MUX.)
• calc jumpAddr()
This asks you to calculate the address that you would jump to if you
perform an unconditional branch (J
As with calc branchAddr(), this must calculate this value on every clock
cycle, and for every instruction – even if there is no possible way that it
might be used.
• execute ID()
This function implements the core of the ID phase. Its first parameter is
the stall setting (exactly what you returned from IDtoIF get stall()).
The next is the Fields for this instruction, followed by the rsVal and rtVal;
last is a pointer to the (new) ID/EX pipeline register.
Decode the opcode and funct, and set all of the fields of the ID EX struct.
(I don’t define how you might use the extra* fields.)
As in Simulation 4, you will return 1 if you recognize the opcode/funct;
return 0 if it is an invalid instruction.
6.3 EX
The EX phase includes the following functions:
• EX getALUinput1()
This function must return the value which should be delivered to input 1
of the ALU. The first parameter is the current ID/EX register; it also has
pointers to the current EX/MEM and MEM/WB registers.
This function must not modify any of the structs; it just returns a 32-bit
3This would also be used for the JAL instruction, if you decided to add support for that.
• EX getALUinput2()
This is the same function, but for ALU input 2. It must also handle
immediate values (see the ALUsrc control value).
• execute EX()
This function implements the core of the EX phase. It has a pointer to the
ID/EX pipeline register (which it must not modify), the two input values
(see above), and a pointer to the EX/MEM pipeline register (which it
must fill).
This phase must choose between the two possible destination registers
(rt,rd); store the chosen register into writeReg (a 5-bit field). Notice
that the regWrite control (1 bit) indicates whether we will write to a
register, and writeReg (5 bits) indicates which we will write to.
6.4 MEM
The MEM phase only includes a single function:
• execute MEM()
This function works more or less like execute MEM() from Simulation 4; it
may read or write memory. The only new feature is that you must handle
SW data forwarding – that is, the value that you write to memory might
come from the MEM/WB register ahead of you.
6.5 WB
The WB phase only includes a single function:
• execute WB()
This function works more or less like execute updateRegs() from Simulation 4; it may update a register.
7 A Note About Grading
Your code will be tested automatically. Therefore, your code must:
• Use exactly the filenames that we specify (remember that names are case
• Not use any other files (unless allowed by the project spec) – since our
grading script won’t know to use them.
• Follow the spec precisely (don’t change any names, or edit the files I give
you, unless the spec says to do so).
• (In projects that require output) match the required output exactly! Any
extra spaces, blank lines misspelled words, etc. will cause the testcase to
To make it easy to check, I have provided the grading script. I strongly
recommend that you download the grading script and all of the testcases, and
use them to test your code from the beginning. You want to detect any problems
early on!
7.1 Testcases
For assembly language programs, the testcases will be named test *.s . For
C programs, the testcases will be named test *.c . For Java programs, the
testcases will be named Test *.java . (You will only have testcases for the
languages that you have to actually write for each project, of course.)
Each testcase has a matching output file, which ends in .out; our grading
script needs to have both files available in order to test your code.
For many projects, we will have “secret testcases,” which are additional
testcases that we do not publish until after the solutions have been posted.
These may cover corner cases not covered by the basic testcase, or may simply
provide additional testing. You are encouraged to write testcases of your
own, in order to better test your code.
7.2 Automatic Testing
We have provided a testing script (in the same directory), named grade sim5.
Place this script, all of the testcase files (including their .out files if assembly
language), and your program files in the same directory. (I recommend that
you do this on Lectura, or a similar department machine. It might also work
on your Mac, but no promises!)
7.3 Writing Your Own Testcases
The grading script will grade your code based on the testcases it finds in the
current directory. Start with the testcases I provide – however, I encourage you
to write your own as well. If you write your own, simply name your testcases
using the same pattern as mine, and the grading script will pick them up.
While you normally cannot share code with friends and classmates, testcases are the exception. We encourage you to share you testcases – ideally
by posting them on Piazza. Sometimes, I may even pick your testcase up to be
part of the official set, when I do the grading!
8 Turning in Your Solution
Navigate to the folder that contains the folder sim5. Then run the command:
turnin cs252f21-sim5 sim5. Please turn in only your program; do not
turn in any testcases.
You must ensure that your folder is named sim5 and it contains files that
exactly match filenames described above in this spec.