CS 2223 Homework 5


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Q1. Breadth-First Search on undirected graph [50 pts]
Q2. Status Injective [25 pts]
Q3. Graph Properties [25 pts]
Bonus Question: Word Pyramid [1 pt]
Bonus Question: Spreadsheet [1 pt]
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Q1. Word Ladders: Breadth First Search Exercise (50 pts)
A word ladder is a word game invented by Lewis Carroll. A word ladder puzzle begins with two words of
the same length. To solve the puzzle, you must find a sequence of other words to link the two, in which
two adjacent words in successive steps differ by one letter.
For example, given the words COLD and WARM, the following is a sample word ladder:
Note how each successive word differs by exactly one letter from the prior word. While the sequence of
words can be quite long, the goal of this question is to come up with the shortest path given a dictionary
of valid English words (such as found in words.english.txt which you can find in the repository).
Here are the assumptions you can make:
1. All words in the word ladder are just four letters long. Use an AVL tree to store all these
2. You are to use a table SeparateChainingHashST table to store the
mapping from a four-letter word to an integer, representing that word’s vertex in the
undirected graph.
3. You are to use a table SeparateChainingHashST reverse to store the
reverse mapping from the integer vertex id to the four-letter word.
Modify the existing WordLadder class to solve this problem. Here are some hints:
1. Use an AVL tree (as implemented in algs.days.day18.AVL) to store all four-letter
English words. You can load up the “words.english.txt” file and add all four-letter words to this
AVL tree. Because it is an AVL tree, it will self-balance as words are inserted in ascending order.
a. As each word is added to the AVL tree, add an entry into table and reverse.
2. Next, create a graph, G, with the same number of vertices as there are words in table.
3. Now for the final trick, add an undirected edge (u, v) to this graph G if two words (Wu and Wv)
differ by just a single letter.
A final hint: how to process all pairs of words in the AVL tree? Consider the following:
String min = avl.min();
for (String w1: avl.keys()) {
for (String w2: avl.keys(min, w1)) { // will do one more check than necessary…

This will allow you to process all pairs of words (Wu and Wv). Note that you need to write logic to
determine if two Strings differ by just a single letter.
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Q2. Graph Properties (25 pts)
You are given a simple, undirected connected graph G = (V, E). For any vertex, v, in this graph you can
compute its status. The status of v is the sum of the shortest distances to every vertex in the graph
(recall that the distance of a vertex to itself is zero). Consider the graph below and designated vertex v.
The status of v is 8, since that is the accumulated sum of the shortest distance from v to every other
vertex in the graph. Note that this is not a status injective graph because two vertices have a computed
status of 8 as shown above.
Q2.1. [15 pts] Modify the Graph class to complete the implementation of the status(v) method
which returns the computed status for a given vertex, v, in the graph.
public int status(int v) { … }
Q2.2. [10 pts] A graph is classified as being status injective if the calculated status values for all nodes in
the graph are different integers. To convince you that such graphs exist, consider the following graph
which draws each vertex with its computed status value. As you can see, all of these values are distinct,
thus this is an example of a status injective graph.
public boolean statusInjective() { … }

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Q3. Graph Properties (25 pts)
Q3.1 [10 pts] The diameter of an undirected graph is the maximum number of edges between any pair
of vertices. To find the diameter of a graph, first find the shortest path between each pair of vertices.
The greatest length of any of these paths is the diameter of the graph.
public int diameter () { … }
You will need to modify the Graph class to complete this implementation. Note that in doing so, you
should also complete the following method that determines whether an undirected graph is connected.
public boolean connected() { … }
Q3.2 Copy algs.hw5.SearchCompare into your USERID.hw5 package and complete it. This class
takes in an undirected graph, G, and a source vertex, s. We have covered in class how BREADTH FIRST
SEARCH can compute a bfsDistTo[v] that records the shortest path from s to each vertex, v, in terms of
the total number of edges used in the path from s to v. Well, you can also compute a dfsDistTo[v]
that computes a similar value for a DEPTH FIRST SEARCH. This search is blind and makes no guarantee
regarding the length of the path it chooses from s to each vertex, v.
Define excess[v] = dfsDistTo[v] – bfsDistTo[v]. This value is always non-negative (can you see
why?) You must modify SearchCompare so it computes the sum of excess[v] for all vertices in a
graph from a designated vertex, s.
public static int excess (Graph G, int s) { … }
Once completed, you can execute SearchCompare on the sample tinyG.txt file (which you can copy
into your MyCS2223 project from the Algos-D19 project. I referred to this graph on lecture on day 20).
This graph has 13 vertices, and it should compute the following for a start vertex of 0:
bfsDistTo: [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, +, +, +, +, +, +]
dfsDistTo: [0, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 1, +, +, +, +, +, +]
As you can see, each dfsDistTo[v] value is greater than or equal to each bfsDistTo[v], and the
sum total of these differences is four, and this is the value that should be returned by calling
excess(G, s).
Q3.2.1 [5 pts] Produce correct answer for Excess on tinyG.txt file.
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Q3.2.2 [10 pts] For N in {4, 8, 16, 32, …, 1024} create a complete graph of N vertices – that is, every
vertex is connected by an undirected edge to every other vertex in the graph. As I have mentioned in
class, the total number of edges on a complete graph of N vertices is N*(N-1)/2. For the complete graph
of N vertices, G, your program should compute excess(G, 0) and output a table that looks like the
N Excess
4 3
8 21
16 105
32 465
64 …
128 …
256 …
512 …
1024 …
Q3.3 [1 pts] Bonus Question. Can you come up with a general formula, f(N) that computes the
computed excess(G, 0) for a complete graph?
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BONUS question: Word Pyramid [1 pt]
A word pyramid is a word game. A word pyramid puzzle begins with a word of N letters. To solve the
puzzle, you must find a sequence of other words, of decreasing size in length, until you reach a word
with just a single letter. To produce the next word in the sequence, remove a letter and form a new
word from the remaining letters
For example, given the starting word, RELAPSE, the following is a sample word pyramid:
Note how each successive word differs by exactly one letter from the prior word (and is an anagram of
the remaining letters). Each of the subsequent words must be a valid word (such as found in
words.english.txt which you can find in the repository).
Here are the assumptions you can make:
1. The length of the initial word will be seven characters or less.
2. You are to use a table SeparateChainingHashST table to store the
mapping from a word to an integer, representing that word’s vertex in the undirected graph.
3. You are to use a table SeparateChainingHashST reverse to store the
reverse mapping from the integer vertex id to its associated word.
This is a bonus question, so you are on your own. Feel free to create a new class based on the Q1 Word
Ladder class. Here is my sample output from a run:
Enter word to start from (all in lower case):
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BONUS question: SpreadSheet Application [1 pt]
Complete the sample spreadsheet application provided in the algs.hw5.ss package. You should copy
this entire package into your USERID.hw5 package and only modify the Spreadsheet class file.
When it is working, you can enter in values such as the following. Note that A1 contains the value 11 and
cell B1 is a copy of that value. Note that cell A1 uses the infix expression evaluator (modified for this
assignment) to compute value of arbitrary computations with cell references and numbers.
And when not-selected, you will see the computed values.
Note: this bonus question is not for the faint-hearted and is only worth a single point.