CS 2223 Homework 4


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Q1. Balanced AVL Binary Tree (20 pts)
AVL trees use rotation to self-balance as keys are inserted and removed. However, it is possible to insert
keys in a certain order to minimize – or even eliminate – any rotations.
For this assignment, copy the algs.hw4.Question1 class into your USERID.hw4 package. You will
see that it inserts the values form 1 to 12 (in ascending order) into an empty AVL tree and prints out the
number of rotations and the height of the final tree.
Q1.1 Remove Rotations (10 pts):
Come up with a different arrangement of these twelve numbers which, when inserted, constructs an
AVL tree with no rotations.
int[] values = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
List these values within the WrittenQuestions.txt file and modify Question1.java accordingly.
Q1.2 Model Number Of Rotations (10 pts):
Using StdRandom.shuffle() to rearrange the elements of an array, run a number of T=1,000
independent trials to compute the maximum number of rotations when inserting N randomly ordered
integers from 0 to N-1 into an empty AVL tree. Also compute the maximum height of the resulting tree.
Run your experiment for N=1, 3, 7, 15, up to 4095 (these are the powers of 2 minus one).
Your output should look like this:
N MaxHt. MaxRot
1 0 0
3 1 2
7 3 8
15 4 18

Q1.3 Bonus Question (1pt):
Find an ordering that produces a tree whose height is four or prove that one can’t exist.
Q1.4 Bonus Question (1pt):
Find an ordering that produces a tree whose height is five or prove that one can’t exist.
Q1.5 Bonus Question (1pt):
Come up with a formula f(N) that predicts the values computed in Q1.2 for both MaxHt. and MaxRot
when N is one less than a power of 2.
Q1.6 Bonus Question (1pt): Modify your formula to work with arbitrary N.
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Q2. Composite revisited (80 pts)
The AVL tree can store (key, value) pairs since it provides the behavior of a Symbol Table. You are to
take advantage of this to, once again, implement a Composite data type which represents a positive
integer greater than 1. According to the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, every integer greater than
1 is either a prime number itself or can be represented as the product of prime numbers. For example,
3042 = 2𝑥3𝑥3𝑥13𝑥13 which can be written more concisely as 3042 = 2𝑥3
. Using an AVL tree
representation, this value would be stored as follows.
package USERID.hw4;
public class Pair {
final Key key;
final Value value;
public Pair (Key k, Value v) {
this.key = k;
this.value = v;
public class Composite {
* Keep track of the AVL tree of factor/exponents based at this root.
* Each key is a BigInteger factor; each value is a power of that factor. */
AVL<BigInteger, Integer> tree = new AVL<BigInteger, Integer>();
// operations that you have to complete
public Composite(BigInteger val) { … }
public String toString() { … }
public boolean equals(Object o) { … }
public BigInteger value() { … }
public boolean isPrime() { … }
public boolean divisibleBy(BigInteger factor) { … }
public Composite multiply(Composite comp) { … }
public Composite gcd(Composite comp) { … }
public Composite lcm(Composite comp) { … }
Note: I have simplified this assignment by removing the “add” operation. In addition, a Composite
value cannot be 1. That is, it must truly represent a value > 1.
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Copy algs.hw4.Composite into USERID.hw4 and complete its implementation, using the AVL tree for
storing all (key, value) pairs of (factor, power). More documentation is found in the sample file.
The AVL tree has the following pairs() method which will prove useful. This returns all key values (in
order) as stored in the AVL tree within a Pair object.
* Returns all keys in the symbol table as an Iterable of pairs so
* we don’t lose the values.
* To iterate over all of the keys in the symbol table named st,
* use the foreach notation: for (Pair p : st.pairs()).
* @return all keys in the symbol table
public Iterable<Pair<Key,Value>> pairs() {
if (root == null) { return empty; }
return pairs(min(), max());
Note that Pair objects – as well as Composite objects – are immutable.
We will validate the output against the set of test cases in TestComposite that we develop for the
grading. Individual breakdown of points is found on the rubric. There is a PerformanceTest included
which reveals the total time to compute (𝑛!)
for standard values of 𝑛 (to run this performance test,
copy it to your USERID.hw4 package and execute).
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Q3. Bonus Question (1 point)
The binary tree structure can be reused to implement a binary heap and thus implement a priority
// For a Node in a BinaryMaxHeap, it is certain only that the key is greater
// than the keys in either the left or the right child (should they exist).
class Node {
Key key;
Value value;
Node left, right; // left and right subtrees
Node (Key k, Value v) { this.key = k; this.value = v; N = 1;}
int N;
public String toString() { return “[key=” + key + “, value=” + value + “]”; }
A Node in a BinaryMaxHeap (whose class you should copy into your USERID.hw4 to complete)
represents a (key, value) pair where the key is greater than (or equal) to the keys in either the left child
or the right child (if they exist). The following is a sample binary max heap:
As you can see, we are no longer requiring the “heap shape property” as we did before when a heap
was stored in an array. All that matters is that, for each node, its key is larger then the keys in either of
its two children.
Complete the implementation of BinaryMaxHeap which offers the interface that we defined earlier for
a priority queue, and then the BonusQuestion will properly execute and show an output as follows: