CS 1501 Project 2


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To understand the innerworkings and implementation of the LZW compression algorithm, and to gain a better
understanding of the performance it offers.
As we discussed in lecture, LZW is a compression algorithm that was created in 1984 by Abraham Lempel,
Jacob Ziv, and Terry Welch. In its most basic form, it will output a compressed file as a series of fixed-length
codewords. This is the approach implemented in the LZW code provided by the authors of the textbook. As we
discussed in class, variable-width codewords can be used to increase the size of codewords output as the
dictionary fills up. Further, once the dictionary fills up, the algorithm can either stop adding patterns and
continue compression with only the patterns already discovered, or the algorithm can reset the codebook to
find new patterns. The LZW code provided by the textbook authors simply continues to use patterns added to
the codebook.
For this project, you will be modifying the LZW source code provided by the authors of the text book to use
variable-width codewords, and to optionally reset the codebook under certain conditions. With these changes in
hand, you will then compare the performance of your modified LZW code with the provided LZW code, and
further with the performance of a widely used compression application of your choice.
1. Download copies of the 14 example files from here.
Do not upload these files to your Box folder!
2. Make a copy of LZW.java named MyLZW.java . You will be modifying this file for your assignment.
Note that LZW.java is the example LZW code provided by the textbook.

3. Before making the required changes to MyLZW.java , you will need to read through the code, and run
example compressions/expansions to understand how it is currently working. Note that LZW.java (and
hence your MyLZW.java ) requires the following library files (also developed by the textbook authors):
BinaryStdIn.java , BinaryStdOut.java , TST.java , Queue.java , StdIn.java , and
StdOut.java . These files have already been added to your repository.
4. With a firm understanding of the provided code in hand, you can proceed to make the following changes
to MyLZW.java :
Make it so that the algorithm will vary the size of the output/input codewords from 9 to 16 bits.
The codeword size should be increased when all of the codewords of a previous size have been used
Modify the code to have three options when the codebook is filled up (i.e., when all 16-bit codewords
have been used):
1. Do Nothing mode Do nothing and continue to use the full codebook (this is the mode
implemented by LZW.java ).
2. Reset mode Reset the dictionary back to its initial state so that new codewords can be added.
Be careful to reset at the appropriate place for both compression and expansion, so that the
algorithms remain in sync. This is very tricky and may require alot of planning in order to get it
working correctly.
3. Monitor mode Initially do nothing (keep using the full codebook) but begin monitoring the
compression ratio whenever you fill the codebook. Define the compression ratio to be the size of
the uncompressed data that has been processed/generated so far divided by the size of the
compressed data generated/processed so far (for compression/expansion, respectively). If the
compression ratio degrades by more than a set threshold from the point when the last codeword
was added, then reset the dictionary back to its initial state. To determine the threshold for
resetting you will take a ratio of compression ratios [(old ratio)/(new ratio)], where old ratio is the
ratio recorded when your program last filled the codebook, and new ratio is the current
compression ratio. If the “ratio of ratios” exceeds 1.1, then you should reset.
For example, if the compression ratio when you start monitoring is 2.5 and the compression ratio
at some later point is 2.3, the ratio of ratios at that point would be 2.5/2.3 = 1.087, so you should
not reset the dictionary. Continuing, if your compression ratio drops to 2.2, the ratio of ratios
would become 2.5/2.2 or 1.136. This means that your ratio of ratios has exceeded the threshold
of 1.1 and you should now reset the dictionary. Be very careful to coordinate the code for both
compression and expansion so that it works correctly.
You cannot encode either a codeword size switch or a codebook reset into the compressed
file using a delimiter or sentinel codeword. You must have your compression/expansion code
detect when to switch codeword sizes and reset based only on the state of the codebook.
The mode to be used should be chosen by the program during compression. Whichever mode is
used to compress a file should also be used to expand the file. However, you should not require the
user to state the mode to use for expansion. The mode used to compress a file should be stored at
the beginning of the output file, so that it can be automatically retrieved during expansion. To
establish the mode to be used during compression, your program should accept 3 new command line
n for Do Nothing mode
r for Reset mode
m for Monitor mode
Note that the provided LZW code already accepts a command line argument to determine whether
compression or expansion should be performed ( – and + , respectively), and that input/output
files are provided via standard I/O redirection ( < to indicate an input file and > to indicate an
output file). Hence, your new arguments should be handled in addition to what is provided. For
example, to compress the file foo.txt to generate foo.lzw using Reset mode, you should be
able to run:
java MyLZW – r < foo.txt > foo.lzw
Similarly, to expand foo.lzw into foo2.txt , you should run:
java MyLZW + < foo.lzw > foo2.txt
Note that this example does not overwrite foo.txt . This is a good approach to take in testing
your programs so that you can compare foo.txt and foo2.txt to ensure that they are the
same file.
5. Once all of the required changes have been made to MyLZW.java , you should evaluate its
performance on the 14 provided example files: all.tar , assig2.doc , bmps.tar ,
code.txt , code2.txt , edit.exe , frosty.jpg , gone_fishin.bmp , large.txt ,
Lego-big.gif , medium.txt , texts.tar , wacky.bmp , and winnt256.bmp . Specifically,
for each of the provided example files, measure the original file size, compressed file size, and
compression ratio (original file size / compressed file size) when compressed using the following
The unmodified LZW.java program (i.e., 12-bit codewords)
Your MyLZW.java (variable width codewords) using Do Nothing mode
Your MyLZW.java (variable width codewords) using Reset mode
Your MyLZW.java (variable width codewords) using Monitor mode
Another existing compression application of your choice (e.g., 7zip, WinZIP, gzip, bzip2). You should
organize your results of these compressions/expansions into a table in a text file named
results.txt and submit it along with your code.
Upload your submission to the provided Box folder named cs1501-p2-abc123 , where abc123 is
your Pitt username.
DO NOT upload the example files to your Box folder.
DO NOT upload any IDE package files.
You must name the primary driver for your program MyLZW.java , and it must be outside of any
You must be able to compile your program by running javac MyLZW.java .
You must be able to run your program as shown in the above examples.
You must fill out info_sheet.txt .
The project is due at the precise date and time stated above. Upload your progress to Box frequently,
even far in advance of this deadline. No late assignments will be accepted. At the deadline, your Box
folder will automatically be changed to read-only, and no more changes will be accepted. Whatever is
present in your Box folder at that time will be considered your submission for this assignment—no other
submissions will be considered.
In the authors’ code, the bits per codeword ( W ) and number of codewords ( L ) values are constants. In
MyLZW , you will need them to be variables. As the bits per codeword value increases, so does the
number of codewords value.
The TST the authors use can grow dynamically, so it does not matter how large the dictionary will be.
However, for the expand() method, an array of String ( String[] ) is used for the dictionary. Make
sure this is large enough to accommodate the maximum possible number of codewords!
Carefully trace what your code is doing as you modify it. You only have to write a few lines of code for this
program, but it could still require a substantial amount of time to get to work properly. The trickiest parts
occur when the bits per codeword values are increased and when the dictionary is reset. I recommend
Submission Guidelines
Additional Notes and Hints
tracing these portions of code, either on paper or with output statements, to make sure your compression
and expansion sections are treating them correctly. One idea is the have an extra output file for each of
the compress() and expand() methods to output any trace code. Printing out (codeword, string)
pairs in the iterations just before and after a bit change or reset is done can help you a lot to synchronize
your code properly.
Be especially careful with the dictionary reset and monitor compression ratio options. These are very tricky
and take alot of thought to get to work. Think about what happens when the dictionary is reset and what is
necessary to do in the compress() and expand() methods. I recommend getting the variable
width codeword part of the program to work first, and then moving on to implementing Reset mode and
Monitor mode.
Start on this project early! Not only will the implementation be tricky, but you will need to finish the
programming portion of your project with enough time left over to gather results using your code to
compress the example files.
Note that LZW.java (and consequently your MyLZW.java ) rely on redirecting standard in and
standard out to the input and output files (respectively). An overview of I/O redirection can be found here.
Note that a consequence of this is that any text printed to standard out (i.e., via
System.out.println() ) will be redirected to the output file instead of the terminal. Standard error,
however, should still be displayed to the terminal, and hence, you can use System.err.println()
to output debugging information. This I/O redirection may also complicate running MyLZW from some
IDEs. If you are having trouble running MyLZW from your IDE, please try to run your program from the
command line.
Consider the notes in LZW.java (and TST.java ) concerning the speed of the substring()
function. In order to run your experiments more quickly, you may want to edit MyLZW.java and
TST.java to remove all calls to substring() . There is no penalty for continuing to use
substring() for this assignment, but you will experience noticeably slow performance.
Feature Points
Command-line arguments are interpreted as specified 10
Variable-width keywords (9–16 bits) working properly 25
Reset mode implemented and working properly 20
Monitor mode implemented and working properly 20
Grading Rubric
Experimental results Points
Unmodified LZW.java 4
Variable-width codewords ( MyLZW.java ) with Do Nothing mode 4
Variable-width codewords ( MyLZW.java ) with Reset mode 4
Variable-width codewords ( MyLZW.java ) with Monitor mode 4
An appropriate popular compression application 4
Other Points
Assignment info sheet/submission 5