CPSC 359 Assignment 3 SNES Controller Device Driver


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Objective: Build a simple device driver for a SNES controller. The driver will be used in the next assignment as the primary input device for your interactive game. This assignment is a step towards building the interactive video game in Assignment 4. Write clean modular code that can be easily used in Assignment 4. Try to keep the same teams between Assignment 3 and Assignment 4. The team size for these two assignments is up to 3 members. Deliverables: 1. Print creator name(s) at the beginning. 2. Print “Please press button…”. 3. Wait for user input. 4. If user presses a button, print a message on the screen indicating the button pressed. 5. Loop back to step 2 if any key other than START is pressed. 6. Pressing the “START” button will end the program displaying an exit message. Example session: Notes: 1. Use at least the following subroutines: a. Init_GPIO: this subroutine initializes a GPIO line, the line number and function code must be passed as parameters. The subroutine does not have to be general: it just needs to work for the three SNES lines. b. Write_Latch: writes a bit to the GPIO latch line c. Write_Clock: writes a value to the GPIO Clock line d. Read_Data: reads a bit from the GPIO data line e. Wait: waits for a time interval, passed as a parameter. f. Read_SNES: main SNES subroutine that reads input (buttons pressed) from a SNES controller. Returns the code of a pressed button in a register. g. Print_Message: prints an appropriate message to the UART terminal (Press a button, You pressed X, etc ..) The message address is passed as a parameter. Created by: John Smith and Sarah Smith Please press a button… (User Presses Joy-pad RIGHT button) You have pressed Joy-pad RIGHT Please press a button… (User Presses Y button) You have pressed Y Please press a button… (User Presses START button) Program is terminating… You may use our supplied UART I/O subroutines that were used in the previous assignment. 2. Submit a tar-ball of your entire project directory, including makefile, source code, objects and compiled kernel.img, as a file named c359–a3.tar.gz Grading: 1. Display creator names & messages 1 2. Correctly reading/printing buttons 10 3. Following APCS 4 4. Using subroutines 6 5. Loop back (not “START”) 2 6. Well documented code 2 Total 25 points Programs that do not compile cannot receive more than 5 points. Programs that compile, but do not implement any of the functionality described above can receive a maximum of 7 points. Teams: You are advised to work with two other students in class in order to complete the assignment, but you are not required to do so. You and your partner must be in tutorials taught by the same TA. Peer evaluation in teams may be conducted. Keep in mind that it is preferable to keep this same team for Assignment 4. Submission: Submit your source code to the drop box on D2L. Only one submission per team is required. Late Submission Policy: Late submissions will be penalized as follows: -12.5% for each late day or portion of a day for the first two days -25% for each additional day or portion of a day after the first two days Hence, no submissions will be accepted after 5 days (including weekend days) of the announced deadline Academic Misconduct: Any similarities between assignment submissions will be further investigated for potential academic misconduct. Code sharing with a different group is prohibited. Code sharing includes looking at others’ code on paper and on the computer screen. Discussions with other groups can only be carried out at the concept level. While you are encouraged to discuss the assignment with your colleagues, your final submission must be your team’s original work. Any re-used code in excess of 10 lines must be acknowledged and cited. Violation of this policy may be considered academic misconduct. If unsure, always check with your instructor or TA. D2L Marks: Any marks posted on D2L or made available using any other mean are tentative and are subject to change (after posting). They can go UP or DOWN due to necessary corrections.